What don't you like about major labels today?


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Dear All:

I'm just wondering what you all don't like about major labels today. Is it because major labels haven't given people a fair shake at CD prices... or online music?

Post your gripes here!



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
My list of grievances!

1. CD prices way out of control
2. Signing acts only with the concern of making money, not the actual talent or quality of the music, and not taking the time to market new acts that might sell but unwillingness to take chances with new music.
3. Large differences between underground music charts and what they push and market to the mainstream airwaves.
4. Indirect but Complete control of Radio Station Formats




This is not an attempt to praise Eminem, but my "producer" partner saw/heard some news/documentary about the music industry or something like that, and they mentioned, that with all the illegal albums and illegal download out there, Eminem's (and his Shady crew) where "responsible" for that fact that the major labels involved not going bankrupt. Its obvious that major labels are signing weak shit if only one artist is responsible.

Other than that, I also think BigD summed it up quite well.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Hiphop is slowly innovative while it's potential should be or actualy has a far more progressive character cq. potential. The current (main)stream of $$$talent are too transparent products of major labels to be called skilled,not even talking about original and still within the concept of hiphop in it's purest form. With all due respect, I don't refer Outkast to hiphop these days but to pop in general, just to make an example. Eminem just sounds all and the same, his context is mostly about his mother, I mean, there more to hiphop than the current corperate chart can put together. As far as I am concerned there will always be more talent in the underground which will never be positivly exploited because the major labels will stick to their conservative believes on how to make a lucrative formula. They rule the industry, they have and generate the money and some hiphop ( like 80% ) wont ever fit in this formula unless you adapt to their progressive moods. Than you remain making bucks which is what eventualy matters, I wont be going into this with a single hit or with merely hiphop to exploit if it comes to money as a main concern. I would produce anything in order to exploit except my personal defintion of how hiphop should be. That remains without reasons for commercial exploit, the further from it the better in my case. I'd definitly reconsider when the industry would support the underground some more but I dont see that happening, not for the better anyway when talking about skills, quality, I mean damn, I like Toxic by Britney tenfold to any hiphop in the charts right now. I'm only curious to see how Jean Grae's development @ Roccafello continues to grow for what skills, taste and quality goes. I hope she remains the same but I fear for a stream of commercial head-collabos instead of a full solo with underground features. Not talking about the lucrative side to it, because up there you make bucks and that's a reality.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
So many good points Formant!!

"I hope she remains the same but I fear for a stream of commercial head-collabos instead of a full solo with underground features. Not talking about the lucrative side to it, because up there you make bucks and that's a reality."

This is also sooo true.
Its ongoing cycle that happens over and over....Its HIGHLY RARE to see a true undergrounder make it and stay true to what he/she was to begin with.

Thats also what make tha MainStream wack in my opinion....Its like a heard of suckers who didnt have big enough balls to stick it out and be true to THEIRSELVES and their MUSIC....Thats HEART if you can do that.


Equality 7-2521

yeah i agree.

but underground simply doesnt sell....as far as the masses are concered. poeple dont want to hear a dark beat with someone spitting some abstract siht at 100 km an hour. its too hard for them.

i also dont expect major lables to start supporting underground. they know what sells and will stick to that.

but yeah i have the same gripes.......most major lable shit is straight up wack.......you cant even cal it Hiphop. most of the time they need music videos with hoes up in them to support their wack music.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
So true...I mean i like titties and i like ass all very much...but when was tha last time you saw a video on mtv that simply showed tha mc rockin tha mic and doin what an mc really does...Its all about visual images and sucking tha audience into this false reality thats just complete bullshit....thats why i say that shits basically brainwashin yer ass...I hate tv for shit like that ya know?

I mean its really become a standard these days and its so much of a staple on tv now that people dont even think twice about it, and instead just think its normal and whats cool and buy into that shit...

I would say that MTV especially doesnt really even show or for that matter support MUSIC anymore...its all tha same shit now and theres NO SUBSTANCE....hella reality shows and stupid shit to fill tha time slots, and then when you finally get to see a video its tha same shitty shit...thats horrible in my opinion....Its like wheres tha talent? Its clearly out there....theres a ton right here showing that good music is around.

