Week of April 17, 2006

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ill o.g.
Live from Sacramento, it's more reviews...

ohten: the beat is dope, though the movie clip gets tiring after a while. The intro is nice, and the loops are on point. I like how you layer on that second set of strings. Could use a bit more instrumentation in the mid/lower frequencies, maybe some brass or keys.

AK: Very tight, spy movie-esque. Not much else I can really comment on!

HD: Nice conceptually, watch for the rhythm of the chops though. Some bleed-through is okay for notes, but too much gets noticeable. Try changing the hat pattern up here and there.

Visc: Thanks for the comments. I envisioned the "crazy bit" as a sort of transition from the smooth break back into the rough, gritty main loop. Kind of like a painful memory through an abrupt flashback (the beat's kind of a Proof tribute), so it was meant to sound a bit schizophrenic and crazed. Anyway, I really like the chops on your track. The drums you picked match the loop's sound quality very well. The pan on the shakers makes it feel atmospheric, so the beat kind of envelopes you. Overall a very nice dark quality. Well done.

Grafik: Really nice. Sort of evokes a pensive, thoughtful mood. The drums are on point. The layering is really nice and textured in this one. Keep it up!

Dahk: Awesome, sounds like it could be a theme song to a short film or something. You chose a pretty interesting place to work the flip around, and I like it. Good work with the effects and the spacing between the chops. The beat almost grows when less happens on the melody...good lesson for me, 'cause I usually try to fill every space :). Thanks for the compliments on my piece. The flute & bells came from the stock MIDI soundset on my laptop. I tried distorting them a bit to get less of a synthesized sound out of 'em but it didn't work as well as I'd hoped.

Bone: nice flip. In the beginning, I would let the first set of chops continue for a few more beats before shifting into the break; the change seems a tad bit abrupt. But the break itself sounds good. It provides a sort of uplifting feel, contrasting with the first melody.

dahkter said:
In general, I thought this week's sample was a bitch to work with.
Cosigned. Some classical joints are just hard to work with and I think this was one of them. But it was awesome practice and everybody came with something dope out of them, so props again to Graf for the selection.


ill o.g.
deStructuralize said:
AK: Very tight, spy movie-esque. Not much else I can really comment on!


Does that mean u liked it or that it being spy-movie esque was all it had goin for it? lol

And yo, everybody came with it on this flip! Big ups to Grafik, cant wait to see what he posts next week! A lot of talent up in here! 1

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
wassup everyone.. havent had much time this week, since my son got back from the hospital, but i was able to put something 2gether. but 1st:

Graf: yo, i like the pieces u used. snare has the snap i like to here, and it sounds real East Coast gutter. reverse, no?

Big Rob: i like the overall beat. i think the drums couldve been more complex and the bridge could be used for a creative hook. but its still cool. good job.

5th: came out weird at 1st, but came 2gether later... i like when i cant figure out what u did. i think the drums couldve used more, but thats just me. good work.

Destruct: i like this... sounds like u sampled from the Little Rascals...lol... i think the kick n snare couldve been stronger... also the snare/gunshot sound. but overall its nice... i also like the bells u put in there.

i'll review more later... in the meantime, i gotta jet. here's my joint... did as much as time would allow... actually got another in the worx, but im sure i wont make it...lol... peace.


da relic

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
yeah co-sign on the sample being difficult. Soon as i heard it i knew it'd be hard to force somethin out of it. I have so many classical records I pass up on a regular basis lol...

Thing is though, i'm glad we had a difficult sample like that. It actually opened my eyes a bit. Just knowing that the sample itself doesnt have to have an obvious riff that is "gauranteed hotness" is perfect for buildin skill. Took me a minute to dig deep into the sample an come up with something. It made me realize that i've been skippin through many usable records and not takin the time to MAKE something out of nothing. In this aspect, i love the challenge that it brings. Peace to Grafik!!!

Ruimixx i cant listen to your mix i'm on my girls computer an the shit wont load for me. I'll hit you later though.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
bigrob said:
DAMN ruimixx shit is crazy!!!

Thnx Big Rob, I just got a bunch of biggie acapellas that needs to be put to some good use, plus I had the day off from work today and felt a lil inspired. Glad you dig it bro.



Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Hey y'all

Boneidle - I liked that you used that little sound from the song that sounded like the whales from Star Trek III, glad someone grabbed that. It's definitely abstract, but still good to come original, props.

