This is where you can VENT!


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
After reading these posts, I think the main problem is the whole newbie thing. In 2003, there were only a few people on the site then it exploded with a bunch of new signups, and now you're all veterans of the site. Now that you've all moved on in your own way, it's time for the new guys to come in. So the key lies with the newbies.

It's true though, it's not just ILL, it's all over the place because a lot of people just hit up sites for quick info, or they prefer social sites like Twitter and Facebook. I believe those sites are good, but will die eventually. *cough*MySpace*cough* The communities are where it's at, but basically I've given you guys the tools, it's up to you to help push this site. You're the ones that are on here daily. I'm not saying I'm not gonna do anything else, in fact I still look for ways to improve the site, but what I'm saying is; you guys are the community, so it's up to you to welcome the newbies and make them feel at home.

There's nothing wrong with cliques but it just depends on how they treat others, that's all. The only reason there's cliques on here is because it's a tight knit community and we all know each other, we're used to one another. I'm trying to analyze forums like the Ubuntu forums because they have TONS of newbies on there since everyone's trying Ubuntu.

It's not just how we act towards the newbies, it's also what we offer them. For example, the Introductions forum is great, but few people welcome the new guys. Even then, all that section gives a newbie is the chance to say wassup, that's it. If there was a section for newbies to introduce themselves AND ask dumb newbie questions, then that's more inviting. Maybe the Introductions forum should be changed to Introductions and Newbie Questions.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I have to go back and keep reading these but a thing about "cliques"....

Everyone who has commented on them , imo is actually in them haha, I mean even unorthodox is on the "in" imo thats because these are people who I would look to and respect their opinion because of their talent and openess to communicate and provide valuable feedback.
There isnt a newbie in this thread as far as I have read thus far. I dont see any cliques here unless you are talking about people who do a decent amopunt of work together and therefore may know one another better than those who have not done work with them, but for me I lways try and find a way to get to know people I like better, the net is a great place to meet and collab with people and I havent found a cooler place on the internet.
For me I have spoken to lots of members personally and on the phone here and right now I like everybody on here (which is rare in a community) even Dac ! lol

I would love it if everybody submited more material to the radio show no matter what.
We feel like going to your myfaces and space books to jack your material in order to play it!
I mean its free promotion and folks arent taking advantage of it.

I can understand how someone new might feel intimidated because lots of us older heads act very fmailiar with one another. I know when I first got here I thought Clev and Order 66 were a bunch of racist assholes! lol (they are dont get me wrong j/k) however I eventually started learning folk and as I did I found it improving my music so its sort of you get in where you fit in ...
Now that ebing said , if your a member here then your "in" whether you speak alot or not imo.
I have had Jay Hask at my home studio plenty of times and you dont see him on here alot and in fact he's sort of quiet in person too (compared to my talking ass) but good people, he got in my studio because of his masonic like membership here.
We def should NOT be condesending to people who ask questions that we may think are dumb "read the manual" should not be the first thing out of your mouth , or "google it" shouldnt either just because someone asks about copyright procedure. I always try and tell what I kow on a topic if I can.

I havent been active becausse Im going thru one of those extended "out of it" phases right now that I hope I spring back from.

Who said Nice was doing self promo when it was helpful?
I hope it wasnt me , I have been known to move basement threads to the promo section not out of shaming the person but to make it easier to find if that person is providing a service...

Back to reading.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I wouldn't even call it gangs really tho, its more just members that frequently visit the site on a regular basis that typically converse with one another in like-minded threads.

Now if were talking about the beatthis where people might be biased towards one another because of favoritism thats another thing.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
haha beat this is always going to be controversial cuz is a competition...

look newbie questions arent dumb , I have lots of questions still that I haven asked because I was afriad I'd get ragged on ( I still will but now I know you so its easier lol) but I mean I barely knew shit about a pc when I first got here and I have learned an assload of stuff from the people on this forum.

I think if you have knowledge you should help in the each one teach one aspect, Shadeed and others do a great job in that dept.

As I am going to be exploring software more in the near future be prepared for some dumb ass questions form me !!

I personally dont think a newb question is dumb, its just lack of experience , once someone starts getting the experience down pat then the questions become more relevant.

You could start a "New to this?" section and let them be posted there but I mean I dont know how you would differentiate between that and a trouble shooting or software question.

Dont forget when people are just googling answers to things they wind up here, thats how I found the place.

What if we had some comps for newbs only?


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Yeah class theres something you can do...

Check this out, in the early 90's I moved from DC out to Far Rockaway NYC, I heard a cat named Pete Rock on either WBLS or KISS (I forget which one) scratch'n on turntables. The song was EPMD's "So Whatcha Sayin?" He was killing that ish, I mean really going off. At that very moment, that very instant, I knew DJ'ing was gonna be a part of my life. I started listening to other DJ's like Red Alert, Kid Capri, DJ Scratch, and Terminator X, I bought 2 turntables and a mixer and started mimic'ing their styles. Less than 2 years later, I had maxed turntablism. Later on I was crab'n like it was nothing, I mean clean ish not that raggedy ish them boys on the west coast was doing (j/K).

My point, that moment that I heard PR literally changed my life. It gave me a goal, it kept me out of the streets and so on...Eventhough we have never met or talked on a personal level, we got a feel for each other. You and Ash are the best duo I have heard at this producing game. You two cats have made some of the hottest ish Ive heard on ILL or any other site. (Dont let this go to your You cats have touched someone out there the same way. You cats have made someone dream to do what you are already doing. If possible, you should continue to do that, rather than pulling all the way back, make yourself availiable to cats coming up, the most important thing to have is to have guidance. You said it yourself, when you came to ILL you didn't know anything about producing, cats come here everyday not knowing.

