The People Of America


ill o.g.
M!ndCtrl the reason why we disagree is because you can afford to live as an individual.

The problem with race relations in America and why it's so stagnant is because of people like you. I'm not saying you are racist or that you discriminate but you refusal to admit racism still lingers is almost criminal.

White people have to be more responsible than: I'm not a racist.

Racism exists and there are still institutions that thrive off of it. In your studies when ever does Black History in America escape the confines of the civil rights movement and slavery????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Outside of those two era's if you read the history books, black people fell off the face of the earth.

The big wall that nobody can knocked down without getting defensive is that Black people are still at a disadvantage in this country, and white people are still benefiting from practiced racism. Whether you practice racism or not you're are still benefiting from it. Yes, today.

In previous thread you admitted yourself that racism still exists. Where does it go???? Being black it's in my face everyday, and contrary to your beliefs I don't walk around with a chip on my shoulder. I'm just as cordial as MLK or Rosa Parks.

Face it you don't like to here that you are white and that you benefit indirectly from racist practices. It's absurd in your mind to think that a lot of the opportunities you've had in your life wouldn't have occured had your skin color been black.

Every Black person in America is a victim of racism. Do you think me and you have equal opportunities???????????????? You're against affirmative action tooo? You probably think that its outdated and it's wrong that minorities are getting hired over more qualified personel.

Look at it from another perspective. Unless, it's an African-American business. The amount of minorities working almost never exceeds the quota.

I work at a school were the quota is 2 minorities throughout our district 2 is the quota. Every school has one black woman working there, except for mine....................there's an asian lunch lady as well.

Every other school has one minority working there. Hmmmmmmmm. I got a chip on my shoulder though, I have no logical reason to be outraged.

Why do I have to grow up???????? We disagree so I have to grow up??????????????


Posted Up
ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
The problem with race relations in America and why it's so stagnant is because of people like you. I'm not saying you are racist or that you discriminate but you refusal to admit racism still lingers is almost criminal.

I feel sorry for you.

I never said "Racism doesn't exist", but I have been saying that "American is American whether you're Black, White, Asian, Latino..." How do I contribute to the problem of race relations?

I didn't say grow up because we disagree. You have taken something I said and turned it into some bullshit about me being inherently against other races. Grow up.

Do you walk around hating all White people because some of them are racist? Do you look at White people and think about slavery? This is where the chip on your shoulder resides.



ill o.g.
M!nd_Ctrl said:
I feel sorry for you.

I never said "Racism doesn't exist", but I have been saying that "American is American whether you're Black, White, Asian, Latino..." How do I contribute to the problem of race relations?

I didn't say grow up because we disagree. You have taken something I said and turned it into some bullshit about me being inherently against other races. Grow up.

Do you walk around hating all White people because some of them are racist? Do you look at White people and think about slavery? This is where the chip on your shoulder resides.


No I don't hate white people because some of them are racist. Do I look at white people and think about slavery, no. I engage with white people. I laugh with them. I record albums with them. I go to their birthday parties, their kids birthdays.

I never said you were racist. I didn't say you were against other races. I implied that you seem very content with the current racial climate because you are not negatively affected by it.

Do you have a guilty conciousness? When did I say you were racist????

Another problem with any discussion involved with race relations. White people are more concerned with being called a racist then they are at discussing the problem.


The Last B-Boy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
ManDAmyth said:
Another problem with any discussion involved with race relations. White people are more concerned with being called a racist then they are at discussing the problem.

In some cases very very true.

Jus to throw in my 2 cents, the truth is the in the history book you will rarely see anything pertaining to black history unless it involes slavery and civil rights, also u really dont find anything much on hispanic contributions.

I think the point is that in this contry u do have a seperation kind of look at it this was is US history really referred to being the history of Americans (regardless color or creed) there wouldnt be a need for a Black History Class in every college in America or a Latin American History for the matter. But thats not the case in this country the book teaches WHITE History with references to black history that were direct results of White actions.

The shame is that this is our fathers fathers ect generation and we all have to wake up and Realize evey contribution in the making of this country, n im sorry right now the history books dont do that. Would it be fait if there was a White History Class??? No.. So why is itt fair the other way around????

on n duke i did extremely well in history too... So wat does that have to do with anything????? Thats doesn't justify u as right either.

One persons experience doesnt speak for the whole.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
No I don't hate white people because some of them are racist. Do I look at white people and think about slavery, no. I engage with white people. I laugh with them. I record albums with them. I go to their birthday parties, their kids birthdays.

I never said you were racist. I didn't say you were against other races. I implied that you seem very content with the current racial climate because you are not negatively affected by it.

Do you have a guilty conciousness? When did I say you were racist????

Another problem with any discussion involved with race relations. White people are more concerned with being called a racist then they are at discussing the problem.

Here's what's messed up with this country: You think I owe you something just because I'm White. You can go on and say that I'm content with discrimination all you'd like, but it ain't like that. What exactly do you want me to do if I'm so "content"? Do you want me to give you a hug and say I'm sorry?

