US gross debt to gdp ratio


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
It's sad, it really is. This all comes down to the fact that everyone, from the people to the government, have been on a spending spree for the past few decades and now they're paying for it.

One thing people need to ask themselves is, out of all the people going to the food banks, how many have a car? A cell phone? A credit card? I'm not saying they're not entitled to food banks, but it just shows you how far we've come, whereas in the past, people going to food banks actually had nothing!
our debt is out of control, it will be Americas downfall. It will take another 30+ years, but it will be our downfall.

I think you are being very optimistic with the 30 year timespan. It only took the federal reserve 20 years to bankrupt america from its inception in 1913 creating the great depression. Its all manufactured by the privately owned banking cartel, I would say it will be more like the next 5 to 10 years, and I think I could be a bit optimistic there, especially with the eurozone crisis right now, if the euro goes down it could well take the US economy down with it through the knock on effect. Just like the global downturn was caused by the rogue dealings of a few US banks.
The most effective method as proven by Mao, Lenin, Stalin to solidify control and at the same time "cull" a major part of the population is starvation.
My worst fear for many of us is starvation.
naa, it will take a long time for the US to not be a world power. There are just to many resources and our GDP is still the highest by far in the world. 30+ years is the minimum amount of time it will take.

The US GDP is already less then European GDP.
The devaluation of the dollar due to the insane policies of printing money like its plain paper has totally killed its buying power. You will be surprise how quick shit can hit the fan once the realisation sets in that the currency is totally worthless.
And when the global financial crisis hits properly, whats the point of having lots of resources or GDP if no one is buying it.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I think you are being very optimistic with the 30 year timespan. It only took the federal reserve 20 years to bankrupt america from its inception in 1913 creating the great depression. Its all manufactured by the privately owned banking cartel, I would say it will be more like the next 5 to 10 years, and I think I could be a bit optimistic there, especially with the eurozone crisis right now, if the euro goes down it could well take the US economy down with it through the knock on effect. Just like the global downturn was caused by the rogue dealings of a few US banks.
The most effective method as proven by Mao, Lenin, Stalin to solidify control and at the same time "cull" a major part of the population is starvation.
My worst fear for many of us is starvation.

and on that note...

Draghi, Monti and the new pm of greece are all former advisors for Goldman Sachs / Lloyd Blankfein. Europe wil not fund Greece at all, because all that money will go the banks first.

what do you mean orchestrated ?!?
I think you meant this link

where it shows we have a GDP that is three times the size of china.

China is still a rising monetary superpower, but at the same time they are one of the fastest growing, whereas Im not so sure the GDP of the US is growing. And its countries like CHina that are propping up the US economy by buying all those dollars, but I think they stopped buying the dollar so much, since word of the Amero got out.
All that aside, what has the comparison with china got to do with it?
In a global economy we are all in this shit fuck together.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I think you meant this link

where it shows we have a GDP that is three times the size of china.

Thats not really a stick to wave around with hehe If the economy keeps this up than you can bet there will be a tendens on decreasing foreign export. The majority of products coming out of the US are "luxury" items that are heavily taxed abroad. Second, with a triple sized gdp to china you still have 47million foodstamp collectors. Social being reflects a country's condition aswell and that doesnt look good at all (ergo, 99% doesnt profit from that huge gdp).
(ergo, 99% doesnt profit from that huge gdp).


US distribution of wealth.

The image above shows the top 5% owns nearly 75%!!!!!!! of the US wealth.
Thats fucking crazy!!!

Worlds richest 1% Own 40% of all wealth.

These are old figures too, I dread to think what is now.
Well yea, 2009 was recession.


Not so much recession but more a fraud perpetuated on the world by the private bankers. With which they were rewarded by us throwing loads of money at them. And now nations need money to bail them out, no one has any. Not to forget the big bank bailouts was also borrowed at our expense. Thats the way the banking system works. The IRS collects money from its citizens(who were promised as collateral to the federal reserve during the bankruptcy in the 20's, effectively making every us citizen property of the federal reserve, hence the creation of national security numbers) in taxation, then lends it back to the US govt with interest by printing dollars. Its one of the most fiendish schemes ever devised and inflicted on mankind, its the same with every central banking system.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
The shit will hit the fan within the next year!

99.9% of "us" Americans suffer from the NORMALCY BIAS.


The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, (i.e Hurricane was in the forcast weeks in advance, they said the levy's may not hold but no one thought they would actually blow. Why? because "that just couldn't happen in America...well clearly it did") and on a larger scale, the failure governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.

Our government and the "rich ass powers that B" have us just where they need us to be. As soon as the U.S. dollar is devalued around 14 or 15% (or more) our way of life is OVER. Gas prices will be around $12 a gallon and bread and milk will cost the same. How many people can afford that? Several countries already meet this past summer who have plans in the works to dump as many American dollars as they possibly can AND THEN introduce the new Bancor world currency.

Right now in order to buy OIL other countries have to buy American dollars. When that stops...guess what? U ALL READY KNOW....curtains for the dollar and the U.S.A

For those who think it'll take decades to happen YOU ARE A FOOL! This shit will damn near happen OVER NIGHT when it does. Can the stock market CRASH OVER NIGHT? Hell yes it can...what makes you think they're going to "long forecast this shit"..not gonna happen. We'll wake up one morning and see it on the news (that's if your power is on) after it's already happen to us. America is that dragon in the Bible that is going to need it's wound healed by the greater beast! The thing is that the "healing" may take take years to come and many will perish before it does. (The healing is FINANCIAL).... America will not accept the new currency right away. We're going to try to wheel and deal our way out of it...we'll be at the United Nations arguing that they re-establish our dollar as the world currency but we will surely get shot down in the end. We'll probably even threaten world war if they don't but once we see the ENTIRE WORLD against us we'll back down and fall in line. Minus a few hold out small countries the New World Order will be 99% complete.

The thing is that we CAN SURVIVE it if we prepare in advance like it's going to happen next week! If you think u have 30 years you can go ahead right now and kiss your ass and many of the people that you love ass's goodbye!
The thing is that we CAN SURVIVE it if we prepare in advance like it's going to happen next week! If you think u have 30 years you can go ahead right now and kiss your ass and many of the people that you love ass's goodbye!

Great post I agree with the whole post, but this stood out as needing repeating.

The only real answer is to scrap the federal reserve and print interest free money. But that tends to get its proponents killed very quickly. I cant see it happening any time soon, but its the only answer. Debt based money is designed that the debt is NEVER paid off. Saving up money that will become worthless is not the answer either if you want to be prepared. Investing in gold/silver coins and actual physical commodoties like gemstones(things with ACTUAL VALUE) is the only way to be prepared. And keep them in a safe place, not within the banking or stockholding system.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
actualy...starting with proper taxes and decreasing the defense budget is good. Getting in check with actual prices for gas etc isnt such a bad thing either, imo, gas is still way to cheap in the US and the cars consume way to much. It's these kind of things that actualy benefit 99%