Slik - I like the beat, like to hear some scratches on that, maybe we can do a scratch flip for that shit (ha ha). Critique wise I would kill the pattern leading up to the main beat (the part where it's just the kik over the sample, then a fill, then the main beat drops). If you went straight from the intro into the main beat, that would hit harder IMO. More important than all this, hope your son is doing well, keep up the music, as they say, that's the healing force of the universe...

Ruimixx - Shit was fucking dope, straight up, you nailed that. Putting that acapella over it just makes that shit come alive. Clocking in at under a minute is hot too.

It's live in here, nice Friday free entertainment. Cable's out anyway, so fuck it.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Visceral – Nice chops and the drums r on point! The bass really complements your flip. Plenty of room for an mc to get down on this.

Grafik – This is real good graf, definetly sets a merky mood. I could see me listening to this on my commute and then slap the shit out of the first person that walks in my cubicle. Lol! Good job man, keep it up.

Dahkter – Damn! This is a banger mayne! This is my favorite flip this week. Nuff said.

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
ahhh shiiet ruimixx. This is pretty sick. the biggie acapella really brings the beat to life. i think you found a pretty good match with that, cool shit. Drums were good, the sample arrangmenet was decent but it totally worked especially with biggie settin the pace. Nice shit bro


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Thnx 5th, yeah funny how big makes my sh!t sound better. He wasn't too bad. <grin>


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Ruimixx said:
Dahkter – Damn! This is a banger mayne! This is my favorite flip this week. Nuff said.

Many many thanks Ruimixx, glad you were feeling my interpretation. Your biggie joint set off my weekend real nice, so right back atcha.

These sample flips are great to be a part of it, really enjoying the whole process. It's like a beat battle at a club, but people are cool and you don't have to leave your house. The drinks are a lot cheaper too....

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
rest of my reviews:

lilhate: i def like the break... i like the chops also, i had to let it play again a few times and get in that vibe... u choppin ur azz off...lol... i like the drum sounds and the pattern... i would tighten to gap between the break and the main chops. good work.

sochi: i like the drums, but i would use a better snare... the chops are done good... overall a pretty good flip. try to add a bassline in there.

Ruimixx: damn!!! those snares r hard as fukk... i like the whole abstract feel, meaning i dont know where the hell u got that... wish it was longer, but what i heard was good.

Sonova: i wouldnt use the intro, but i love the rest of the trk... i like both piano sounds in there as well... the break is cool also. i think the beat should be more intricate.

O-H-TEN: OMFG!!!! this is the craziest of all flips for me rite now... the bar has been raised 1000ft. hold onto this homie. i'll speak on vocals lata.

AKManilla: i like the overall drum set used, and the chops used in this... so far everything could be used in a song, this is no exception. the arrangment is very well done.

Visceral: another flip thats solid... nice break, and the drums are solid as well. if i can rhyme to it, there's no problems, flip wise...lol

Dahkter: i like the drum sounds... the sample pieces u used are very short and to the point. i like playin with short chops, adding delay and reverb, foolin the audience. good selection.

boneidle: i like the chops that was used around the 1:25 mark... i think u used alot of pieces that were good, but maybe not all of them for one song. the drums need more complexity.

overall i think everyone did a good job... but i must say, sometimes vocals bring the trk out, so sometimes sayin a rhyme over a beat will have u like the trk more. Puffy didnt like Premo's beat until B.I.G. laced that shit, and "Kick in the door" was born... just something to think about. good job everyone!

Ill Flip 8:

da relic


none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
yeah relic just seeing what i can come up with when i chop if u peep my other pages you will see i don't chop to much as for your shit dat was some ill theme music had to keep lookin back to see if i was being followed nice

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
yo slic what up man, i just went back i dont remember listenin to yours. My bad if i skipped it. this was a sick flip, i like what you did with those sounds man damn, sounds nothing like the sample at ALL. the drums bump like crazy same with that bassline. so much that i think the bass fights with the kick a lil bit, but the feeling is there. Maybe a crisper hifidelity kick over the hella filtered kick would give some brighter definition to the track. This is some tight shit though man, i'm seriously feelin this. Nice work!

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
thx 5th... i was kinda late to tha party this week... i dont even think anyone seen it early on...lol... its all good. i didnt think anyone would like the flip actually. but im still grindin. be here 2morro lookin for tha new sample.

Ill Flip 8


da relic
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