VIBE Awards

  • beat this! (mar 5-6) signup begins in...


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
If you look closely at the video you can see Young Buck stabbing someone. G-Unit whipped all their asses. You can see Game punching someone in there too i think.

And people say G-Unit are fake gangstas, haha what they gonna say now. I respect Buck for that coz he was only defending his people, he didnt start it.

Lol Buck has gone fugitive, hes in deep shit now.



Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
I think that the dude that punch dre, is someone that dre stole a beat from and never gave money or something. If it's that, then the dude did what the hundreds of Scott Torches,Mel-Man,Daz that dre jacked beat from all wanted to do at some point, and i agree with that. I LOVE DRE , but the fact that he steals other people beats THAT DESERVES TO BE PUNCHED OUT!


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
u sure Dre steals beats? he doesnt really need to....

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Qwerty said:
I think that the dude that punch dre, is someone that dre stole a beat from and never gave money or something. If it's that, then the dude did what the hundreds of Scott Torches,Mel-Man,Daz that dre jacked beat from all wanted to do at some point, and i agree with that. I LOVE DRE , but the fact that he steals other people beats THAT DESERVES TO BE PUNCHED OUT!

i was thinkin that shit too.

as far as G-Unit beinm real gangstas.........yeah, thats sumthin to be proud of,,mid 20's actin like a highschool kid. This is great for Hip Hop. AARRGGHH

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
how do yo urespect some dude who pulls a knife? that may be what a real "g" does, but not a real MAN... that shit wasnt necessary... Dre is a grown man, let him handle his own brawls...

fuck that i been on the recieving end of shit like that too many times....... the last time it was 5 on 1, with me gettin stabbed (nowhere serious, they only got me on the tricep, thankfuly) and a brick to the dome.. thats some bitch shit, the man was already gettin lumped up...

i been jumped maaaaanny times and only cowards do that shit... gangsta = pussy if thats how you handle your business..... if you cant fuck me up one on one with your bare hands, you aint gangsta... anybody can be hard and "gangsta" with 20 people at their back and a fuckin weapon in their hand... and if thats how you get down then fuck you too.....

tell me, how the fuck are you hard when you and 20 people fuck one man up?

when you have been on the recieving end of this type of "gangsta" shit as many times as i have..... you would see where i'm coming from. i have never handled anything like that and i have handled every problem, beef, and fight on my own two feet with my own two hands like a fuckin man..... and i got no respect for anyone who is too cowardly to do the same..


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
Rhythmikal said:
If you look closely at the video you can see Young Buck stabbing someone. G-Unit whipped all their asses. You can see Game punching someone in there too i think.

And people say G-Unit are fake gangstas, haha what they gonna say now. I respect Buck for that coz he was only defending his people, he didnt start it.

Lol Buck has gone fugitive, hes in deep shit now.


Respect buck for wot living up to the stereotype, he's out there acting like some punk at a prom when someones been fucking his mrs ! LOL
seriously wheres the need for the knife in all of that, ok i can understand him being pissed off this guy hit dre but can't dre sort it out, and at most you wana go over and give the guy a bit of a beating but fuckin stabbing the guy ffs, he look reall gangster picking up the soap in prison HAHA


ill o.g.
Qwerty said:
I think that the dude that punch dre, is someone that dre stole a beat from and never gave money or something. If it's that, then the dude did what the hundreds of Scott Torches,Mel-Man,Daz that dre jacked beat from all wanted to do at some point, and i agree with that. I LOVE DRE , but the fact that he steals other people beats THAT DESERVES TO BE PUNCHED OUT!

Read the an article from Scott Storch in and he doesn't feel that way......try again.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

first of all.....buck's an idiot....what would possess him to stab someone.....come on now...a knife is not necessary...if u cant fight...then get ya ass he's facing assault 1...what an imbecile...
all that money he made is gonna be needed to keep his dumb ass out of jail.....

dont do it cuz u rap about it....rap about it cuz u do it -shyne.....need i say more?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
man, this is just horrible for hip hop... All this does is give the media a recent incident to use to make hip hop look like its about gangs and fighting... First off, whoever just comes up on somebody else (the man that got stomped) and starts throwing head shots at a public gathering "ON TV" is just a fuckin idiot! Although i do think him getting mobbed like that was a little extreme.. I agree with what cold truth said, dre can fight his own battles... That cat should defintly get beat down (not like that though) for making a stupid move like that but stabbing the man was just uncalled for... Especially when there is already a bunch of cats at your dome throwin head shots while your unable to do anything physically... I do think that there is more behind this though then what we have seen from this clip and read in these stories... I aint gunna speak on that though because i have no clue what it could be and nor does anyone else on illmuzik... This is just an incident that should have never happened PERIOD! And it should have never been delt with the way it was... Congrats to Dre on the Lifetime acheivement award!


