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Knock Out

Rap's Genious
ill o.g.
LoL, to be honest, gettin' some booty helps relieve some stress. (Actually all of your stress.) I highly suggest this. When I'm having a bad day, I try just chillen with a good lookin' girl and that usually gets my mind off the bad shit. (Until the girl gets annoying.) Anyway, HOES!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
jpeg life aint easy, you just have to look at the negative situation and all the fuckeup feeling youre getting about it and use it as motivation, thats what i do. it just makes me strive harder so that i can get out of this situation and make things better. im so determined, i got a full time job the graveyard shift and i put miself in a recording school during the day and i use my school time to work on muzik and learn. i still got a year to go in school so i will have this schedule for another year.
and dont get me whong because i be tired as hell but all i have to do is think about making it and im right back up again going about my day cuzz i know one day all the hard work and strugle will pay off.

your not alone jpeg just stay up and fight the stugle.


ill o.g.
Wow the mythical Fade speaks on the subject whut up doe? I seem to remember u having some similar thoughts to me about this hip hop shit and how it fits into life in general.

It seems alot of creative people tend to have issues, look at all them famous painters and creative musicians it seems all the shit peeps go thru makes em more creative.

but yo as far as down time watchin movies is cool, stand up comedy, chillin with some fine ass ladies is a must

JP hardboiled

Find Your Fight
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 297
yeah life can be hard sometimes..that's why you learn more,try to understand your feelings and yourself more, and discover there's more to you than making beats..and hopefully it'll make you want to help others more while helping yourself


Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Originally posted by Knock Out
To everyone: *I've survived cancer, been on welfare, and watched my brother come on and off a heroine addiction about 8 times. To be honest, I'm just happy to be alive. I personally am a little dude, (skinny I mean, I'm 5'8 which isn't too small,) but I'm maaad talented when it comes to creative things. I feel like god perposely made me un-athletic, but gave me a drawing/music making/writing talent instead. I'm on such another level than anyone in my school, every kid that raps is on some basic shit... not only am I producing 3 albums right now, but I'm working on my own also. (I have a completed album I'll be advertising ON THIS SITE soon, (I was talking to Fade about it already.) When you're up your up, when you're down you're down. Some days you get hyped up and feel like you'll make it, some days you wonder why you try. Regardless, I'm only 17 and I'm doing bigger things than anyone I know my age. I'm proud of that. I simply just realized that life is what you make it, so make it hot...

So now I can say that you're not the little fag I thought you were.....Just kidding......Now that I know a little more about you I have more respect for you !!Keep doing the damn thing....


Hey Konductor.....New York is oversaturated right now...places like you're in are hip hop gold mines right now you can sell an album out the trunk of your car get register with neilson soundscan to keep a tab on howw many are sold and get interest from major for a disturbution deal....Can't do that up here.....There are ways to get in the door here but when it comes to New York it's not what you know it's who you know....