The world needs to take a step back


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I don't know what I want this thread to be, but I just feel the need to vent somewhat.

*Note: I've always had in the rules not to talk about politics/race/religion because that NEVER ends well, so let's try not to go in that direction.

With all the nonsense going on in the world the past few years, I just feel like everyone has lost their way, whatever that may be. Each day seems to run into one another to the point where I feel lost. There's always the questions of "what is life", and "why are we here", and those are very valid questions. Are we supposed to just go to school, get a job, have kids, retire, then die? Is that it?

We all have dreams of what we want from life but most of the time it won't work out as planned because, well, that's life. Things happen. Nothing is perfect.

But I want some sort of control and it's hard to do certain things when the world is so messed up.

"Life is what you make it" is a popular saying, and it's so true. However, it's hard to be positive when the world is so upside down. I remember when there was no such thing as the internet. When I first went online it was amazing because it was new. It was also a TOOL. It didn't engulf my life to the point where I sat in front of a computer all day, using it to do everything.

For many, this is how the internet is to them and social media has made it a million times worse. They should change the name because there's nothing social about it except for everyone insulting one another. I could take hours to write a long article, or days to do a YouTube video, then a person will just come along with a negative comment, not caring how much work I put into it.

I don't expect everyone in the world to be positive and nice (that would be boring), but at times I just wish there was no internet. None. At this point I miss just having those old rabbit ears to get a couple of TV channels. (TV and movies suck now anyway.) My phone would actually RING because someone actually wanted to TALK to me rather than text. I've seen people say how they have anxiety when their phone rings! WTF! They're saying they wish people would text them first to ask them if it's okay to call them. :rolleyes:

Somewhere down the line society took the biggest wrong turn in the history of wrong turns. I blame society for being idiots and not using the internet as a great resource rather than having it control our lives.

At this point I'll probably get one of those pimped out vans and live in there with a dog. And just in case anyone is thinking it, no I'm not depressed, I'm pissed off. Whenever someone posts stuff like this, it's too easy for everyone to say "oh you're depressed". Even if I was, that has nothing to do with how society is in the first place.

There's a great line I heard once:

"Stop the world, I want to get off."


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
It’s weird times for sure. To me the only logical conclusion is to love and take care of the people around you. No politician gives a shit but you can directly impact your friends, so why not focus on them.
Well said. I try to care for those around me, unfortunately most would rather only communicate via Facebook lol.
As the world goes insane, just try not to lose yourself in the madness. All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. Never forget what freedom was, what it meant, people have very short memories at times. The whole plandemic is designed so that we forget what freedom even was. The world hasnt really gone insane, its just that the inmates are running the asylum. Its an old saying but its never been more relevant. We are seeing a desperate power grab by the globalists whose plans have been hampered by the free flow of information that the original internet gave us. The globalists are so close to their goals that they are desperate to just take control of the free world, no matter how transparent their lies. This is good to some extent as it is waking up people that would never have woken from the slumber of an easy convenient life. But as we rapidly lose everything that makes life convenient, clinging on to the easy option will become less and less relevant an option. It will get worse before it gets better, ,keep your chin up, stay true to yourself and weather the storm. Its going to be a bumpy ride.
I feel like the Internet used to be fun. Like back in the days of Napster and MSN. Now it's commercialised to the max. The business model draws out the worst in people. Algorithms designed to give you an echo chamber and clickbait for ad revenue. It just polarises society and forments hate and division. And completely reduces critical thinking. It's like when you go on social media or watch the news, it's a war on your mind, manipulation and programming. Hard not to be cynical. For me, nothing just beats going to the pub with mates and having a laugh, and right now it's not possible and it sucks.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
@2GooD Productions Good points. I've felt that way too that it seems some people are waking up to see how much bullshit is in the world right now. It's like when the whole pandemic started I would see headlines like "XXXX (Hollywood star) GOT COVID!". I was like, who cares? We're all in the same boat. Stop glorifying people because of a title or persona. Let's get past that shit because it just makes society dumber.

@Face Valid It's true though, I miss those simpler internet days when I'd be on MSN having decent conversations. Napster was great until the person you're downloading from would cut you off lol. As for the ads, well that's an entirely different monster of a topic which I'd like to address soon anyway.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.


Big Clit Energy
People @Crispifier used to try and hide their craziness but now it's for all the world to see.

The @Fade glorification of people based on titles and personas speaks to false idolatry which leads to people doing whatever for attention that gives way to praise and adulation. I ask myself often why am I here and what is life.

As far as dreams I've often felt I was/am in the wrong city as far as dreams I have had and do have. It irks me when I hear phrases like follow your dreams, find your passion, etc. when many people who make those statements either had moral support and/or financial no matter how not so unique the dream (think anyone who entertains or is in the arts) when less than 1% of people do jobs that align with whatever their major or minor was in college and/or uni if they attended and matriculated at all.

I miss life pre Internet as now no one knows how to socialize and social media is a tool for data mining and more importantly social lies as there once was a time where having a social life meant actually going out to meet people.
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Big Clit Energy
I @thedreampolice feel that there is a deficiency regarding love in today's society, ranging from the platonic to the romantic* to the familial.

*I only advocate this between adults who are past their teens, not between pedos who poison society with their sickness.

I @Face Valid miss when the Internet felt new but I don't miss the slow speed it once had in its early days. Main thing I bemoan is loss of privacy and I hate that social media has encouraged people to share everything with no regard to discretion.
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I @thedreampolice feel that there is a deficiency regarding love in today's society, ranging from the platonic to the romantic* to the familial.

*I only advocate this between adults who are past their teens, not between pedos who poison society with their sickness.

I @Face Valid miss when the Internet felt new but I don't miss the slow speed it once had in its early days. Main thing I bemoan is loss of privacy and I hate that social media has encouraged people to share everything with no regard to discretion.
sadly the western world is ruled by paedophiles, the media has covered their backs for decades.


Big Clit Energy
Insane @2GooD Productions thing is the Greeks imported it to us.
its a sickness that goes way beyond ancient Greece. Its been a tool of the secret services for a very long time, to compromise VIPs and politicians so they can become pawns to whoever films them in the act. *cough* Hunter Biden *cough*


Big Clit Energy
'Cause @Fade it's everywhere, and in a racial context, there was homoeroticism in US slavery. The word player which is synonymous in Black slang for the Brothas who use "game" to attract women, has a shocking origin in slavery as it referred to European men violating Black boys and men for pleasure, torture and terrorism.
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