Using MPD24: Quantizing in Live 7

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*~Snaelro Wen~*

ill o.g.
Yo peoples!

Can anyone tell me how to quantize in Live 7 like how i use to do on my MPC2000xl or 25000? Is swing/groove adjustments possible? I'm fairly new to live so please inform me



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
yea, you can adjust swing/groove. double click the 'clip' you wish to alter and on the bottom left where the envelopes and triggers are you'll see a little bar displaying the swing. that goes for midi and audio (assuming the audio is warped). and as far as quantizing goes well... Midi or audio?..if its audio then you gotta warp it first, then slice to midi. quantizing should happen automatically. if midi then look for the 'snap' button up on the top of the screen (by the play and stop buttons). if you get stuck hover your cursor over whatever it is your not sure about and a brief explanation apears in the bottom right... holla if you still battling.

my bad... brief explanation in the bottom left. not right.