So in return, large leaders in tha MEDIA (tha sole controllers of what music gets ultimately promoted by globaly) - are shows like MTV and tha shitty ass radio.....Basically theres tha press too, but i cant front on tha HUGE impact that MTV alone has on our nation in defining whats cool in music, more so WHAT HIPHOP IS THESE DAYS...It drives me fucking crazy....and thats why i dont listen to tha radio or watch any tv, little alone MTV....



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Originally posted by Mr. Messenger
yeah i agree.

but underground simply doesnt sell....as far as the masses are concered. poeple dont want to hear a dark beat with someone spitting some abstract siht at 100 km an hour. its too hard for them.

i also dont expect major lables to start supporting underground. they know what sells and will stick to that.

but yeah i have the same gripes.......most major lable shit is straight up wack.......you cant even cal it Hiphop. most of the time they need music videos with hoes up in them to support their wack music.

I knows it will never happen, the market is just too small to tolerate good hiphop in addition to the bad n tasteless hiphop. But I wouldn't say that people dont want to hear good underground, whatever it sounds like. After all, people dont know because they wont make the effort to find out, that's why the majority who "are hiphop" dont know any artist besides those in the charts. Underground hiphop fanatics will take their means to find out what's available in the underground and probably still know what's going on in the charts since it's hard to ignore and thats the difference. If a music industry would appeal and focus to true sincere talent and not their own formula, a product assembled by their narrow perspective of commercial succes than the amount of commercial exploit would be much bigger meaning more compitition and new breed major labels. The way it looks like now is that they keeping it like this because there's an obvious monopoly game being played a the few majors who basicly rule the whole charts. Untill this stops there's no way that underground would be a means of making lucrative business in what you can depend on for making a living.

Untill then I be exploiting pop music and commercial house hehehe.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I think anybody whi isnt hip to whats been said in this thread otta read tha whole thing through...cuz this is basically a school session for how tha industry really works and what it feeds upon...

Honestly, thanks to formant, MEss, and Big D...i think this is tha best thread yet to break down tha truth of tha monster we call mainstream regarding all music, but mainly of course Hiphop.

Awsome thread to everybody who contributed...this shit should be published in tha next remix or something!hehe...



Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Here's an interesting twist: do you think that "mainstream" stuff you don't like is what the masses in fact want, since they are buying it? Or do you think that the masses don't have an option, and thus purchase what is in the mass media without looking deeper into media like the internet, where more options are available?

I will post more of my actual thoughts on this when I have more than a passing minute!


Equality 7-2521

Duece: lol i know i fuckin hate tv for that. its like, i love tv but i dispise it at the same time. its like track 7 from Aesop Rocks "Float". you are so right about how poeple dont htink twice.

Formant: yeah your right. the masses cant be fucked looking any further into it. and yeah i didnt think of the monopoly. good point

God: i thikn the answer to your question is obvious. consumers are told what to buy.....and they buy it.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33

I think also tho, bear with me...in retort to GODS question: I think tha masses also really do have an option tho...For example, look where weve ventured to find music that doesnt suck balls...Its a bit of a chore some times, but well worth it when you find something incredibly dope that youve never heard before....Consumers are told what to buy with subliminal messages and other goodies...But, heres where my opinion really comes into play; those people weaker minded or not made a choice...they didnt have to but they did...Soooooo...Basically theres just alot of really stupid people out there who dont really give a shit about what their listening to, but rather think they do while not really understanding WHY???

Equality 7-2521

spewin i didnt quite understand that lol.

i agree theres alot of stupid cunts though lol. but thats what we are talking about....the masses


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Yeah, but don't you all feel you are kind of an "elite" group of hiphop listeners/producers that have different tastes that the major labels disregard at the time being.

Remember, if I was a smart label exec, I would have already bought into some indies, right?

So how do you know who's behind the music you like so much...?

Rhetorical question, but I would like to see some more comments.




