Very Interesting. William Cooper Talk.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
Food for thought... Lets start with the definitions...

Religion is based on one single act... an act of faith. In religion, a mans faith can move a mountain, in science, it's impossible. To feel that science can discredit religion is to believe that a mans "proof" is greater than mans "faith". Science can prove why and how a tree grows, but it has no answers to where the tree originally came from. Religion does, it not only tells you where it came from, it tells you who made it, when they made it, and why they made it. Here's where it gets deep...Look at what a tree sustains life, no trees, no life... Science agrees no trees, no life... Imagine that!

Religion and faith are two different things. Dac, your comparing apples to oranges with that statement. Faith is believing IN or simply believing. Religion is what is used to practice that faith IN and TO your deity(s). Religion is also based off of philosophy so in order to even understand religion you HAVE TO understand the philosophy that it was based off of. This can easily be traced back by looking it up. To say religion tells you where you came from is also inaccurate. Religion CANT tell you of one's origin. I think alot of people get scripture mixed up with religion also. I don't write the news I just broadcast it.