The state of black women today

50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

J Rilla

Tha Fresh Prince of L.A.
ill o.g.
Nnxt said:
Thats HILLARIOUS...........I pretty much agree with Holmz also...When i was younger and broke I would always get ".....u broke ass nigga..." comments and now that i have a nice car,job,place etc I get called a square becuz i aint sittin on my porch yelllin "crip this" or "blood that" almost like a no win...I dont seem to get that from girls of other races though


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
WingsOfAnAngel said:
Women (again, very generally) have become (or always been? :D ) shallow and superficial.
(BTW, an enormous percentage of men are the same).

i feel that most people are self-centered and do not care about the consequences of their actions. I have know many healthy African-American families who are raising successful children, however there is a truth about American ghettos that has taken the hope from many African-American families when they began settleing after slavery was abolished. they went to cities because cities were much safer than the country areas. this will shift though.. African-Americans are very mentally strong (compared to other races [don't trip anyone]) because the African-Amercian's we see today are decendents of real heros who never had a choice; work or die.

heres something i wrote that pertains to that:
"goverments who won't stop frontin' an run shit/from Columbia to coke-brick/ ghettos to broke kids/ into families where no hope lives/ they know this/ hell they own it/ tri-state cities and oceans" --2004


Audio Artistic Slave
ill o.g.
Very Well Thought Out...I Agree With U (Reffering To Holmz)

This is a picture of the girl I was with ALL THREW HIGH SCHOOL
She is graduating June 9th...I'm sooooo proud of her!!!!!
(Not a JailBait...She is 18 and I'm 19)


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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
Holmzini said:
yo ... bottom line ... imma tell ya the real here...

girls want it all....

they want a perfectly balanced guy...

they want a guy who is good looking, but not so into himself,

they want a smart guy, but they dont want a nerd who talks so smart and big worded

that they dont get him...

they want a tough strong guy who is a mans man, confident (timidness is a sure fire way to get rejected) and makes his own decisions, but they want him to be sensitive enough to give in to her deamands sometimes....

they want a guy who is in the man and in charge but a bit of sucker sometimes.....

they want a guy to know when no means yes and yes means no....

they want a guy to fuc them rough and hard but still in an intimate way ........

they talk how they are financially independent, dont need anybody and talk about how they are making it on their own.. and then turn around and ask you to buy them shit all the time and get mad when u tell them no.....

they say they dont need a guy with money but always say shit like ... u need a better job!.. and .. ur so cheap u broke ass nigga!...

they want a bad boy that is good only to them... they think they can turn bad boys good
girls have extremely selective memories and will somehow blame u for every that goes wrong even if its clearly her fault..

THEY BADLY BADLY WANT TO FALL IN LOVE.. dont say it back unless u really fucin mean it.. cuz they will say it before you ever do 9.9 out of 10 times

they are always at least 2 steps ahead of you in terms of long term thinking.. when you thinking hey i wanna go steady, she thinking i wonder how our kids will look..

they dont like any of the girls that you knew before u met them..even if ur just friends... they really HATE ex girlfriends too..matter of fact they prolly dont like ur guy frinds that much either

they do shit to fuc you up on purpose.. threaten the relationship, make up stories and shit, just to test you.. just to fucin test you...

they think all guys are alike.... and the problems she had with her ex automatically get pinned on you the moment you start dating.. a good thing to do is have her talk about the bad shit her ex did... and dont fucin do it idiot!

they think for some reason that when guys get together all we do is talk about our girlfriends..(haha)
BUT when girls together ALL they do is talk shit about their men

they take days/weeks to accept your apology if you fuc up or do somthing wrong.. but if a woman fucs up she thinks a shitty, instant 2 bit apogoly and some make up sex is the answer(well..hey..)

oh yeah if she pissed at you...YOU CANT WIN THE ARGUMENT... jus give it up dude

here is a misconception...that there are no good women around... thats not true there are alot of good women around... u have to know how to approach them and where to find them.. if you go to the broke down corner bar.. ur gonna find the broke down corner girl...

and prolly most of all women want security... they need promises, compliments, sacrifices on your part, basically u have to PROVE TO THEM THAT U R NOT CHEATING.... in this case its guilty until proven innocent... and you have to constantly renew that innocence

oh yeah say goodbye to a percentage of your manhood too.. niggas talk all that shit like they got their chick on lock but still r wit the fellas all of the time.... yeah right nigga.. a good girl will suc up your time like a black hole... if you dont got to be with ur chick like that then she most likley is playin ur dumb ass and is not a good girl to begin with

bottom line

there is no satisfying them so u just have to try and keep the flare ups and tantrums to a minimum

now the good side to this is that once you land a good girl.. they are actually real loyal and if you are careful and say the right things... they will kill for you if you wanted them to.. its a huge trade off and thats the problem.. there are plenty of good girls out there but the price for one is through the


here is my girl... shes such a bitch lol
naw sike i luv her... im also am plotting to kill her

co-sign, bottom line is they don't know what the fuck they want !