...in regards to Eminem...he is a dope emcee. But the industry knows that he is an easy target in order to make tons of money...You notice how Em can write about some personal shit and letting his emotions run rampant, while mainstream black artists have to always be on some "party/shuckin' an' jivin'" vibe to be popular...It's like the mainstream audience is afraid of a brother letting his anger out on the mic, but Em can do it with open arms...

All in all, it's all about the dollar at the cost of the artform/kulture of Hiphop...Even other genres are made a hot trend for a few years for the big bucks...Remember the Latin craze back in '99???



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Originally posted by God
Here's an interesting twist: do you think that "mainstream" stuff you don't like is what the masses in fact want, since they are buying it?

Well, the mainstream that I dont like is not really the subject or a point that matters. The way I see it is that the US entertainments industry is based on mass marketing and a steady demand, meaning that there's always lucrative exploit for the top dogs in the entertainment hierarchy. That means that there is no need for them to leave room for other streams of genres. Simply said, there's no need for diversity because targeted consumers will buy into their marketing schemes anyway. Take teens for instance, the majority of chart exploit is based upon them. Teens watch tv, music television, buy singles, download mp3's probably heard from radio/tv. They have billboards dedicated to them with the latest fashion/hype, items of must have, items that chart artist have or pose with in a video. And all that shit is related because the msuic industry makes it like that through marketing, the things we like to see, hear and know. Welcome to the land of make belief. Now place underground hiphop next this context, shit is about reality, the things we see, hear and subjects might not know or thought about plus the abstracts contents lyricaly or musicaly. In general it's the musical/lyrical contradition to all the chart based material. So for the ez mass consuming audience to grow into conciousness momento you would need;

-A whole different breed/approach of majorslabels in order to change current market(ing) and available products.
-Lucrative support in order to market these additional products to the current stock of mainstream exploit, since it will not vanish but in this case, theoreticly co-exist.
-A general consensus imaging an exploitable scene that is not about materialism or egotistical status. In other words, no cribs, exotic sports cars, crystal, infinit momentum rims and/or chains made out of diamant, gold, silver or mica, no content on posing whatsoever with whatever sponsored products.

Or do you think that the masses don't have an option, and thus purchase what is in the mass media without looking deeper into media like the internet, where more options are available?

Like said, the masses do have an option when they quit being a mass consumer cq. quit being treated as mass consumers. It's only then when they have to take effort to find good music, not music that's being thrown at them by the industry. Internet would logicaly be the place to find info but if you don't know what good artist are or what labels to look for than the net can be flooded by a lot of crap making it hard to find the hiphop you prefer. In such a case, underground would need the commercial PR approach in order to get known by a bigger audience.

In general it's a lost cause, it's hard to sum it all up and point out The real cause or The way to fix things. I believe it mainly has to do with the US mass consuming audience, The concept of the american dream and the entertainments industry which it's protocol is also biased on the US standard on how to deal with bizz in a lucrative matter only. I personaly believe that good music and business dont match or dont relate when monitoring it's values. I do believe music is a lucrative business but I've concluded so far for myself that hiphop is to be considered tasteless when you desire to make it your living in order to be succesfull. You simply adapt to the needs of the industry. I feel better when there's no urge for money in it and just love the scene and music, I have no boundaries and can do whatever I like since it doesn't have to be lucrative. I can produce a lot of music that will be absolutly commercial for simple reason of earning money, if hiphop wouldn't be lucrative for me because it is underground and hard to exploit than I couldn't be bothered....I still make techno, breaks, pop, house, etc etc etc. That's enough exploit to cover my income and for the most commercial projects I have no sentimental value.

I was also wandering about the other shitty side to it, just imagine being a underground battlecat with lyrical skills and good flow just getting into a majorlabel rady for nr.1 chart exploit. There you are with the true skill at nr.1 followed by Bubba Spark at nr.2, what a friggin contrast is that ? You just serve as a temporary mascotte untill your validation is overdue en you're not fashionable anymore. I dont see why a underground mc would degrade himself ?! for the money ?


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Formant 24:

You state you are from The Netherlands. How do you feel the approach is different in Europe. The thing, is, I very well can't see it. Dance music (trance, etc.) is marketed in much the same way to a captive teenage demographic?

What do you think?


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