This could get controversal...but I gotta ask.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Straight to the point...Should cats that are members but don't contribute anything to the site other than just being a member win titles? For example...last years Battle That introduced a lot of cats that we've never heard of...understanding that eventhough they met the requirements to compete, do you think that they should be able to wear that title and not show up again until the next Battle That?

Or do you feel like it should be held by someone who atleast makes comments, gives tips and advice, promotes the site and so on...?

Please share your thoughts on this question and why you feel the way you do.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I think there should be a bigger requirement to participate in the Battle That, if the contest is free. If they pay...they could have zero posts...lmao...

But at the same time......there's a factor with competition.....

If you do it with the battle that...should do it with the promo spot as well. There's people that don't post shit but just post in the promo spot to get everyone's feedback on stuff... Promo posts for projects n stuff is cool..but I think there should be a timeframe that it stays up before it gets deleted.

Those same people don't post on anyone else's shit, either.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Battle That was limited originally because members had to pay. Since there's been a drop-off in participation in both Battle That and Beat This, I dropped some of the limits.

Last year the Battle That was free for the first time and sure enough, everyone showed up and it was full of entries. In the past I had hope that we would have enough to fill out an even bracket.

I think it's good that new members that don't participate much are able to enter because it's allowing them to get involved, whereas in the past it would probably turn them off.

If we had tons of member activity on the site through forum posts then maybe I'd bring back some restrictions, but right now I think it's great.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Thats all understandable but if the idea is to get more members involved, then why not put the restrictions back in place? Either you contribute in some form or you don't get a chance at wearing the crown. Battle That and the Illawards are a once a year event, imo they are a lot tougher to obtain than Beat This. I'm not against what you're doing but it's just hard knowing that Joe Blow over at SillyBeatsdotcom is posting and being a very active member there can come over to our home, win and become a Battle That Champ NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Yeah...but sometimes people will get turned off easily by post limits...

I have been turned off by those limits.....combine that with a community that sucks, I just never went back to it.....

I like this community because of it's members.....the contests and activities are a bonus...

There should be a small restriction for the Battle terms of post limits...this way the same people aren't competing.....


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I agree with Dac but Fade has a good point. I think its good for now.

My issue is with people that only post projects they are a part of in the promo section but dont show up for ANYTHING else. I just ignore the thread, and I will continue to, but since the situation's been brought up I must say, how do they contribute to the site? Honestly.

They only post to get what they want out of the situation. The beat this/battle that isnt so bad as long as they meet the requirements. Maybe it should be a post requirment per year or something. It doesnt bother me as much as the promo spot being raped by basically inactive members

edit: "members" more than one


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
hahaha, I'm guilty of doing just what I described...the last time Fade took the site down, I went to another well known spot, ran my post up to 10, entered a comp, and won. It had a very undesireable community as well so I never went back but the difference is...their comp was more like our Beat This, NOT like our Battle That. Personally, I'd rather pay to get in Battle That and lose to someone that is active, then get in it free and lose to Joe Blow.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
My issue is with people that only post projects they are a part of in the promo section but dont show up for ANYTHING else. I just ignore the thread, and I will continue to.

Exactly... I just look @ the posts and completely ignore them.

They won't comment on anything else, not even post votes in the Beat this (I'm guilty of this, but I wasn't at home during the competition..) If I don't compete, I will vote....

If you have time to post up your projects, you have time to contribute to this site other than politely spamming your shit in here. =x


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Suc, thats a good point

Skid, Im there too


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I could put a restriction of maybe 25 posts to enter the Battle That, I don't see what else I could put without turning people away. Originally, the first 2 Battle That comps, people had to submit their beat and I had to approve whether it was good enough to compete or not. That itself turned a lot of people away. It made for a tough competition, but the entries were very very low.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Well, if it's a known fact that putting a post limit on it will turn people away, then maybe that's not the answer. It seems like there's a sacrafice either way you go. What do you think about having an entry fee that depends on your participation? i.e. for no post you pay $10, for 100 posts you pay $5, anything over 1000 post is free ( or something to that nature...)? These cats have got to understand that it's not about turning them away, it's about being active and supporting the community. The Battle That Crown is the most prestigeous award at illmuzik and should be worn by someone worthy of it not only for having the dopest beat, but for representing illmuzik as well.

What do you all think about that?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Ya I agree with giving it to someone that's a regular member, however I know from experience that free is always what people want. Let's face it - there's been a steady decline on hip hop sites, including this one in the past few years, so putting restrictions like an entry free may seem okay to you or a few others on here, but to the average visitor they won't be interested.

I don't think we need to charge anyone, I think if anything just put some sort of low post limit at most.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
i feel ya, i guess im just gonna have to use my unbeatable beats, i was trying to save them for my debut with defjam but this is more important right now. so for the record, its fades fault that i must destroy you all, dont blame me


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
my only excuse that i have is that i been going threw health issue's but ive been trying to make a better effort
its not easy get back into swing of things with training going on and preparing my sef to go to wyoma in a few weeks for some fights hopefully!

but i try to make some effort
with all that sai i agree that the tittle should b for some one who's been cositant with tips post up and ect
if some are taking time and devoting them self to illmuzik then they should be reward
as for me it wont be long until im back on here full time again
meanwhile hope everyone has a good Monday


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
nahhh man, you've already established yourself as a part of this family. there are cats here that have been here since 1943 with 10


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Keep the contests free....

This way participation is big....