What is "Real" Hip Hop?


ill o.g.
After reading the whole 3 6 Oscar thread, I kept noticing that people keep referring to "real" hip hop, what it is, and what it ain't. Matter fact, I see that all over the site. I was curious as to what y'all consider hip hop. Personally, I think hip hop is much bigger than just the music. It's a state of mind. A way of life. A movement. To say that cats like D4L (Laffy Taffy) and Ying Yang ain't hip hop is crazy. The fact that D4L is making money off that song alone is what hip hop is all about. Grindin', hustlin', and making a living doing what you enjoy. From a music standpoint, I do thing D4L is pure hot garbage. But as far as culture, they are hip hop. The irony of it is that Mos Def can do a song called Ms. Fat Booty, Nas can do Oochie Wallie, Comm can do a song about Pimpin' Hoes, Kanye can do a song about being addicted to sex, and we consider them hip hop. Is the message in those songs that much different from what D4L, or Ying Yang, or 3 6 be talkin' bout? Are we categorizing the message or the messenger. Alot of heads classify east coast rap as real hip hop, and classify everything else as crunk music, west coast rap, etc. Music genres come a dime a dozen, but hip hop culture is much bigger. Dave Chapelle, to me, is hip hop, and he don't even rap. AI is hop hop. Ali was hip hop. Marvin Gaye, Gil Scott, Sam Jackson, Malcolm, shit, I could go on and on. But that's me......what do y'all think about it?

The Bastard

hollaatroy said:
After reading the whole 3 6 Oscar thread, I kept noticing that people keep referring to "real" hip hop, what it is, and what it ain't. Matter fact, I see that all over the site. I was curious as to what y'all consider hip hop. Personally, I think hip hop is much bigger than just the music. It's a state of mind. A way of life. A movement. To say that cats like D4L (Laffy Taffy) and Ying Yang ain't hip hop is crazy. The fact that D4L is making money off that song alone is what hip hop is all about. Grindin', hustlin', and making a living doing what you enjoy. From a music standpoint, I do thing D4L is pure hot garbage. But as far as culture, they are hip hop. The irony of it is that Mos Def can do a song called Ms. Fat Booty, Nas can do Oochie Wallie, Comm can do a song about Pimpin' Hoes, Kanye can do a song about being addicted to sex, and we consider them hip hop. Is the message in those songs that much different from what D4L, or Ying Yang, or 3 6 be talkin' bout? Are we categorizing the message or the messenger. Alot of heads classify east coast rap as real hip hop, and classify everything else as crunk music, west coast rap, etc. Music genres come a dime a dozen, but hip hop culture is much bigger. Dave Chapelle, to me, is hip hop, and he don't even rap. AI is hop hop. Ali was hip hop. Marvin Gaye, Gil Scott, Sam Jackson, Malcolm, shit, I could go on and on. But that's me......what do y'all think about it?


ill o.g.
some people hate on D4L cuz that laffy taffy beat sounds retarded. if that song had a more crunk style beat people would put them in the same type of genre as ying yang twins.. I think.
ya that real hip hop fake hip hop, i duno its talked about too much. some people just say good or bad hip hop. i think it was some people on illmuzik. good way to go.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
funny that, i was thinkin the same thing.

"What is real hip hop?" "What is hip hop to you?" "what is the definition of hip hop?"

I bet if we looked we could find threads with those exact names just in like, the last week.


Knox Raw said:
Hollatroy- Cosign!!!!! HipHop is what you make it. "No idea is original" (thanks Nas!). It's all about interpertation. Different areas are going to do it different ways. Your surroundings are going to determine what kind of art you make.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Again, I hate all this tree huggin hippe crap: "Oh, hip-hop is undefinable, it's everything. It's what you want it to be". No, it's not.

Hip-Hop is the culture, rap music is a whole other thing. Rap music could be divided in alot of sub-genres, or genres in it's own (like it or not). Some of them are more true to the culture than others.


ill o.g.
but nowadays hip hop aint even art..turn on the radio and watch tv and ull see how much "art" is being played...the only real hip hop track i heard and seen on mtv in a while wuz "Lovin it" by Little Brother and 9th Wonder..everything else is bullshyt..anybody in this thread can bitch and say why does it gotta be underground or w.e to be real but the music now shows no art or originality cuz every video got a club scene and thick bitches ..wheres the creativity..its recycled garbage that needs to be taken out..

