The OTHER side of GUNS...

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Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
shit up here in alaska its a joke not to have a gun!
theres so much game runnin bout all over, moose, caribou, birds, bears, etc etc...
if you could rake in your food by going out and gettin it fresh, i'm tellin you theres no better way to do it.
usually if you're gonna be goin out for the bigger game, a 3006 or a 3030 is nice to have.. then you need somethin lil like a .22 for ptarmigans, and spruce chickens. maybe a shotgun for geese/ducks
damn yall i'm tellin you though, shootin for sport is one thing, but when you've got some badass meat stocked in your freezer after you go shooting it brings a whole new perspective
it aint just something to enjoy, it'll feed a whole family!

honestly thats

Dont keel awl uh deeyem doh.