Twin Cities life and culture


ill o.g.
This may be the wrong area for this but I want to move somewhere in the Twin Cities come spring/summer of 2011. I have to finish school and want to move somewhere that will suit my career (geographic information sciences) but also somewhere I wouldn't move based on friends opinions. I love the music that comes out of Minneapolis as well as being in a big city with a big downtown and such.

Is there a solid foundation of safe neighborhoods for straight-out-of-college kids or at least good places to rent close to the downtown area? I would hope to work downtown somewhere, and bike to work. I am not opposed to older areas, but low crime is obviously a good thing. We have an area in my town now we call the avenues which is sort of the "historical" side of town that college kids can rent in and is mainly the older people that have been here for their whole lives. Something like this would be suitable but I would really like to commute on bike if possible. A 5-7 mile ride to and from would be perfect, any more I may would think twice depending on the terrain and all. I don't want to pedal uphill the whole way after a long day at work haha.

This is a ways away, but have looked into it a bit lately and would like to visit summer time of next year if not working a better job. I saw they were rated the #2 bike city (Minneapolis) in the nation in like 2007 so i'm sure that still holds close to true in 2009. Any information is appreciated as it will aid in my researching. Thanks.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Much love Mr. B,

First off.. much respect on your enlightened strategy for movement. I am sorry to say that I know nothing of your destination but I do hope that you find your place well.

We all create ripples of change by the examples that we are... I find great appreciation in your quest.



ill o.g.
Much love Mr. B,

First off.. much respect on your enlightened strategy for movement. I am sorry to say that I know nothing of your destination but I do hope that you find your place well.

We all create ripples of change by the examples that we are... I find great appreciation in your quest.


thanks for the appreciation, a lot of times the troubles in our lives are based solely on our surroundings. i have beautiful people around me but the physical "natural" surrounding are uninhabitable(sp?) for me. I lived in Orlando for 9-10 years and grew up in the city/fast paced life and the slow moving town i'm in leaves nothing for motivation. hate to say it.....but im lazy now. i need to finish school and head north to somewhere new and see if I can't undo my new ways with a culture shock and reality check. certain things have to be done to survive when you move somewhere you know nothing about.

if anyone is from the twin cities area, please let me know where a good area for a new career worker would be. an apartment would be good, or a stand alone house. I just want to be able to run around town on my bike and not my car if at all possible.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I hear you on the move, I also live in the Orlando area and have been for the past 3 or so years. I am already planning on moving out of here in the future. I need to be close to a big city and Orlando is just not big enough or fast enough. I am considering either a move to the Miami metro area or back up north somewhere. I've heard good things about the twin cities from a couple of friends. The weather does get pretty brutal out there in the winter time in terms of the temperature. It would be a pretty big transition in terms of the weather, but with all things it takes time to adjust.

The city is what you make it. If you take advantage of the good things that are available to you, then you should have no problem adjusting to your new life. Much luck to you in your quest, sir.


Godson of the Clapper
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 19
I'm from MN, pretty close to the Cities. I've never actually lived downtown though, more in the suburb area. But I know that there are some good communities to live in for people straight out of college. It just depends on what you're looking for exactly, but I suggest just flyin up and checkin it out for a weekend yourself. Best to see first hand cause it could be completely different then what you're expecting.

Of course I'm mad partial to this state, I plan on moving back after I graduate college too. Miss all the fam and friends.


ill o.g.
yah, I hope to come up next summer for a week. drive up there with the bike in tow and see how commuting really works, what all is around, different things going on around town and all that. See if its something I think I could live in and possibly raise a family around.

So far all that have responded on different boards seem to think Whittier/Phillips/Longhollow and one other neighborhood beginning with a P would suit me and allow access to the downtown area within 5 miles or so.

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