*This should cause some debate...*

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Knock Out

Rap's Genious
ill o.g.
Ok LOL - how rediculous do you guys seriously sound??? Guevara said I'm a disgrace to New York... why, because I said this website has fake stories?? You don't know me dog, so before you go saying I'm a "disgrace to New York," check yourself. You have 3 replies to my original post saying "you can't be serious." How much spare time do you have on your hands? LoL. As for you K.O - making your name look bad?? I've been calling myself Knock Out for over 3 years so get your shit straight. It's funny how none of you guys no ANYTHING about ANYONE at this board, (especially me, who just started posting like a week ago,) and you talk so much shit... get a life dawgs


ill o.g.
well, you weren't able to read this sign on the bottom of the page.... this makes you very stoooooopid.... ;)


ill o.g.
well let it be known that i'm down for everybody on this site -- stupid or not -- lol -- (joke) -- don't ever take me too serious as i be trying to get at you in fun -- so there......now ban him!!!!

Knock Out

Rap's Genious
ill o.g.
GUYS!!?? What the hell is wrong with you?? You guys are seriously rediculous... I'm making hip hop look bad???? This post is about IllMuzik's fony stories. This website is supposed to be a hip hop resource, (for producers or whoever,) and the stories featured on this site are fake! HOW IS THAT NOT A DISGRACE TO HIP HOP??? Whether it's a joke or not, it still shouldn't be written. Would you want a well-known website making up stories about you if you ever became famous?? (I realize fans would make up shit anyway, but it's sites like these that should CORRECT the rumors, not start them.) I don't think I'm wrong on this one guys...


ill o.g.
well, if you read all those important newspapers in germany or in the rest of the world, you'll notice that there's often a section with funny things and stuff, and no one complains.... and just because you "Mr. Knock Out Grimy street gangsta" aint got no humor doesn't mean that other cats aren't allowed to laugh from time to time...


If you are seriously dumb enough to believe that those stories are true, then that's your problem...not ours. The stories are meant to bring a little humor to the site and most of them are so silly that you got to know they are fake...in case you don't, there is still the disclaimer at the bottom.

There are even magazines and sites that have nothing but these kind of stories that they have created because people find them amusing.

Point is, we're not going to remove the hear say section (at least not for the time being)...so if you don't like them, too bad...and if it ruins your visits to the site, I'm sure that there are other sites out there more suitable for you.

Keyz Febreez

Whats up guys, I got some hot stories coming soon so be on the lookout for that shit. Yo Knockout, can't you take a joke? Damn....


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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
this just in: in a recent discovery, djrob and knockout, bouth newbies to the critically acclaimed ILLMUZIK website have been revealed to be none other than Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer. both are reportedly trying desperatley to revive their carreers. "its impossible", said longtime ILLMUZIK memeber and moderator Copenhagen. "their carreers were never alive."

Truth told will continue to keep you guys posted on this shocking revelation


Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Originally posted by Knock Out
GUYS!!?? What the hell is wrong with you?? You guys are seriously rediculous... I'm making hip hop look bad???? This post is about IllMuzik's fony stories. This website is supposed to be a hip hop resource, (for producers or whoever,) and the stories featured on this site are fake! HOW IS THAT NOT A DISGRACE TO HIP HOP??? Whether it's a joke or not, it still shouldn't be written. Would you want a well-known website making up stories about you if you ever became famous?? (I realize fans would make up shit anyway, but it's sites like these that should CORRECT the rumors, not start them.) I don't think I'm wrong on this one guys...

Do you have a sense of humor at alll?? At the end of all the stories it says disclaimer none of these stories are true..... You're wrong for the simple fact you trying to be captin save a hoe!!!so what the stories are fony you're the only one that believed them and then got mad when you found out that they were not true Do you remeber years ago when star and buckwild had there shit talking thing at the end of the source....they did the same thing and nobody belived them ...Grow up and stop acting like a little girl

Knock Out

Rap's Genious
ill o.g.
To be honest guys lol, I guess I never looked at them as jokes. I mean obviously I didn't believe what I was reading, but it was my first few times at the site, so naturally I'm thinking: "Damn, what I've seen so far of this site is good, but I can't believe the stories on the main page are fake." Give me the benefit of the doubt, anyone could of made the mistake of thinking this site was just being cheesy and making stuff up to get viewers. (Which they are, but..) I guess some of the stories are pretty funny. Just let me say this one time again: none of ya'll know me in real life so how fuckin stupid is it to say things like, "he's a disgrace to hip hop," and "he has no sense of humor." I've been making beats since I was 13, I love hip hop. I'm only 17 now, making beats for about 8 artists in the New York Kingston/Middletown area, and I SINGLE HANDEDLY pushed 500+ copies of one cd in my school alone. I garentee that's more than most of you can say...


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Originally posted by Knock Out
anyone could of made the mistake of thinking this site was just being cheesy and making stuff up to get viewers. (Which they are, but..)

So IllMuzik is cheesy? I'm just trying to attract viewers by posting funny stories? The whole site is useless? Why are you here then?

Man, unbelievable! After all the hard work I put into this site, I put together one small section for funny stories (something other production sites don't have), and now all of a sudden IllMuzik is cheesy? How do you figure that? I try not to take things personally, but when you talk shit about IllMuzik, you're basically kicking me in the nuts. You're just pissed that you embarassed yourself by thinking the stories were true and now everyone's pointing and making fun of you.

Knock Out

Rap's Genious
ill o.g.
OH NO!! LoL, thousands of people I'm never going to know laughing at me!! Yeah ok bro, I'm embarrassed lol. I said in my VERY FIRST POST that "No offense, I'm just saying that it [refering to the stories] sounds like some bullshi*t." Go back and read that part. I said this BEFORE someone pointed out the disclaimer at the bottem of the page. If I saw this, I would of never even started this topic. FADE: when i said (which they are,) in parenthisis, I meant that about the part where I said, "making stuff up to get viewers." Cheesy was my very first thought OF the thought of having fake stories, not the whole site nesseccarily. You make it sound like I'm knocking all of your hard work in creating the site lol. This is my 20th post, I just signed up a week ago... I can't believe you guys are talking mad shit about me because I didn't know the stories were jokes. I thought it was IllMuzik just making up shit that they called exclusive articles that they seriously expected you to believe.



i think they are funny....borderline corny...but I like corny humor. ;)

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
yeah, none of us know you, and by your attitude we are grateful that we dont. if someone says something like your tirade about hear dat, they get clowned, plain and simple. dont you have friends? brothers? classmates? when someone does something stupid, they hear it. so when fade posts something lame like that, i'm sure we will mess with him. it looks like you are the one taking this seriously. if you dont like the stories, so what? the rest of us do and-since you have only been here for a week, what right do you have to criticize what fade chooses to put on?

as far as your beats, who cares? remember Younglord? he sold to some established artists for a minute, but.....? aint heard of him in a while, except for the spare production credit. he was young too. if you really that hot and think heads here cant compete with you, enter the next BEAT THIS comp and show everyone up. until then we dont want to here about what you sold or who you sold it to.



just a little bit of info....

younglord is on the advisory board original man ent. (with one of the nsync dudes- kirkpatrick, and some other well known folks), and he has his own label...he is about to release some dude name d rose.

he also had a trak on Tash's album...but that was like 2 years ago. I'm sure that dude stays busy.
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