you guys should keep religion out of these threads it always gets ugly cause we all got different perspectives...The chip isnt for our generation its for these soft lil kids walking around with their mouths open.
Im glad VA got some ppl in their govt with some balls...
The chip will be in everyone by 2050, its in the plans, these people dont play and they plan LONG TERM. The Human being is an amazing creature for many reasons, one that sticks out is its ability to adapt to ANYTHING...Our social controllers know this so first they put it in movies, then in dogs, then in senior citizens who have dementia, then they will try one for your kids so if they get kidnaped you can find them..."your not against being able to locate your child are you?"
see how that works?
They have already started with the fuggin lil kiddie phones with the GPS....There is an ENTIRE generation that thinks privacy is no big deal! they think who needs it, only criminals have something to hide, which makes us freedom loving "old people" (im only 27 but kids think im ancient lol) suspect to them because I must be hiding something if I dont want my life broadcast on google.
Think about it all of us have GPS tracking devices on our phones, and nooooooooooobody has a problem with it....this battle has already been lost gentlemen, I'm just happy to be alive during a time of such drastic change, and I'm not talking about obama.