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
i cant really say much about black girls, cuz i've never dated one or anything...i've met some very nice black chicks, and ive met some very bitchy ones....

but straight up, theres a lotta white girls that are just as fucked up as a black girls, so dont get shit twisted lol...i think this whole thing about black girls is just a generalization and stereotype because that's the way the media portrays them...but i really dont think that black girls as a populus, are much worse than white girls as a whole...chicks are gonna be chicks...they all bitch, they all talk shit, its a womans nature....the idea is to find one that you can stand to listen to for more than 5 minutes at a time...nobody's perfect, everyone has their own individual faults, but you gotta love the womans faults

J Rilla

Tha Fresh Prince of L.A.
ill o.g.
Eurydice said:
i know what i want..........

and that is? If you dont mind me askin

i cant really say much about black girls, cuz i've never dated one or anything...i've met some very nice black chicks, and ive met some very bitchy ones....

but straight up, theres a lotta white girls that are just as fucked up as a black girls, so dont get shit twisted lol...i think this whole thing about black girls is just a generalization and stereotype because that's the way the media portrays them...but i really dont think that black girls as a populus, are much worse than white girls as a whole...chicks are gonna be chicks...they all bitch, they all talk shit, its a womans nature....the idea is to find one that you can stand to listen to for more than 5 minutes at a time...nobody's perfect, everyone has their own individual faults, but you gotta love the womans faults

I agree with you to a point,but my perception of black girls has nothin to do with the media its from personal experience...Every race does have its bad apples though. Just from my perspective girls of other races give me a lot less of the bullshyt.


ill o.g.
I gotta admit a lot of black men just loaf around and dont really make any progress socially, that is def an an issue but black women are also part of the problem.

alot of black women have that "can u apy my bills" mentality which they have in every interaction towards blackmen.

that creates a strain on the relationship before it has even begun. it also make dudes like myself wanna avoid the situation all 2gether.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Nice thread!

I said it already in another thread, but acting up is not supposed to be the way to attract a guy IF you are looking for a mate. I met too many black women how think all black man are crap and have no job.

As if all black man have 3 kids from 3 different girls, are broke, live with their parents (at 30), sell dope, dont have a future, dont want one... etc...

and if that is true for a girl (that all the guys she meets are like that), maybe she should consider looking elsewhere...

As if all black man only think about having sex with a girl and kicking her to the curve... this is straight BS and it's stereotypes... but, of course, the general attitude of the girl could have play in the the way guys approach her. I mean, if I go in a club and I see a girl shaking her thang like there was no tomorrow, sipping on a drink and looking tipsy and sexy as hell, my first though wont be : "Mmmmh, she would make a great mother for my children"...


ill o.g.
"but, of course, the general attitude of the girl could have play in the the way guys approach her. I mean, if I go in a club and I see a girl shaking her thang like there was no tomorrow, sipping on a drink and looking tipsy and sexy as hell, my first though wont be : "Mmmmh, she would make a great mother for my children"..."

EXACTLY. theres a time and a place to find a mate, a club or a wild party where the trifling ones are there in flocks aint gonna cut it sometimes.


ill o.g.
I think men are a completely confused gender:

so lets say you meet me in a club:
A) I'm gonna have something scandelous on
B) I'm gonna have a drink in my hand (if not 2)
C) I'm going to be dancing my ass off
D) I won't be with any guys...( i dont bring sand to the beach)

So, upon first impression you would think that I wouldnt be a great mother/wife...but if you stopped and actually met would see that I would make some man very happy ....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
^^^ lol ya get that from dave chapelle??


eyez all hazy...
ill o.g.
Eurydice said:
I think men are a completely confused gender:

so lets say you meet me in a club:
A) I'm gonna have something scandelous on
B) I'm gonna have a drink in my hand (if not 2)
C) I'm going to be dancing my ass off
D) I won't be with any guys...( i dont bring sand to the beach)

So, upon first impression you would think that I wouldnt be a great mother/wife...but if you stopped and actually met would see that I would make some man very happy ....

that's tru... i've met a few females at the clubs and they're actually very nice women. you can't judge them b/c they're in the clubs shakin' their behinds. however, there are quite a few hoes in there, you can't deny that!


ill o.g.
See This Is The Are So Contridicting ......ok So If I Have Some Thing On Sexy...or In My Own Words Scandelous ...i Look Like A Hoe? What Type Of Shit Is That? Are You Serious...its Acceptable For A Woman To Be A Freak Behind Doors, But She Cant Show Her Sexuality In Public...see ...this Is Why I'm Single...there Is Nothing Wrong With A Woman Showing Off Her Body...we Were Born Naked..


ill o.g.
e.porter said:
that's tru... i've met a few females at the clubs and they're actually very nice women. you can't judge them b/c they're in the clubs shakin' their behinds. however, there are quite a few hoes in there, you can't deny that!
