boneidle: damn, you did get way creative with this shit. you've got a hell of a lot going on here which is cool because it never gets boring or repetitive. that brass part of the intro is a little weird. i can see the guitar part fitting, but the brass seems like it fits less. alright, this part is hot. this part of the beat is really kickin. that's some ill shit. the guitar breakdown at 1:25 works, but all the cuts you've got going after it are a little odd. i would cut those out. the guitar breakdown is good, but i think it should go straight back into the original beat again, don't have that 4 bars of cuts. and then after 8 bars of that melody, where it really picks up, have it break back into the original (like you do in the first part at 47 seconds). overall, hot beat. nice flip, i enjoyed this one.
bigrob: i think it feels kinda empty. which is weird, cuz the delfonics beat is so full. but like, i just feel like there's a lot of empty space in there which could be filled with something. i can't really explain it. also, the sounds all sound very raw. the flute, the horns, all sound very raw. i'd maybe toss some effects on those to liven them up a little. and i wish you'd taken bigger chunks from the sample instead of just single notes. use some of the string patterns they've got going on in there, or something like that.
TRO: interesting. very upbeat. i like that breakdown at 40 seconds actually. i like this part a lot better, sounds just a little less upbeat and i think is a lot better for rhymin and shit like that. sounds a little tense. i'm really liking the part between 40-52 seconds. that's some real good shit right there. yeah, i'm definitely digging this part and at 1:20 more than the rest of what you have here. i am really feelin how it's a little darker. yeah dude, that part is ill. i'd rework your whole song around that part.
5th Sequence: nice work on the percussion and bass. that's tight. i feel like one of the cuts in there is a little off pitch. it just hits my ear as a tiny bit off. just a half step or something. i dunno. i'm definitely feelin this beat. that bass part and the percussion are real sick. i think you could find some more cuts which would fit really well. other than that, good shit.