Tips for making each beats sound different???


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
One of my friend likes my beat but he feels that they are too similar and that it might be due to the fact that I try the same idea and that the sounds I use are similar.

Now these are 2 things that I can work on, but do you guyz got other tips, to make my beat sound differents?


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Same Deal with me alot of my beats sound the same, this can be due to the Temo, use of snare or a clap the High hat speed (fast or slow) and the types of instruments that you use, The best way to make each beat different is to listen to other producers beats and examin what they did in it, and make your own version of it, Not to copy the producers style but to gain the idea of making each beat different, try it and see if it makes a difference in your style of beats, Hit Me back I would like to know the outcome of it!



ill o.g.
I have this porblem.. Too and i'm i've been trying or to swich up my sound but it's like if i try to stray from what i know. I don't fit you.. feel me. I have a Production Team and a few of us are on the same Sh when it comes to beats. And i'm trynna break off and do something a lil diff but seems to be hard.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
The easiest way to make your beats sound different is just to make sure you use different samples, instruments, etc. Also use different tempo ranges as well. Vary as many different elements as possible and be creative.


ill o.g.
explore different sounds, different tempos. if you're sample based, and you notice you arrange your samples the same way, try to arrange or chop differently, explore other parts of the song that you're sampling from. also listening to beats that are different from yours, that you love, may get you open to try a different approach.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 11
I sought of used to have this problem but I got over it by going out of my comfort zone. what I mean is I used to do my production really structured and stick to the same procedure: Samples first, hihats,snre,kiks,percussion etc. The day I changed that was the day my beats stopped sounding the same. You have to leave your comfort zone untill your versatile enough to not have "a" comfort zone but have comfort zones. A good way to do this is listen to a producer that you usually don't listen to and just listen to a lot of his/her tracks. seeing that this is a producer you don't really listen to your styles won't be similar and you'd be able to take something or somethings that you like from that producer and be able to apply it to your production giving you a different sound consequently making you more versatile which all producers need to be IMO. I hope this helps someone


ill o.g.
i was thinking about the same thing with da relic and dream police as change the samples used for the drums. also try finding different sounding samples. i, for myself, avoid to use classic music, although it's sounds wonderfull, because it becomes to boring after 2 beats like that.


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
Artistix said:
I sought of used to have this problem but I got over it by going out of my comfort zone. what I mean is I used to do my production really structured and stick to the same procedure: Samples first, hihats,snre,kiks,percussion etc. The day I changed that was the day my beats stopped sounding the same. You have to leave your comfort zone untill your versatile enough to not have "a" comfort zone but have comfort zones. A good way to do this is listen to a producer that you usually don't listen to and just listen to a lot of his/her tracks. seeing that this is a producer you don't really listen to your styles won't be similar and you'd be able to take something or somethings that you like from that producer and be able to apply it to your production giving you a different sound consequently making you more versatile which all producers need to be IMO. I hope this helps someone

I'm really digging that "comfort zone" thing and the rest of your post. Thanks everybody for the tips and a special thank to you Artistix, your post especially gives me a good idea of what to do


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
yeah i had that problem about 7yrs ago, change the temples, timesigniture, eq, effect, and if you can try to make beats buy always using differnt kicks,snares,hihat,ect. cuz sometimes i used the same snare on 5 different beats, as for the music start listening to more music even if you don't like it, it can give you ideas on mixing adding effect and ect. most of all change the instuments and patterns..... like intsed of a piano use a harp or something. producers intend to like certain instruments. some might like the 808 kick so in most of his beats you hear the 808kick. producer have a signiture to there production to idenify the producers sound. don't be affraid to use different sound and pattern no one use before, go crazy


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Fortunately I have never had this problem.
I dont think I have ever made a beat that sounded like one of the others.
One thing is that when we first started we never used the same kit twice, every new song we went diggin for drum samples ie: just a kick or snare or bass sound.
I switched to the Triton rack about 3 years ago and still every track just has a different mood to it.
Even if we use the same kits the beats just turn out radically different.
The down side of this is that I really dont know whats gonna come out before I sit down...
I might have a sound in mind but how it all pans out whether good or bad depends on what goes down.
Some asshole once while "Critiquing" our music , kept pestering me what do I think about before I sit down to make somthing. Truly I think about "set this drink here so I dont spill shit again and...on .. ok its runnin....damn protools takes a long time to load...Its all the plugins...k turn this and this on....lets pick ...uh... these keys..."
Thats it...the magic happens after that Ill never know what dickhead was expecting but Im not bitter.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 152
obviously just dont do the same shit you did on your last beat and it will sound different
it's not a bad thing if they all sound similair you might get your own style out of it, just work on what sounds good, using diff samples/synths/effects/drums


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