What do you do when..........


ill o.g.
You're learning a new piece of equipment/software and you get so frustrated because your not progressing as fast as you'd like to?? And you wanna make the music that your heat is speaking to you.

Cause right now I feel like throwing my Macbookpro across the room!!!!

Any cool stories ???


ill o.g.
This may not be the answer you want, but just chill.

You have to give yourself time to learn your equiptment. Otherwise your creativity will be limited.

Take a couple weeks, or a month were you don't worry about the end product but just learn what your equiptment is capable of and how to use it.

I've been spending the past 2 months just learning my equiptment. My beat making has improved dramatically in a relatively short period of time. I've also taken this time to learn music theory.

When I have the knowledge... my creative process will be seamless because I will know my interface so well it becomes an extension of me.

It will get better. Trust me. Shortcuts only lead to longer roads.


ill o.g.
since your talking bout software, go get a peice of hardware, a turntable and a mixer. or read the manual more. dont take forever tho, if your not feeling the software. try something different.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Dude I barely touched my 2500 for like the first 8 months or so that I had it, it was my first mpc and I knew what it could do but the terminology in my head was all sp1200 and korg so it was hella frustrating.
Then I just got it in my head that I was gonna get this no matta what and I unplugged everything else BUT the 2500 from my PT and thats all Ive been on for like a year str8 now..
Its comming along pretty good now!
Also I put the manual in the bathroom, for "reading" material, and that helped (in more ways than one!).Which was a good idea, cuz now I nkow how much I know everytime I sit down..lol..Like I read all this already..


ill o.g.
I love the Illmuzik Fam!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys always are honest and keep it thoro!!

As for my production grind,
I work on Logic in Starbucks every night after work. I just get 4 shots of expresso, get High (Caffinated-Corn Julio Style!!!) and go in!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for my other pieces of equipment:

1) Akai MPC 1000 (My old Faithful)
2) Akai MPC 500 (Barely touch except when on the train to work)
3) Microkorg (And Orgasmic array of sound!!!)
5) Software synth sounds out the butthole!!!!!
6) Massive records !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
when i got my RS, i was makin trx usin the internal sounds... trx were good, but i never touched the sampler section for at least 2 yrs... i also didnt use the computer much since i wasnt on the internet... but once i got on the internet and i found my friend GOOGLE, it was a wrap!!! i found a few RS forums, and i learned alot from the other members on the sites... thats the main thing u must do. find forums dedicated to the hardware/software ur usin... only then will u become a "Jedi"... like me ;)

da relic


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 11
when i got my RS, i was makin trx usin the internal sounds... trx were good, but i never touched the sampler section for at least 2 yrs... i also didnt use the computer much since i wasnt on the internet... but once i got on the internet and i found my friend GOOGLE, it was a wrap!!! i found a few RS forums, and i learned alot from the other members on the sites... thats the main thing u must do. find forums dedicated to the hardware/software ur usin... only then will u become a "Jedi"... like me ;)

da relic

I second that I had to have had FL Studio for 4 years now and my first year I hated it and couldn't stand it. I left it alone for a good 6 months. With Google I found Illmuzik and a couple other forums, started my research, got the latest edition of FL Studio and started from scratch. I took in everything I could from different post and now I feel like I can't go wrong with FL Studio. I personally think it has everything you need for beatmaking. But the gist of what I'm saying is everything takes time don't count anything till you take the time to learn what you are working with.


ill o.g.
I second that I had to have had FL Studio for 4 years now and my first year I hated it and couldn't stand it. I left it alone for a good 6 months. With Google I found Illmuzik and a couple other forums, started my research, got the latest edition of FL Studio and started from scratch. I took in everything I could from different post and now I feel like I can't go wrong with FL Studio. I personally think it has everything you need for beatmaking. But the gist of what I'm saying is everything takes time don't count anything till you take the time to learn what you are working with.

I tried FL Studio 4 years ago and hated it, got rid of it and tried a couple other things. I actually have gone back to FL Studio and realized if I just took the time to learn how to use it 4 years ago I would've been cool.

Mikemaster G

ill o.g.
It takes time man, y'all see.
When I got FL Studio on my sister''s laptop, I didn't know shit, but what u know, in a couple of days, I LEARN THE BITCH!!!!
So be calm, relax, and the musicgods take over you(Damn I went too much on that shit, have I?)


You're learning a new piece of equipment/software and you get so frustrated because your not progressing as fast as you'd like to?? And you wanna make the music that your heat is speaking to you.

Cause right now I feel like throwing my Macbookpro across the room!!!!

Any cool stories ???

Stay focused on the music! Learning equipment is great but never forget to take your time with it and stay dedicated to the music first.


ill o.g.
I'd like to thank everyone for their responses. Its so cool that this site provides a chance for me to build with real deal producers!!!

I love illmuzik!!!!!!!!


ill o.g.
I uninstall it, LOL.

I find myself jumping between reason - FL - ableton - a whole lot, becuase not 1 can do everything i need it to do. ANd i want that really badly. An all in one solution. It frustrates me to use all that processing power on 4 programs to make one great track. But i learned with time, you gotta do what it takes.

So, i divide and conquer. I designate a style or sound to each program, and work from there. I end up simultaneously getting better at everything, hopefully one day narrowing it down to just 1.

Its hard, especially when you want the best sounds and mix for your work. But sometimes its just easy for me to open up FL and get the "sketch" of that hot beat in my head...and then i can later pick it apart and mold it into a master piece.

Export midi and import, is free !

At the end of it all, do you.


ill o.g.
yeah just put in the time, and like anything else you will see results. keep grindin but dont burn yourself out. if u get fried fuckn with your software spend time collectin and editing samples, or doing research on programs or readin about producers that use the same shit as u. keep urself motivated.

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