haven't had any time to flip this yet with work and all, but i think i may try to get to it either later tonight or tomorrow since it's finally the weekend and i'm free. in the meantime, REVIEWS!!!
2good: this is some nice shit. drums are slick and the chops are ill. i don't like what you chose for the bass. but i love all the other shit. that plucked string and cello (i think) are sick too. other than a different bass choice, you're golden. nice flip.
Spanish Harlem: this is ill. lovin the bass. the chops are good. the percussion fits real well. the added keys are perfect. i got no suggestions. this is just a straight up sick beat. nice one. maybe lower the bass level JUST a touch. i've got my sub at 40% and that bass is getting a little overpowering at points.
bone idle: not really feelin this as much. you took a way different approach and that was cool, i'm just not a huge fan of the final product. i can't name anything inparticular, i'm just not really feelin it.
destructuralize: i like that you took a little bit of a different direction and mood. i was expeceting a lot of anthem type beats just because i think that's what this kind of sample is best used for. but this is a sick adaptation to a different vibe. i'd choose a different snare. and maybe work with the percussion a little more. rather than just have that single cymbal goin, get some more instruments and patterns up in there. i'm likin the cuts. but i wish you did some more layering of slices. i think it could use 1 more track, either from the sample or composed. just a little somethin extra. nice flip though, good job.
bigrob: i think the pitch on the bass sounds off at certain points. i don't like when you have it take the lower pattern on the first bar. it sounds ok on the third bar. but the bass in the first bar of every 4 measures just sounds off. i think you should change that. other than that, i like the beat. pretty simple, pretty short, but i like what you've got.
ruimixx: you really did somethin different with this. i wish there was more of the sample in there which i could actually hear and identify as the sample. i think the beat is a little empty and plain. there's not that much there. you've just got the bass, percussion, those stabs, and then that little changeup at the end. i dunno, it's aight, but just doesn't feel like there's much there.
erica: aight, i like the chops. the percussion is fine, but i agree that the clap and snare switch ups should be changed. that switch just doesn't sit right. i'm not really feelin the brass that you have going in the background. i don't think it's really doing much and is just a little distracting. i think there are instruments that would fit better with the rest of the piece and could add more to it as a whole. but, for a first effort this is good. while this may be your first "published" beat, i can't believe that you haven't spent plenty of time dicking around in reason, getting to know the program, and making half finished compositions. it seems pretty much impossible to me that you made this after spending basically no time at all in music composition and the reason program.
diskrete: ok, the percussion needs to be brought out. the kick and the snap are so far back they are barely audible in comparison to the rest of the beat. i wish you'd put more in there too. it just feels empty. you've got some great ground work here, but it needs more. drums, bass, and a single melodic track just aren't enough for any beat in my opinion. gotta layer some more stuff. so, i think it's good start, likin the chops and the bass works fine. the keys at the end are ok, but where are they in the rest of the beat? write a line for the piano you have there or something like that, it just needs a little more time spent on it. and bring out that percussion!