The reality for most of us, which damn annoys me


Beat Architects !
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 49
lets be honest, 99% of this site will not be in the music industry. i dont mean to be negative, because this post affects me as much as you guys. its just, i keep thinking of doing a damn 9-5 doing some shitty job that i dont even enjoy just to keep food on the table or whatever when i got this talent in me that COULD be making a shit load of money while also being something i WANT TO DO and not something im FORCED to do, if you know what i mean.

i keep thinking of these producers who are getting checks for doing something they LOVE doing. i wanna be one of those people. i dont do this music shit just for money, thats not even the case, i love making this because i love making music and my love for hiphop. its just so many of us have this talent that could definetely be used in the industry and so many people could be listening to the next just blazes, kanyes, dres, premos, etc but they arent gonna hear it. this is not just to illmuzik, im talking generally to producers all over the world. its so annoying because i would kill to become a producer, of course its not all happy times and im sure the shit gets to you but just thinking of doing a shitty bank from 9-5 for 40 years or whatever hacks me off.

i duno, just thought id vent a little



Funky Walker Dirty Talker
ill o.g.
depends on what you call 'music industry'
we make, sell and promote music - what would u call it ?

if u want to be a producer so bad, spend the hours bangin out beats - like those cats u listed have done. instead of thinkin about the money


ill o.g.
I see where you comin' from, and from a realistic standpoint that is true, but the way your sayin' it is like you've already given up hope. Sure, it's a rare chance that any of us producers will make it in the industry, but for most of the producers in the industry right now it was a rare chance that they would get in it. Just try and stay optimistic and you never know what'll happen.



ill o.g.
I feel what you saying Streetwize.. I Kinda feel the same way.... Its like the countless dudes dats mad nasty in bball dat don't make it to the nba... Man in this industry shit this world period you can have all the skill determination, hustle, grind etc.. In the world... If you you don't have the right connections/ relationships wit the right people you not gonna make it period... Also for some people its just not they time for some it will never be no matter how hard they try. Shit even my non music related day job if I didn't know some 1 I wouldn't have that. Never give up on the music tho cause all it takes is the right person to put you on... As for me as every day pass I loose the desire to be " in the industry" I can give afuck about fame... Honestly I wouldn't know how to handle it... I just want enuff money to live comfortable and get the things I want.... I got a associate dats a platinum producer rite now... We went to school together ... I never even knew he was into music... he hooked up with the rite people early on and it paid of for him.... Same age as me from the same neighborhood .im still sitting in my bedroom ...Y cause I didn't make the moves I should have early on..... Iight its 5 in the morn im going bak to sleep


Beat Architects !
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 49
erkl said:
depends on what you call 'music industry'
we make, sell and promote music - what would u call it ?

if u want to be a producer so bad, spend the hours bangin out beats - like those cats u listed have done. instead of thinkin about the money

like i said in my post, im not about the money. what i was saying about the financial aspect of it, was it would be ideal to be making money off producing because at the same time, you're getting paid for the thing you love the most. im not being big headed when i say i think im a pretty good producer, and that, i could sell my beats easily. i dont sell beats because id rather give beats to emcees i like listening to.if i cared so much about the money side, id stick all my beats on soundclick and sell them. i dont. this shit isnt about money. all i meant was that the money is a bonus and that it would be dope to earn my money, however much it is, by doing the thing i love the most

dont twist my words because im one of the people that is not in this shit for the money.


A hater since the womb!
ill o.g.
From my P.O.V. if you're not in it for the money you probably will never be in "the industry" Because money is what makes the "industry" what it is. If your only motivation is to make music because you enjoy 10 years from now you will probably be making music just for your enjoyment.

Anyways my point is a hustler hustles cause he's driven too. You only get as far as your drive allows you. I think you can be the wackest producer rapper whatever and make it if thats what you really want. Most people I find know what they dont want whether it be fame or whater but they cant say what they exactly want or know how to achieve it.


