UK Hip Hop & Channel U

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ill o.g.
ty is great lyrically roots manueva have got a good sound jehst the drunken author is good too


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
i think i'ma drop a UK mixtape for you to download... show you what i be bumping... i think you'd be surprised at the standard of some of the songs...


ill o.g.
i think many uk accents dont sound particulary good in rap music, some people got a dope voice and that can offset the negative impact of the accent.

but when i hear dude rhyming on tracks sounding cockney that shit sounds wack to me.


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
the fuck? ah well... whatever floats your boat...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
yea i dnt think the accent helps as people just aren't used to it but that will come in time when people here it more and more !
But its just the people who constantly spit bullshit and longwinded multi's and all that bullshit and after 3 mins they havent really said anything, and its always the same the beats sound the same and whether its a happy or sad song their voice sounds the same !
A lot of the people in the scene act pissed off at not getting recognition but imo its a very select few that would deserve any anyway !


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
this is what pisses me off tho... you're like "its always the same the beats sound the same and whether its a happy or sad song their voice sounds the same"

that just shows that you don't listen to everything cos thats completely untrue... i see where you're coming from, cos i used to think this... the same lo-fi sounding tracks with a bad piano sample or sumthing... but its not true at all... its just what certain people expose people too...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
berserk said:
this is what pisses me off tho... you're like "its always the same the beats sound the same and whether its a happy or sad song their voice sounds the same"

that just shows that you don't listen to everything cos thats completely untrue... i see where you're coming from, cos i used to think this... the same lo-fi sounding tracks with a bad piano sample or sumthing... but its not true at all... its just what certain people expose people too...

No i don't listen to everything, but im basing an opinion on wot i have listened to, and thats wot i think of what i have heard, the skinnyman album woz quite original in that i thought he tried to put an album together and make songs that people could get into, hes not as good a rapper as someone like jehst but hes so much more entertaining imo !
If you have anygood UK stuff i will give it a listen no doubt but its a shame that the uk scene is even like this with quite a few UK members not just me saying they don't listen to much UK stuff ! From what ive heard a lot of the stuff is awful casio presets with people rapping over them tho that tends to be channel U, and a lot of the big names in the underground tend to go for like you said lo-fi drums with a dodgy piano sound, which i ok and their solid beats but they aren't that original or amazing imo a lot of them sound like cheap dj premiers, don't get me wrong i have heard good beats from the UK tho i probably couldnt name them and there are lots of ppl who listen to it more than me so they have probably got a much broader view of it but thats my opinion and observations !

Beserk not sure if u seen my other post but i seen a mixtape cover u did for joe gutta and that woz dope !


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
lol, dont take ANY notice of cotdamn channel u..

you need to do more research before passing judgement on the scene...and people saying they dont like the accent is pathetic, if you forgotten what hip hops about? hip hops an international language, since when has hip hop degraded people who have certain accents....pshh...


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
chedda knows

and you still my boy marky just had to get some stuff off my chest


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
Chedda said:
lol, dont take ANY notice of cotdamn channel u..

you need to do more research before passing judgement on the scene...and people saying they dont like the accent is pathetic, if you forgotten what hip hops about? hip hops an international language, since when has hip hop degraded people who have certain accents....pshh...

its not pathetic i know wot they mean its different hearing it like that so its harder to get into eventually people will become used to it and it wont b a big thing !

But yea i will have to listen to more stuff that doesnt make wot i have heard so far any better and thats what i commenting on !


ill o.g.
like guru said "its moslty the voice"

u could be the illest writer with a good flow but if ur voice(tone, accent, delivery) is weak im not feeling u.

the other mystery element many uk emcee's lack is presence on the mic, alot of dudes shout and curse but that dont give u prescence.
I feel alot of uk artists need to develop more individuality because there aint enuff uninique voices in uk hip hop thats why the scene is bland cos dudes all sound the same.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
JPeg said:
like guru said "its moslty the voice"

u could be the illest writer with a good flow but if ur voice(tone, accent, delivery) is weak im not feeling u.

the other mystery element many uk emcee's lack is presence on the mic, alot of dudes shout and curse but that dont give u prescence.
I feel alot of uk artists need to develop more individuality because there aint enuff uninique voices in uk hip hop thats why the scene is bland cos dudes all sound the same.

I agree with that J, another thing i noticed in uk hip hop is that woteva the skill level they don't seem to b able to make good songs like they are all about the same thing either how hard they are, how much of a struggle everything is or something equally depressing ! its like make a song about something normal the big US artist make songs about things and it song has a rap thats actually about something ok not all of them do but ya know wot i mean and again im sure u'll point out that there are albums and artist like this but im going on what ive heard etc !


ill o.g.

I can't really comment on 'UK Hip Hop' all too much because I've never cared to take a listen to it. It's 'almost' like wanting to hear 'brits' do salsa music. No disrespect. I guess when I'm in the mood I'll listen to some UK 'heat'?

Let me know who represents UK Hip Hop the fullest. And I'll listen.



I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
SuPa'PrOduZa said:
I can't really comment on 'UK Hip Hop' all too much because I've never cared to take a listen to it. It's 'almost' like wanting to hear 'brits' do salsa music. No disrespect. I guess when I'm in the mood I'll listen to some UK 'heat'?

Let me know who represents UK Hip Hop the fullest. And I'll listen.


People said the same thing about the south in the earily 90's


Carpe Diem

Chedda said:
how can you say klashnekoff murda is not a good track?! how can you say it doesnt compare to any US hip hop when i know of a fuckload of US cats who bump this tune regulary?!

and like berserk said, its a battle track, countless american rappers have made the same style tracks and get mad props for it, so why hate on klash?

sounds like youre LOOKIN for a reason to hate uk hip hop...

you gotta give this shit a chance..

rome wasnt built in a all that...

the scene's only startin to get noticed now.....once it grows a bit more and people all over the world are showin it love im sure opinions will change once people see how accepted ukhh will have become..

If you bothered to read it, i didnt say im hating on the dude... The tracks aight, but u cant compare it to us no way!!!


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
philsiarri said:
I used to listen to LONDON POSSE when I was a youngster

London Posse are pretty heavy... Big rodders... His new album is tight as...

classic said:
People said the same thing about the south in the earily 90's


^ Baleedat