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Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
StressWon said:
shit, I bet theres a few cats on here like,,"WOW, that's Hot!" but there afraid to get ripped by postin there true feelins,,,lol
Hell yea. Sitting in the corner with headphones bumpin u god. But not loud enuff so anyone else can hear it.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
By the way, cop masta killas made in brooklyn album.. dope 2nd album.

And decks new shit........ WACK. He is the last wu member that i wouldve thought would get consistently worse.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Damn! They should'nt have even allowed him to put the Wu emblem in that garbage!
Holy shit we are losing the war! Wackness is infecting hip hop like the bird flu or aids.


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
Wow, the fucks wrong with him??? I always felt he was the least member of the Wu. But now that's just jumping the fence, he 's juste went down the drain

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
wow. im speechless.


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
cleverwon said:
By the way, cop masta killas made in brooklyn album.. dope 2nd album.

Fuck no, that album is pretty trash. He sounds so asleep on the whole album, it's like he's not trying. No Said DAte album was way better.

I'm not just saying that, on many Wu forums people are dissapointed

The Bastard

wtf, i come back from italy and i see this,dood should be ashamed of himself, good thing ghost is still around to restore order


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
I am totally speechless. He needs to be ashamed of himself. The worst......absolute bullshit. I'm done!

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
wow .. ive been sleeping on this thread and finally checked it out .. damn i dont know bout the clan anymore ...them niggaz is wack ... its not that he did a crunk song that bothers me.. its just that its so badd.. even for a crunk song.. back in the day when wu used to do party type joints them shits still kinda kept that wu sound..... u god was always wack .. he had like three hot verses in his whole career


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
For all True Wu connosiers or however you spell it...LOl, if you a true fan you have heap upon heap of unmatched classics that put anything out to shame today and you can sit for days listening....so with that I say, you have to just let go of the hopes that the legends will ever match or surpass anything they released in their era....its like that, now you have to find something new...its not that hard to do, I am a die hard Wu fan, but the reality is the essence of unity of the clan and the energy that all of them as a whole created.....and the impact on how well a group and its respective members could keep going on off their sound and concepts which really fit the time they came out in....so in other words if you think wack well these cats for the most part have been at the end of their hip hop careers for a minute....and ghostface just has the ability to keep the essence of Wu and really hist voice and lyrics kind of held the front for the most part but every man has his time and the new blood gotta flow...feel me?? I won't throw any stones at them...so what they tried to keep up but oh well....that's what reminiscing is for tho....WU Tang forever!