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
Streetwize, i feel you on this. Its weird, it is a subject that a lot of us is thinking seriously right now.
It is sad to say, but you are right. But i decided to let everything on God's hand and i am currently studying about what exactly i need to know behind the curtains. I guess the only solution possible is to continue to make bangers and see what that can lead you. Yes we may be 1 000 000 beatmaker out there trying to make it.... We are all different, we come from in different country, we make music for about a different amount of time, we may be a musician in real life or not, we may have enough equipement to produce or some has too much equipement (lol), Some of us sold a lot of track, some of us never did that... man, bottom line its all about being different musically. Its all about having a good timing. For me, im not ready. I may be too hard on myself, theres a lot of beats that i've made and i think they are wack. The moment i'll be really satisfied about them, it will be another story. Its all about the learning process. If you want to make your move right now (Street, or Di Fantom) dont be afraid. Stay humble.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Hey man speak for yourself, I'm already going to be on at least 1 album coming up this quarter and I keep my fingers crossed about the outcome..LOL but I have collected 1 check (not a big one)from ASCAP about 2 years ago (not hip hop music), maybe thats from your perspective unfortunately that 99% percent of people on the site won't ever make it, it's tuff but you'll never know who will do what to be honest .......LOL.....I been at this for awhile and its never been this competitive...but I also get money from the streets too...I mean i do it for the love but love won't pay a bill so I look at it like compensation for the hours I spent and art are thankless jobs anyone that's played in any bands or gigged which I have will quickly realize how much art music really is and they don't do it for money.......don't let the media fool you though and lure you by what you see there's producers that could get on projects with their beats and they get a lil upfront money and might sell the beat but the songs never even make the album cut....or maybe they made the album but it doesn't do well...LOL, did you know that???? have to work with artists to truly be a producer in the true meaning of the craft.......most people ask who have you produced?...not what have you produced? question is do you work with any artists? or even attempted ....LOL....anything else is sort of make your music grow you need to work with artists thats how it fully realizes its potential and art....even a beat critique will help but you need to find out what an MC or artist will do to make it grow into a full piece of work, because thats 50% of a royalty unless you Rhyme if you ask me because thats what you will be doing if you can manage to get on the inside......a big label isn't for everyone, I work with 2 small labels locally and they do everything by the book........soundscans and everything......some people on the site don't ever want to leave out of their house to work with anyone maybe thats what they want to do, some people do mixtapes, some people just sell beats, I think your statement is completely inaccurate though, I think that this site is going to surprise some people this year and some people will have big news.......there's a few people I know that have gotten paid from music, maybe not in terms of how the media propagates people like Kanye West, Just Blaze or any of the well established multi million dollar(CELEBRITY PRODUCERS) but if you got a dream keep chasing can payoff, you don't even have to be the best but that helps, keep making tracks, keep adjusting your game and creativity, network, I know some people will never make a contact maybe they don't know how, that really has a lot to do with where you are located too, but knowing where the studios are helps, knowing other producers helps, there are organizations that can help, see if there are any producers in your area that have done anything big or been on with them...... overall you have to get up and get out and work with people and get a name in your area, for some that is impossible so its harder.....but I liken that to the scenario of the kid in Iowa that makes his way to Wall Street, he put in his dues and got paid because that was his dream........
ill o.g.
This issue comes up in my head about once a day every day. But i just try to think of some of the other shit people say: "If your good enough, you will be found". Just keep workin.

I really try to think of it like "Live every day like its your last day". Go out and try to get a job at studio instead of sittin on the couch. Look for new talent. Do anything that could help you progress, or even try to meet those people that could put you on.

And an example of findin the right people?

Swizz Beatz.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
bigdmakintrax said:
Hey man speak for yourself, I'm already going to be on at least 1 album coming up this quarter and I keep my fingers crossed about the outcome..LOL but I have collected 1 check (not a big one)from ASCAP about 2 years ago (not hip hop music), maybe thats from your perspective unfortunately that 99% percent of people on the site won't ever make it, it's tuff but you'll never know who will do what to be honest .......LOL.....I been at this for awhile and its never been this competitive...but I also get money from the streets too...I mean i do it for the love but love won't pay a bill so I look at it like compensation for the hours I spent and art are thankless jobs anyone that's played in any bands or gigged which I have will quickly realize how much art music really is and they don't do it for money.......don't let the media fool you though and lure you by what you see there's producers that could get on projects with their beats and they get a lil upfront money and might sell the beat but the songs never even make the album cut....or maybe they made the album but it doesn't do well...LOL, did you know that???? have to work with artists to truly be a producer in the true meaning of the craft.......most people ask who have you produced?...not what have you produced? question is do you work with any artists? or even attempted ....LOL....anything else is sort of make your music grow you need to work with artists thats how it fully realizes its potential and art....even a beat critique will help but you need to find out what an MC or artist will do to make it grow into a full piece of work, because thats 50% of a royalty unless you Rhyme if you ask me because thats what you will be doing if you can manage to get on the inside......a big label isn't for everyone, I work with 2 small labels locally and they do everything by the book........soundscans and everything......some people on the site don't ever want to leave out of their house to work with anyone maybe thats what they want to do, some people do mixtapes, some people just sell beats, I think your statement is completely inaccurate though, I think that this site is going to surprise some people this year and some people will have big news.......there's a few people I know that have gotten paid from music, maybe not in terms of how the media propagates people like Kanye West, Just Blaze or any of the well established multi million dollar(CELEBRITY PRODUCERS) but if you got a dream keep chasing can payoff, you don't even have to be the best but that helps, keep making tracks, keep adjusting your game and creativity, network, I know some people will never make a contact maybe they don't know how, that really has a lot to do with where you are located too, but knowing where the studios are helps, knowing other producers helps, there are organizations that can help, see if there are any producers in your area that have done anything big or been on with them...... overall you have to get up and get out and work with people and get a name in your area, for some that is impossible so its harder.....but I liken that to the scenario of the kid in Iowa that makes his way to Wall Street, he put in his dues and got paid because that was his dream........


