THIS guy needs a hug. RnB singer rips his own eye out...

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gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
A. he probally spent his little advance and shit and aint got any loot

B. i'd be pissed too if i made that wack ass song with chingy


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
J peg posted this...

Los Angeles radio station KKBT-FM's K-Sly, who appeared in the "I Like That" video and is close to Houston's camp, said the singer had been under psychiatric care last year for manic depression. Another source corroborated that claim, adding that Houston had also struggled with PCP.

"I was told he wanted to commit suicide and stabbed his eye out," K-Sly said. "He was telling people he was Jesus and wanted to go home to his Father."

Well that explains it... He's simply nuts!


ill o.g.
i feel bad for him, but im not surprised. there's some deep stuff going in on in the industry.

Besides, i hope you realize that quebec is number one in suicides right now so if you think he deep, might be someone deeper right beside you...

you wanna know what i think... quebec became number one coicidently when Fade started this forum....





Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
*rumble murmer**


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
ehm being suicidal? but then again why cut out your eye if you are suicidal, cut of your dick that bleeds way faster!
or do a van gogh and cut of you ear..


ill o.g.
it's so crazy... the guy must have real issues 2 act like this... May God give him some comfort.
Money and fame don't give peace and joy....If you don't know now you know!!




I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
afriquedeluxe said:
dang, what could possibly make someone want to do that?
Sounds like he suffers from a classic case of bi-polar diease or manic depsssion. The drugs just amplify the affect

I have friends and family that suffer from bio-polar and they would get in the same type of "jesus" like state. They would think they were invincable and that nothing could hurt them, one attemped to jump off a bridge. Another attempted to cut off his hand.

Manic derpssion and bi-polar affect the chemistry in your brain and warp your sense of reality and pain. It can have the same effects as someone on "PCP"
WHen drugs an acholol are in the mix, it only makes it worse by messing up the chemical imbalance even futher. If he was on PCP and in a "manic" state, this would explain his actions. You have to understand that he really belvied what he was doing was right.

This is no laughing matter, this is a very serious deaise just like cancer or AIDS and effects millions of people, most likely someone close to you has this. There is treatment but it takes time,i truely hope that cat gets help and i wish him the best.


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25

like i said before, this is serious. thanks for breaking that down class. i never knew abuot the pcp-like conditions....... but i know the rest.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
My cousin's girlfriend was bi-polar. SHe had alot of friends that died on 9/11 and was so depressed that she hung herself in december of 2001. Classic is right, shit aint no laughing matter. I have a few cousins that are also bi-polar, and they have to take medication for the rest of their life in order to keep it under control.

The Bastard

This Is The Sickest Shit I Ever Heard, Dood Was Blessed With Sight And He Took Out His Own Eye. This Dude Dont Need A HUG . HE Needs Like 3 Years In A Mental Institute

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21

This story looks like it offers some insite into what may really be going on with him. I don't know if there is such thing as a normal reason for this behavior so all I can speculate on is some of the people closest to him are putting him in some very hard spots right now.

Right at the end of the article it talks about how his family stepped in and messed up some awesome opportunities for him and I guess he was also really religious which explains why his album was rather tame compared to a lot of the RnB you hear these days.

Don't know if anyone saw it, but I immediately thought of the VH1 Special about Micahel Jackson's Secret Childhood. They showed how his own family pretty much messed him up.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
Houston was a diagnosed schizophrenic by the way...


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
thats really, really sad.

as for michael, the jacksons have a long and storied history of abuse of all kinds....... they got some serious things to deal with. i really do feel for michael, (i feel worse for the kids, i dont feel a damn thing for the parents of either though) guilty or not, because he has lreally been screwed up.....