^^^, true. Phrase sampler actualy means that this sampler is biased towards remixing. In that you sample whole loops/sequences ( phrases ) in order to be sequenced instead of sampling individual instrument and writing a " naked " score ( midifile ). Some samplers are fit to do so, some are not capable of working with/processing large files. The bad ass professional samplers are not typed as phrase samplers, but are well capable of doing the same but lack issues like fixing length to bpm, which is a phrasing feature.
Other phrase samplers are trackers like FLstudio, check out the fix box down left at the SMP tab in your channel setting. Take a loop and rightclick/select auto on the display box. If your loop is a 16 step at normal bpm ( not double ) you can set it to 16, set it to 32 and it's twice as fast. Any altering of pitch unaffects the fixed loop, you increase bpm than all the fixed loops will increase to it. If you loops are cut correctly you can switch to different tempo's so loop comes out better ( go up on the tempo a bit to improve the quality of the recorded sample ).