Sticking with the original topic of this thead, I still say "American is American regardless of race".

This shit is getting stupid.



Posted Up
ill o.g.
classic said:
yea right tell that to the cops, the media and the fucking president.

sorry i tried to stay out of it till you said that.......

Classic that is nothing different from what I said in the earlier posts when shit was on topic still.

You guys just don't get it. It doesn't matter what others think when it comes to Ethnicity. From a sociological perspective there has to be labels.

Seoul originally posted that [White] Americans hold onto the term American like we've been here for millions of years. I wanted to point out that the term American applies to everyone that shares in this country's culture. People just still continue to hold onto other parts of their background too. (i.e. The American who will also tell you about his pride in being a Korean/ a Korean American.)

American is my culture, therefore I am an American. Classic you share in American customs, traditions, etc. Right? Therefore, you are American. Does it matter what other people think in that respect?

I'm sorry life is so hard.

((((ManDAmyth)))) ((((Classic)))) Now do you feel better?



Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
White people have name like Lenny, whereas black people have names like Carl.


ill o.g.
When did I say I owe you something?

Racism still exists and effects people's lives everyday because it doesn't effect you, it's not a problem.

As an American, one who benefits from racist idealogies and practices (ones you may not carry out yourself) you don't feel you should contribute to eradicting the racist institutions that plague American society and continue benefiting from the oppression of others and claim innocence by saying "I don't make the rules."

That's bullshit.

Racism exists to the extent that people allow it.

Do you really think Blacks and Whites are equals in this country????

Once again you are the problem why race relations cannot move forward. You don't allow a dialog to happen. Every post you have regarding race boils down to you defending yourself:

"I'm not a racist; end of discussion."

Once again Black people deal with racism everyday. Why are we stupid or immature or bitter when we decide to no longer bite our toungue???????????

Don't apologize to me. Fight racism. Don't tell me history books properly document American history from anything other than an anglo-saxon perspective.

Don't tell me every newspaper reports happenings in the Black Community as if it's a foreign country.

Don't tell me we're equal. And as long as you go ignoring your duty to eradicating racism because you benefit from its practice indirectly don't tell me you're not a racist because you are allowing it to exist.

And as a black man in America shouldn't I HAVE A CHIP ON MY SHOULDER????????
I live in a racist country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As long as you idly benefit from racist practices even indirectly and do nothing to level the playing field: you are a racist. Maybe not to the extent of Redneck Willy waving the Confederate Flag with a rifle loaded for 'coon hunting, but you are a racist nonetheless.

Sorry if the truth hurts. You can always revert to ignoring everything I said and not explaining how you benefit from a racist society and feel no reason to rid society of racism without being a racist as you insult me for crushing your ideal world in favor of reality.


ill o.g.
^^Chill...the reason that White people doesn't fight racism is because they never had to experience that. They don't THINK about it every 5 minutes like Black people do. As long as Blacks ain't picking cotton they don't see it as a problem.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Bloodybastid said:
^^Chill...the reason that White people doesn't fight racism is because they never had to experience that. They don't THINK about it every 5 minutes like Black people do. As long as Blacks ain't picking cotton they don't see it as a problem.

naw bro,,,as a "white" person(I'm actually a lil beige and I get a helluva tan durin the summer) I see racism for what it truly is,,,a problem with society that will never be fixed. it's like our jackass president fightin terrorism,,,it will always be in one shape or form. You cant escape racism because there is no cure for ignorance.

,,and yes, fuck what shade you are, your still american if ya born here,,,,it just sucks because different co,or americans have different types of rights,,,,unofficially of course!

and if ya dont like it,,,,move to Iraq or sumthin.


ill o.g.
You sure there's no cure for ignorance? I think the cure is to break free of our traditions. The reason racism exists is because people are bound by's ingrained so deep in them that they can't really see their way out of it. In a sense, it's kind of....not their fault. People are just lazy, they don't want to find out about the truth.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
As an American, one who benefits from racist idealogies and practices (ones you may not carry out yourself) you don't feel you should contribute to eradicting the racist institutions that plague American society and continue benefiting from the oppression of others and claim innocence by saying "I don't make the rules."

Sorry if the truth hurts. You can always revert to ignoring everything I said and not explaining how you benefit from a racist society and feel no reason to rid society of racism without being a racist as you insult me for crushing your ideal world in favor of reality.

So your definition of American is "one who benefits from racist ideologies and practices"?
Are you not an American? Bottom line is you're an idiot.

The burden of proof is on you fool so I need a good explanation on how I personally benefit from racism, because this shit just keeps gets more idiotic as we go on. Shouldn't you be hating the leaders of this country and the big business owners that exploit people (even Whites). I have nothing in common with them other than the fact that some of them have White skin. What about P. Diddy or other record company execs, who exploit Blacks. Who are you really fighting?

I don't deny that racism exists, but you have a problem with me simply because it does and that's stupid.

Again, when this thread was on topic I was saying that we are all Americans and share in that title. Lose the hatred, man.
