"The Turd In The Punchbowl" - Whats wrong with the truth movement?

Ill concentrate on 3 big names....
Alex Jones, who used the "Turd In A Punchbowl" analogy to describe David Icke.
saying "he(David Icke) created a great bowl of punch with lots of truth and then he comes along and drops a turd into it with the whole reptilian and blood drinking reptilian child sacrificing royals thing, making the whole bowl of punch undrinkable"

Bill Cooper on David Icke. Pretty much what Alex said.

Bill Cooper on Alex Jones. Hes a lying low down rumour-mongering scaremongering shit. Who claimed on New Years Eve 1999 that russia had launched nukes at the usa.

I have also seen articles debunking Bill Cooper. Saying he made stuff up.

But the common theme that I would like to get to is the 70-30 thing.

70% truth and 30% lie/disinfo/rumour/strawman.

30% that can be disproven casts a shadow of doubt on the other 70% that can be verified and backed up with documentation.
And then you get to the whole controlling all sides debate, whereas those that lead revolution are also being funded by those they appear to be fighting against. Like the Rothschilds funding both sides of the Napoleonic War. Or the Bush family fortune coming from funding the Nazi War machine, or the freemason being behind the American Revolution, while at the same time having their headquarters in the UK.
When these big name truthers, say what they do and dont get killed off(except for Bill Cooper, he was killed off) you have to wonder why, how can they get away with it, when a hacker from the UK who says something hardly bad at all is threatened with 70 years of prison for trumped up offences and being made a scapegoat of, when the real crime is that these so called secure databases of information were so easily hackable. On that though I do find it interesting that he hacks the database comes up with "The Disclosure Project"(disclosure to who?) then the very same year he gets caught, the disclosure project becomes a real thing. Just google it see what its aims are. Its aims are one of the leading reasons some people are saying we are being led into the grand deception of aliens being used as a pretence for us to accept a one world government.


ill o.g.
The in fighting is truly wack...jones came around on david icke though...he has him on his show all the time and they have a decent back n forth now...

The reason why I think these folks are "allowed" to put out their info is because it doesng matter...it will not affect the agenda...I mean this thing is 1000 years old 2good...the current form is has been underway since the 1700's and the capstone is about to be placed...you cant stop an intergenerational plot with youtube and dvd's, i mean in theory you can but wih the way the programing amd food supply is ran in the western world it is impossible to stop the agenda from rolling forward...

Its is accepted as FACT now that global warming is a man made phenomena and the planet does not have the resources to support our population rate...anybody who believes otherwise is considered a dumbass...people thnk cancer is a completely normal and natural way to die...people dont ask why autism rates have skyrocjeted since the 60's...women in the US let surgeons deliver their childern as opposed to midwives even though midwives are muuuuuuuuuuch cheaper and have a substainally sucessful infant mortality rate...folk swish the poison flouride around in their mouth every morning even though there is a warning that tells them to call poison control if they swallow any of it...people will point and laugh at a HUMAN BEING beimg tourtured by electricity via taser but then turn anound and spew venom if some kicks a cute dog...

The point is people in the west are actually insane...some more than others and they will never organize due to their programming...

So back to your point...if I was one of the elite 2000 that are guiding the world I wouldnt give a shit about some fat boy in texas or some x classical guitar player in canda etc. "exposing" my agenda which I have personally published for the public anyway...

Cause thats all these guys do is show you the elites own documents, its not like they are breaking down any real walls they just simplify it for the "unwashed masses"


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
IMO thru all the years i've been exposed to and also following this conspiracy theory shit i've been come to the realization that its is all show. Besides the fact I do believe there are other life forms in our solar system when it comes to aliens. All this exposing the elite BS is exactly what it is BULLSHIT, understand this, especially when it comes to Americans, Americans will always sit on the fence and never do anything about it because they are toooooo comfortable and yellowback. All of these man made illnesses, gentrification and human as well as civil rights being violated on a daily is crazy. And what do Americans constantly do, support these same companies that blatantly sell you poison that kill you slooooooowly and constantly support a broken government system that works against the interest of the people and more for the greed of corporations. Mofos will drop a bomb on innocent people whom I personally have no beef with but hell in the US of A if someone allows me to take advantage of them and I can do as I please with them, hell Imma do it until they check me. I 100% to a T agree with Lou.........
I agree with you both completely. Its not just americans that are apathetic, its a western world phenomenon maybe even global. We have been so brainwashed with "education" and filled will drugs, that now run through our water supplies, and through forced vaccination programs, combined with not knowing what to believe from so called truthers that have their "issues", there is no stopping the "agenda" its too late.
This is where I add credibility to the Book Of Revelations of the Bible, these things are simply coming to pass, either by design or by prophesy, they ARE coming to pass.


ill o.g.
Dude...when I came to this realization I was chin deep in the "Truth" movement, passing out dvds with federaljack.com, doing public viewings of alex jones flicks at the local theatre, holding meetings with like minded gun owners at the shooting range, turning every convo with someone into an "educational" oppurtunity...then after studying the true, true, nature of the agenda and realizing Im about 100 years too late I figured it would be a better use of my time to do all the shit I know im not gonna be able to do in 10 years...and over all just enjoy the fuck out the human experience...after deciding THAT was the first time I felt truly "awake"