Using loops in Reason

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This is a question for Reason 2 and Recycle users . . .

Everytime I export samples from Recycle (Rex files). . . into Reason 2.0, I can never get them to sync up with the click in Reason. It's always off a little bit. Does anybody else have this problem? Or maybe have any tips on how to fix this?


If it's the ReCycle/Reason program itself that's causing problems, then I can't help you...but're sure you've remembered to do it like listed below...

1. Make sure that you've cut the sample correct...even amount of bars etc...trying looping it in your cutter to make sure it sounds correct.
2. Load it into ReCycle and define how many bars etc in the upper tool bar. Save it.
3. Load it into Dr. Rex...and press the button on Dr. Rex..."To Track"...
That should do least it works for me ;)


Thanx Cope, but check this out . . .

i know HOW to do it . . . but it just seems like once it's in Reason . . . I can't get it to sync up with the click in Reason. The speed is never just (for example) 96 or 98 or whatever . . . it's always like 96.2355 or some weird decimal. And Reason cant get the exact tempo.

How many slices do you usually make Cope?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
if your lookin to make something go at an odd bpm likke 96.234 the new fruity loops studio 4.1 acctually has that option you can also make your patterns different bar lengths so this is pretty good for using samples hope that helped if you didn't know that already


Just out of curiousity...what do you need the click for? Does the loop sound ok without the click?

I haven't really experienced that problem...but I don't use the click either...sorry.


ill o.g.
IN recyle

Set it to ONE bar...

and set the tempo of ur MAIN track in RECYLE.
for instance if i have a 94 bpm beat in reason..

my recyle loop will be set to 94 bpm BEFORE i put it in reason

and i dont set the beats...i hope this helps..adjust tempo of MASTER track later if its too slow or fast...this way the beat will stay fixed no matter what u do to tha tempo after they are initially matched.


ill o.g.
yea man, i get the same thing now, so i do it by time, work out how long in seconds your loop needs to be, and time stretch it to that, then i dont matter what reason says, cuz you know differently....

and yea what does the click do...?