Us Weed


ill o.g.
i have heard from a mate who is american that weed in the UK is the best in the world (other than dam), why is this? what kind do you yanks get, bush? or nederweed like us?
anyway was just wondering. does your weed have chrystals and shit?


ill o.g.
there weed only good cuz They get Canadian Weed

Maybe out west its different but The weed I got in NY wit my cousins Was about .5 Seeds .2 STemy Shit and .3 Shake Shitty weed

and the Good weed i did smoke in Newyork had a really really Wierd Smell

I no alot of people who use 2 smuggle about 5 pounds a week into Michigan B4 9/11 fuckin Terrorist Fucked up Peoplez Chedda


ill o.g.
wow man your cousin got ripped hard, we complain if you get a single stalk in a bag full of buds! lol wankers...

and ya i heard the smoke is good in canada


ill o.g.
naw he aint get ripped thats just how shit goes in Newyork he use 2 Grab Oz of Cest IN Jamaica Queens For like 60 but outta that 28 gramz he wud have maybe 12 gramz 2 sell lol

I no my next boy who was living in queens for a year said for some Descent dro it Cost 250 USD a Oz if not more lol i wanted 2 bring a Qp down there I coulda made like over 1000 American

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50

Primarily grown in California, KUSH is a favorite type of herb favored by rap artists such as the Wu-Tang Clan, Cypress Hill, and many others.

Ounces go for $450-$600

I get it every once in a while, when I feel like drifting to a new dimension.



ill o.g.
Damn 600 a Oz wtf they Chop P's for ? highest i seen weed go for was 4200 a P

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
DJ Hoppa said:

Primarily grown in California, KUSH is a favorite type of herb favored by rap artists such as the Wu-Tang Clan, Cypress Hill, and many others.

Ounces go for $450-$600

I get it every once in a while, when I feel like drifting to a new dimension.


word, thats what i heard too. I have to say tho,,,I can get pretty much ay kind I want. My connect is a grower. I've been gettin:

Durban Poison
Willy Wonka aka Big Willy
AK 47
and few others that I never got a name of...

I also mix up some sweet hash wit that too. Just how I get down. I know Furiouz is gonna eventually check in to this discussion,,,,,Hey man, I didnt forget ya,,,I'll be comin thru soon. I been busy right now, but I'll bake ya young ass,,lol.

J Rilla

Tha Fresh Prince of L.A.
ill o.g.
DJ Hoppa said:

Primarily grown in California, KUSH is a favorite type of herb favored by rap artists such as the Wu-Tang Clan, Cypress Hill, and many others.

Ounces go for $450-$600

I get it every once in a while, when I feel like drifting to a new dimension.

I must agree.....though i never been out of country...but in the US it reigns supreme.....


ill o.g.
In the yay they have some kill.
ill o.g.
J Rilla said:
I must agree.....though i never been out of country...but in the US it reigns supreme.....

man you are contradicting yourself lol :p how can you know man? and come on guys,
the best weed has absolutely nothing to do with what country or region it came from aight? its about the person that grew it and how they grew it, anyone anywhere can grow crap ass outdoor or dank ass indoor weed.

And to the starter of this thread, 'nederweed' means netherweed, meaning its from the netherlands. So in fact you dont have the best weed at all, it just comes from us.

And we here in europe have easier acces to some hot ass middle eastern hasjis (which is the best hasj.) What does it all matter? Lets just be happy we have acces to weed regardlessly and can smoke out and be mellow and chill....

And i say once more, region doesnt have shit to do with weed quality. The only case where its useful to discuss something like that is when you are talking about outdoor weed, better climates are of course gonna support better plants naturally. But anyone with a few hundred bucks to buy some growing equipment and some room and dedication can grow some hot dank ass indoor shit and it dont matter if they are in alaska, siberia, or fucking mongolia...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
It just has to do with the strain and the growing conditions.
There's no best bud, cause taste differs. But US has some of the leading breeders and award winning strains, and there's no doubt about that US is superior to the UK when it comes to breeding new strains.
ill o.g.
Vince said:
It just has to do with the strain and the growing conditions.
There's no best bud, cause taste differs. But US has some of the leading breeders and award winning strains, and there's no doubt about that US is superior to the UK when it comes to breeding new strains.

Thats what im sayin what else would you need a couple of hundred bucks for growing equipment for? and where are you getting these facts about U.S. having leading breeders? Oh, and awarded? Well i dunno but im thinking an american magazine or whatever 'awarding' strains is gonna be judging shit they have over there, not what some guy has been growing in a spare room in china.

The netherlands is filled with grow shops, these are stores that explicitly and specifically sell products relating to growing marijuana. The are legal, common and well known. They have pretty much EVERYTHING in even the crappiest little small town shop that you could ever need for any type of marijuana growing, wether it be indoor, outdoor, hydroponic, wtf ever. They have dozens of different strains from all over the world (including your 'award' winning strains). You can get seeds, you can buy clones, you can get m already sprouted and ready to plant water and go. They have the lights you need, you can buy complete automated water pumping/filtering/dripping systems, air filters, not to mention dozens of different types of fertilizers for each and every little possible stage there is in the growing process. They are also usually filled with shelves of books on the subject, also from all over the world. I could go on and on...
the point is, it gets done a lot more here and on a much larger scale, we certainly dont have to import marijuana like they do in the states, in fact people from all over europe come to holland to get the weed. And its been like that for many many years. If someone gets busted they at most get a huuuge fine, once thats paid off they can just go and start over again until they are caught again it doesnt mater.

The weed over the years here has gotten hardcore, much higher thc and cannabinol content than ever seen anywhere. It has even gotten to the point where they were starting to talk about classifying some of the marijuana as hard drugs instead of soft drugs. We even have some weed that heroin addicts use when they cant get their hit or their shot, and its the only shit theyll touch because being heroin addicts they have an extremely high tolerance level for any type of 'stoned' drug.

And im STILL not tryin to say we have the best this and that and so and so, just keep this in mind when you are talkin so called 'best' weed. What we have goin on here is unique, theres nothin like it anywhere else in the world even to such basic underlying thoughts as mentality and social acceptance of it (and i mean in the sense of culturally and governmentally, not just people themselves).


ill o.g.
lol you know this guy grows man....

but vince i feel you are wrong about US weed. i mean i am a connection. when i get some buds i ca pick it up and chrystal will fall of like dandruff. THE BEST WEED IN THE WORLD IS DUTCH, without a FUCKING DOUBT.

Im off to Dam again WEEKEND OF MAY 5, if anyone is up for a smoke at that time....pzzz

im gunna post this as a new thread....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i wasn't talking about the averege quality on weed. i was focusing more on breeders, and US is ONE of the leading, at least ahead of the UK. But of course NL is far ahead of everyone, but since this was a US vs. UK discussion, I didn't bring them up.


ill o.g.
fair play man

and yea NYC deisel is the shit, bet it is GROWN THE BEST IN UK/NL



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
NYC Diesel is breeded by a Netherland breeder, not UK :p
But it could be grown anywhere, as long as u got the seeds.

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36

it may be the same in europe, but u kno its more or less a crap shoot in the usa...

try to find as many dealers as u can and go down the list when its time to cop...

there is sick weed available in the usa...

people just dont know about it...

dealers cant just put up a billboard, u gotta know people who know the people...

so the weed game is like any other game in america, its all about politickin and networkin...

i like the organic outdoor homegrown creeper shit...

ya'll can keep that chemmy BC bullshit...