ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
My List
[i shall protect P.gyal - DON'T WORRY, since i'm an angel and all...]
I'll be giving out articles + talkin' to as many people as possible + trying to help wherever i can.
FADE will try to cast some of us - 'ill members' - for his next hardcore porno flick.
RIGOR will be right next to me, talkin' 'bout the deeper meanings of life and other melancholic topics.
MR. MESSENGER shall be :dj: + discussing some interesting topics with those who'd be interested....
MERC will perform live (haloDim material of course) and rock the crowd
HOLMZ will be busy impressing the chicks [in order to SMAAAAAAAAAASH the shit out of them later on LOL] - he's a sportsman after all!
STRESS will be selling pot and other unidentified chemical substances...
FORMANT will be the soundman, wiring all the equipment
COPENHAGEN will be hunting for hot blond girls [at least i think so haha]
FREAK will be the host, with his ultra smooth voice
STREETWIZE will hunt for an emcee to hook up with!
PUG will be walking around, sayin' hello and FINALLY introducing himself to us..
COLD will have a 'man to man' conversation with all the newbies - explaining them what ILLMUZIK is really all about!
DUECE will be handing out free booze!
MANJI will be aiding STRESS with the ULTRA HARD narcotics
KRZY will --------, wait - he will forget to show up!
AFRIQUE is gonna be be busy - with all the fans trying to get his signature, since he has sold million copies of his new LP...
that's about it for now...
Good Day,
tricky spinz said:oh, and there's gyal and it looks like holmz is trying to... :sob: :dance: poor gyal
[i shall protect P.gyal - DON'T WORRY, since i'm an angel and all...]
I'll be giving out articles + talkin' to as many people as possible + trying to help wherever i can.
FADE will try to cast some of us - 'ill members' - for his next hardcore porno flick.
RIGOR will be right next to me, talkin' 'bout the deeper meanings of life and other melancholic topics.
MR. MESSENGER shall be :dj: + discussing some interesting topics with those who'd be interested....
MERC will perform live (haloDim material of course) and rock the crowd
HOLMZ will be busy impressing the chicks [in order to SMAAAAAAAAAASH the shit out of them later on LOL] - he's a sportsman after all!
STRESS will be selling pot and other unidentified chemical substances...
FORMANT will be the soundman, wiring all the equipment
COPENHAGEN will be hunting for hot blond girls [at least i think so haha]
FREAK will be the host, with his ultra smooth voice
STREETWIZE will hunt for an emcee to hook up with!
PUG will be walking around, sayin' hello and FINALLY introducing himself to us..
COLD will have a 'man to man' conversation with all the newbies - explaining them what ILLMUZIK is really all about!
DUECE will be handing out free booze!
MANJI will be aiding STRESS with the ULTRA HARD narcotics
KRZY will --------, wait - he will forget to show up!
AFRIQUE is gonna be be busy - with all the fans trying to get his signature, since he has sold million copies of his new LP...
that's about it for now...
Good Day,