using REASON 2.5 with an MPD 16 or MPC 2000XL???

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ill o.g.
does anyone do this or can explain how to set this up?

it would be greatly appreciated!



Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
well i started out on Mpc 3000.. good Unit btw then i kinda moved on to Reason i use the
Nnxt (like my Mpc).. Um i dunno Personally i Still use the Mpc as a Midi controller (Expensive controller)
yea i know but thats me... Mpd16 its ok Umm you might like it ... My friend uses it with Reason and Battery.. its best wit battery Pads are kinda stiff.. takes about 20 to Soften up the pads but umm yea.. i'd say the best Mpc to use with software is Mpc 1000


ill o.g.
thanks for the reply Nnxt

I've already got a MPD 16 and a friend of mine has an MPC 2000XL. We both have Reason 2.5 and would like to use our MPs with it...

Anyone know how to do this?



Adam, I used my MPD-16 with Reason. Just plug it up to your USB port, install the driver, go into Reason under Edit > Preference > Midi and choose the MPD-16 under Port.
You can also set it up under Advanced Midi, under the bus, which means you can play it, but I never found a way to record from that, and I don't think you can.

That's why I eventually got rid of my MPD and my midi mixer again, because I had to choose which one to use from the Preferences each time, and because it was often faster with the mouse.


ill o.g.

thanks for the reply, after mucking around for a whilke yesterday I worked out how to use my MPD16 with Reason. Here's what I did for anyone else that's interested (there may be a better way to do this, but this is the way I got it working)

1. installed Midi Yoke and selecting it as my MIDI controller in REASON (well this was already installed actually from some time ago as I've had it for a while. It's a cool little program that allows you to use multiple MIDI devices at the same time. By using this program I can play my MIDI keyboard and my MPD whenever i like without having to select them in the settings)

2. using the MPD Utility software, on BANK A I assigned the pads to range as follows;
PAD 1 - C3 / 60
PAD 2 - C#3 / 61
PAD 3 - D3 / 62
etc. up to
PAD 16 - Eb4 / 75

now when I go into Reason and load my samples into NNXT I assign them across the same range.

3. using the MPD Utility software, on BANK B I assigned the pads to range as follows;
PAD 1 - C1 / 36
PAD 2 - C#1 / 37
PAD 3 - D1 / 38
etc. up to
PAD 16 - Eb2 / 51

now in Reason whener I use REDRUM, i just switch to BANK B on my MPD and each Pad is automatically assigned to teh notes used in REDRUM i.e whatever 10 sounds are loaded into REDRUM are assigned across the first 10 PADS on my MPD 16

that's basically it. So I now use BANK A for NNXT and Bank B for REDRUM and thus I can now use my MPD to both play AND record in Reason relatively easily.

Oh yeah, one other thing I did is (using the MPD Utility Software) assigned the MPD16 slider to control PITCH. I still need to master how ths exactly works when with recording in Reason, but it allows me to experiment with Pitch on any samples loaded onto the pads.

I hope that helps. If anyone has anymore input please post it.

p.s. I've attached the .mpd file with all the PAD settings I mentioned earlier


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ill o.g.

thanks for the reply, after mucking around for a whilke yesterday I worked out how to use my MPD16 with Reason. Here's what I did for anyone else that's interested (there may be a better way to do this, but this is the way I got it working)

1. installed Midi Yoke and selecting it as my MIDI controller in REASON (well this was already installed actually from some time ago as I've had it for a while. It's a cool little program that allows you to use multiple MIDI devices at the same time. By using this program I can play my MIDI keyboard and my MPD whenever i like without having to select them in the settings)

2. using the MPD Utility software, on BANK A I assigned the pads to range as follows;
PAD 1 - C3 / 60
PAD 2 - C#3 / 61
PAD 3 - D3 / 62
etc. up to
PAD 16 - Eb4 / 75

now when I go into Reason and load my samples into NNXT I assign them across the same range.

3. using the MPD Utility software, on BANK B I assigned the pads to range as follows;
PAD 1 - C1 / 36
PAD 2 - C#1 / 37
PAD 3 - D1 / 38
etc. up to
PAD 16 - Eb2 / 51

now in Reason whener I use REDRUM, i just switch to BANK B on my MPD and each Pad is automatically assigned to teh notes used in REDRUM i.e whatever 10 sounds are loaded into REDRUM are assigned across the first 10 PADS on my MPD 16

that's basically it. So I now use BANK A for NNXT and Bank B for REDRUM and thus I can now use my MPD to both play AND record in Reason relatively easily.

Oh yeah, one other thing I did is (using the MPD Utility Software) assigned the MPD16 slider to control PITCH. I still need to master how ths exactly works when with recording in Reason, but it allows me to experiment with Pitch on any samples loaded onto the pads.

I hope that helps. If anyone has anymore input please post it.

p.s. I've attached the .mpd file with all the PAD settings I mentioned earlier

i did what u said..i set the first 3 pads to what u mentioned..i might have got sumthin wrong..when u say etc after the 4th pad does that mean repeat the process and keep labeling the pads 60 61 62 and repeat till i get to the final pad or keep puttin 62 till i get to the last pad...same question applies to bank B