If you think like your post then you have already failed ! most of the time like 99% the difference between the people wo make it and those who don't is down to the person themselves their attitude, willingness to work and learn and make sacrifices ! You can't expect to make a few beats and have jay-z turn up and go oh your dope do ten tracks for my new album heres 5 million and the next day MTV are on the phone it doesnt happen like that ! Would kanye west be as big as he is now if he hadn't dropped out of college and made ' 5 beats a day for 3 summers' the answers no, so.......... you can either moan about it or quit or you can stay focused and put yourself in the position where no1 can eny you !
coz theres loads of people who want to become producers but then thing is everytime someone thinks like you have and stays negative im one step closer to my goal !


ill o.g.
Loose Cannon said:
And an example of findin the right people?

Swizz Beatz.

swizz beats aint find the right people ... he was born into the right people... heads of ruff ryders is his uncles...

and the riff for his break through song ( ruff ryders anthem)was directly jacked from a demo riff on a roland sound module (for got the model)

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
yo, alot of this shit is what yall are defining "making it" as..... i aint need to be up in the industry to the degree i think you define as makin it... 1st and foremost for me, makin it would be havin an artist i consider the shit bein on a track i made... or gettin heard and liked by a producer i consider the shit... i dont need to be on mtv to think i made something worth while.... the money is necessary but not the bottom line for shit... d said the important shit... keep gettin on projects, or find a rapper you believe in and do an album or ep... as far as the job shit ... quit and sell drugs if you hate your job so much... other than that... thats life... i've been workin a full time job since september and cant stand it, before that it had been around a year and a half just doin the music shit... my music output is sufferin like crazy cause of it too... but i got plans to save some loot and make a couple moves and quit my shit... or actually get fired and get my unemployment on ..... haha.... you gots ta buck up and just enjoy makin shit enough to keep goin son... nothin worth havin comes easy...


ill o.g.
I feel a lot of what has been said in this post...

I think the most important thing is to make music you enjoy, all that extra stuff is secondary

also, no one should be relying on music (or a 9-5 job either) to make them wealthy. Do yourself a favour and study wealth and set yourself on the path to true finacial freedom and then the need to be making money from music will become less of a concern

"The Richest Man In Babylon" is a good book to start with

best of luck to all my Illmusic famlay!!!


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
yeah and it can also boil down to the luck you've been given, like a kid living in the country who makes amazing beats hasnt got the oppourtunity like the kid livin next door to P. Diddy or Dame Dash.

i think if you make good beats, then the shit will come to you eventually no matter what.

its the pricks who are exploiting this too much who wont go nowhere - like them dudes on Soundclick who sell beats for $500+ after a month of practice of Fruityloops.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 27
stay focused, stay busy, network and make every time u sit down to make a beat like its your only way to eat whether your gonna sell it or not STAY HUNGRY if you want it bad enough it will happen HARDWORK always will pay off in the long run stay up ill peeeps


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Well, considering im like a muthafuckin robot with this production shit and i couldnt stop even if i wanted to ill be doin it long after my window of opportunity comes flyin by or not....But i have the same dreams, aspirations, and fustrations as Street, and all yall.....I fight the same fuckin questions every day i get home from my shitty job where my boss still dont kno my name and ive been a honest hard workin employee for over a goddam year now!.........What im tryin to say is i feel you Street, and i kno exactly how u feel - but to be honest - I got WAAAAY TO MUCH DRIVE to leave this music thing alone and give up what means the most to me. - I personally have enough determination to make it in this game somehow, and im not gonna give up that easily.



Beat Architects !
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 49
i feel u deuce, im never gona stop. im just being realistic. of course im gona stay determined but im just stating the reality


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Once again, i feel what yer sayin here Street....I mean, hands down - yer one talented producer and artist....youve shown that here numerous times.....And i really do relate - shit!, ask my fiance, i bet shes tired as shit of hearing me grobble about not knowing what to do about persuing my ulitmate goal that would make me truely happy versus working the typical 9-5r.....THats real man - I kno alot of us go through that too....A perfect example of that is yer post here today. I didnt mean u would stop doing this music thing Street - Its obviously a large part of u like it is me....One important thing to hold onto though as that positive thought process though of havin that dream come tru rather than letting it diminish. Basically im jus tryin to say that "Reality is what u make it these days" - Odds are always against us man, they are, they always will be - but dont let that hault u in yer path. I kno it sounds corny - but i truely believe in that saying where u should follow whats in your heart.....Really, what else is there? - Make your own reality dog.