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
I think "real hip hop" is mainly referred to songs that aren't meant for the current "clubs". Usually its stuff that makes you think and stuff that forces you to listen and use your mind to get the full benefit of the song, instead of somethin that you just dance to and dont give a shit what they are sayin. This style of "message" is most associated with east coast genre beats so they pretty much go hand in hand. As far as the "messenger" goes, I think the artists history has a lot to do with how you percieve a song. Common and tribe called quest have their whole style associated with "real issues of society" so even when they do a song about sex or pimps and hoes we know its comming from an intellect perspective.


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Real hip hop shows an unbiased, objective view of life, from the positive to the negative to the mundane. Whether that be in the form of life, death, birth, love, hatred, WHATEVER, it presents reality in a creative manner that each individual can evaluate and analyze uniquely. Now, if this means it's in the form of Common talking about abortion ("Retrospect for Life"), lust ("Go"), love ("Come Close"), WHATEVER the aspect in life, he presents it in a way that's unbiased, unadulterated, creative, and honest. To me, that's what hip hop is. To the guy next to me, it may be the exact opposite. Or something kinda similar. It's going to be different for everyone. You don't go to the shoe store and buy the exact same size as everyone else do you?


EDIT: To remain unbiased about it, I DO have to say that ANYONE who exploits any particular aspect to me, is outside of these parameters. So, if... lets say... Cannie Bust is a rapper that comes out ultra aggressive and makes a niche for himself as having something to prove FOREVER, or Cubed Ice is a rapper that expresses a hardcore, fuck-you-pay-me hoe-smacking narrative that he and his peers only can relate to, or Yang Bang are a duet of rappers from the south with a style that revolves around partying, promiscuity, superficiality, and riding trends, or WHOEVER.... those artists fill in certain holes in hip hop. Without them, lame or good, wack or creative, there is no balance, and real hip hop won't shine, it'll just become monotonous with the rest of the sound. You GOTTA express all of it, or it won't be complete. From the individual artist, to a specific type of hip hop, to hip hop as a whole, to MUSIC as a whole, to A R T as a whole, the more you zoom out a little bit and see more of the picture, the more you realize that just because you may not like a particular style or subject or individual or aspect, that doesn't take away from it's necessity.

But, I gotta disagree with Stress. I pimp the HELL out of Wal-Mart clothes, and I keeps it gully. But not that rediculous kinda gully with the matching headband, wristband, velour suit, roach-skin boots kinda gully.... more like the "I can fit into any crowd but still shine when I want to" kinda gully.

Plus I'm a cheap bastard.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Real hiphop has heart and soul and legitimacy be it whatever the content - fake hiphop on the other hand is a plastic packaged and branded flavor of the month that will fade quicker then yer favorite gap jeans.


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Relic said:
^good point there, I'm tired of this topic tho.

Topics like this get played out real quick because some people remain TOO nostalgic and focus on the classic material of last decade instead of the history and classic material being created right in FRONT of us today. I think that's because it's easy to accept a general opinion of what's good music from the past (past year, 5 years, 10 years, whatever) than to form our own opinions.

People are afraid to have their own style... no one seems to want to be the outsider.

SOOoooooooo.... until the majority of us get over our insecurities and obsessions with the past, "hip-hop" will remain DJ Premier, or A Tribe Called Quest, or Wu Tang, or NWA, or Biggie (by no means am I shitting on these artists... if you'd ask THEM, I'm QUITE sure their opinion on what's hip hop becoming doesn't involve themselves playing a major role. It's pretty damn respectable to have a small contribution to a whole, and be respected for that contribution, and to accept the reality of the situation. If your reign lasted a year or 20, so long as you accept the truth and try to move FORWARD instead of backwards, that's admirable.)

A Tribe Called Quest broke up for a reason. Their fall from the top was quite graceful. I wish Wu-Tang could have done it like that.. Unless they haven't reached their peak yet. I hope.

Why the hell am I ranting at 1:30 am completely off topic? I have no idea. Why the hell am I asking redundant questions either?

And I'm not even under the influence.