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
MarkN said:
Respect buck for wot living up to the stereotype

who knows, if G-Unit hadnt stopped them dudes going after Dre, he could of easily been knifed or shot (resulting in the Encore beats being his last = not what we want).

and if Buck hadnt put the man in hospital - whats stopping him from goin at Dre again and again, maybe even more seriously?

and you gotta think about it, if someone was trying to hurt the man who had taken you under his wing and got you out the ghetto, wouldn't you be kinda angry?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Rhythmikal said:
who knows, if G-Unit hadnt stopped them dudes going after Dre, he could of easily been knifed or shot (resulting in the Encore beats being his last = not what we want).

and if Buck hadnt put the man in hospital - whats stopping him from goin at Dre again and again, maybe even more seriously?

and you gotta think about it, if someone was trying to hurt the man who had taken you under his wing and got you out the ghetto, wouldn't you be kinda angry?


ummmmmmm, wasnt Dre "Straight Outta Compton"?, wasnt he in "NWA"? ummmmmm, in every other rhyme he talks about how "Hard" he is???? Bottom line: He's a big, giant, succesful Pussy. He's the exact definition of "Studio gangsta". The vibe awards proved that shit.

.....He has bodygurads,,,lol,,,,that's Gangsta!


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
I am a real laid back dude , but if im chillin with my boys(anywhere) and some dude sucker punchs one of my boys, that dude is getting a mud hole stomped in his face!!!!!

Its sucks that had to happen on natinal telvision and its funny how the media picks up on those things esplically when its dealing with minorites and hip hop. THat just goes to show how shady they are.

But come on what would you do??? You just gonna sit there and let your boy get punched??? Espically if its a lame ass sucker punch. Not where im from man

Im not tryin to be a tuff guy,but there are certain things u just dont let slide, espically if you suppose to be down with some people. I cant sit here and say i would react any differntly(i dont know about stabbing though)



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Ex one said:
man, this is just horrible for hip hop... All this does is give the media a recent incident to use to make hip hop look like its about gangs and fighting
Yeah but some hiphop or more so, Rap, is about gangs and all that typa shit...I understand yer concern and im not sayin otherwise, but in this particular case - Young Buck iz gansta, so theyre gonna have a feeding frenzy on that shit!....Maybe even the thug figures need to grow up a little, hmmm?

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
classic said:
I am a real laid back dude , but if im chillin with my boys(anywhere) and some dude sucker punchs one of my boys, that dude is getting a mud hole stomped in his face!!!!!

Its sucks that had to happen on natinal telvision and its funny how the media picks up on those things esplically when its dealing with minorites and hip hop. THat just goes to show how shady they are.

But come on what would you do??? You just gonna sit there and let your boy get punched??? Espically if its a lame ass sucker punch. Not where im from man

Im not tryin to be a tuff guy,but there are certain things u just dont let slide, espically if you suppose to be down with some people. I cant sit here and say i would react any differntly(i dont know about stabbing though)


i hear that..... i suppose the situation IS a bit different on that level. i was never one to start a fight; i never have. people always stepped to me first. but this dude took it upon himself to start mashin on dre, so yeah from that standpoint he asked for and deserved whatever came at him..... to a point, but i still think the knife was waaaaay overkill..... and you have a point that got me thinkin; there isnt a doubt in my mind that if some dude came up to a friend of mine out the blueand hit him, i'd be the first to swing back.....

i guess i am thinkin about this from a different context, but the more i look at what happened here (and after reading some very good points by a few others) this guy got what he deserved-except the knife, which was still a bitch move to me.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
classic said:
I am a real laid back dude , but if im chillin with my boys(anywhere) and some dude sucker punchs one of my boys, that dude is getting a mud hole stomped in his face!!!!!

Its sucks that had to happen on natinal telvision and its funny how the media picks up on those things esplically when its dealing with minorites and hip hop. THat just goes to show how shady they are.

But come on what would you do??? You just gonna sit there and let your boy get punched??? Espically if its a lame ass sucker punch. Not where im from man

Im not tryin to be a tuff guy,but there are certain things u just dont let slide, espically if you suppose to be down with some people. I cant sit here and say i would react any differntly(i dont know about stabbing though)


well, i feel what ya sayin, but straight up, if my man got sucka punched, I would expect him to fight back,,,,on his own. If a couple of dudes roll up talkin mess, then they will get delt with. But thats the problem, cats are afraid to shoot the one on,,na mean. If I got snook by a dude, and I needed my boys to jump the dude, then that makes me a straight up PUNK.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
It just shows how loyal they really are to each other. G-Unit must of only known Dre for a year now - and they are risking life in prison for him!

It wouldnt of mattered is it was Banks, 50 or any of em, the dude would of still got bombed on like he did.