So see, youre like an asset to ILL. Its all about fun, learning new ish, getting opinions, competitions, hearing different styles, learning what to do and not do in this game, man the list goes on and on. Pulling back is leaving cats out on a limb that are out there looking for that something that just may change their life.

Oh and I understand that we grow up and move on, we're not at that point anymore, we're doing BIG ISH now... nothing but selffessness. Be a Pete Rock to somebody, the ultimate complement is somebody telling a story about how you changed thier life.

*edit - this is not just for class and Ash, this is for everyone who has accomplished something in this game. shadeed is giving back, H&R is giving back alot of cats are giving back and thats what we need.



Yo fam, thanks for the love, and don't worry it wont go to my head LOL! I try not to take myself too seriously these days :) honestly stuff like this makes me work harder. I think every time an artist makes music it should be a snapshot in time. For me tje Smash Brothers- Fear factor album was a snapshot, ive moved way past that sound. Nicholas Kopernicus is a snap shot and the stuff im doing now is a snap shot. While it may seem old to me, its new to somebody who hasn't heard it. I do tend to forget that "bigger picture" when im in the purset my own artistic goals. Your post kinda reminded me of that fact

And your right it is all about progression and giving back on ill,
i really want to help cats out around here just like people helped me out when i started(and countiune to help).

Its just a matter of sifting through some of the stuff that i really dont want to deal with. Like fade mentioned i feel like alot of the newer members are not interested actually learning and perfecting their craft. People just want you to say their beat is hot, this is why i stopped posting in the showcase because when i did critique some cats they would get offended and take it as a personal attack. Also the talent pool has gotten thinner overall. Producers are the new rappers...

All in all I will make an effort to reach out more on my end.



ill o.g.
ima be real Illmuzik was a great site for me up untill about 1 -1.5 yrs ago ..i just find most of the threads boring and taken over by some wack ass newbie cats talking shit how old school hip hop is dead is all about the new talking about making tracks with autotune and bashing underground hip hop and if u are one of those ppl and ur reading my post FUCK UR MOTHER U FAG BREAD!!!....but i guess that has nuttin to do with the site just the ppl in it...but i got love for the original cats stress,ash,classic,buku,cleverwon,relic etc. and of course Fade... a perfect example of what i said about the threads being boring is the Post about whose the sexiest girls was by far the most entertaining thread for as long as i can remmember and it had nuttin to do wit production lol...but im still hear cuz im loyal and i hope the threads get better or im sticking to porn
Nice thread Dac, Keep It Real, thats what I like to see.
Can someone please tell me where to upload tracks for the illradio, i can never find the link,
Fade please make it easier to submit. A link on the front page in the radio box would be good.
As for Ill, I owe my production ability to ill. I have learned pretty much everything productionwise here.
I thought I knew it all before I came here, I still do, j/k.
Honestly tho, Ill gave me a reality check and it does everytime my head gets a little too big.
Some really talented people on here.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
i used to love I just like illmuzik...I've grown accustomed to posting my beats in the showcase. I might not agree on how some cats carry themselves or how some decisions are made, or how some newbs and vets are ignored, or how some people "click up", but at the end of the day, its a place where I can get an honest opinion on my beats and a spot where I can search forums and find the help that I need on various types of musical dilemmas.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Nice thread Dac, Keep It Real, thats what I like to see.
Can someone please tell me where to upload tracks for the illradio, i can never find the link,
Fade please make it easier to submit. A link on the front page in the radio box would be good.

No problem, you're right, I'm going to put it on the homepage where it's easy to see. You'll have to be logged in to see it though.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Im feeling that ill-radio upload box right on the would be dope to take it one step further and have a player to listen to the shows right below it......that way heads can just tab over and scan the forums while the players going......wudduya think?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Im feeling that ill-radio upload box right on the would be dope to take it one step further and have a player to listen to the shows right below it......that way heads can just tab over and scan the forums while the players going......wudduya think?
Well on the left side there's a direct link to the M3U file so it will open your MP3 player and start playing, is that what you mean? Having an actual player is okay but the best option for that is to put it in a popup window which isn't ideal for everyone.

i just used the uploader on the front page. Thats what Im talking about.
Would you be able to add a button "Upload another Beat" in the thanks part, that links back to the homepage and refreshes the upload box?
Ya I'll do that right now.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
No i just meant something very straight forward like an embeddable flash player that hosts each radio show directly on the front page. That way you dont have to download a file to listen to it with another application and your not leaving the browser. I think Im just lazy, cuz I always prefer having everything in one place....that way I can press play, and then just open another tab to browse around the forum :)


Formally Finnigan
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
for the most part i like illmuzik. from what i've noticed, everyone here is approachable (through PM). what i don't like about someone has already said, it seems that most of the members here gravitate more towards the boom bap style of hip hop, and if that's not your style, you're kind of "frowned upon." this is the same reason i don't like 9th wonder. a lot of his stuff is good, but he comes across as "if it's not 90's sounding hip hop, it's not hip hop."


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Just my opinion... We all know how fragile some newbies feelings are and for that matter somes vets as well, but anyway...Its hard if not impossible to be humble when you come off as a know it all, same thing when you say some stupid ish and try to make your view the only correct view. Its one thing for a newbie to come to a new site to learn, grow and fit in...but its another thing if a newbie comes in knowing everything and trying to be a smart @$$.

Even some of us vets say some dumb ish from time to time and thats ok because other vets know where they are coming from whereas a newbie won't. BUT heres the issue, if a newbie sees the vets saying some dumb ish, they are more apt to do the same. So sometimes the vets need to check themselves first and just be aware of how their message is coming off to others.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Dac, You're so fucking wrong don't know shit....


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