The establishment is getting sloppy,,,,,,

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Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Shit, that really is sloppy. I would have assumed they had people in there but...?

Could it have been a deliberate ploy to start some shit? Or did the Russians falsify it to start some shit? There's definitely more to this than what we've heard.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Ooo a passport. Concrete evidence that .. yes sir... They could have gotten that passport anywhere..

Its almost to sloppy.. I have no doubt that the US is involved with that conflict, at the very least it was military advice and arming. I just don't think they would be that stupid to leave a passport lying around.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Ooo a passport. Concrete evidence that .. yes sir... They could have gotten that passport anywhere..

Its almost to sloppy.. I have no doubt that the US is involved with that conflict, at the very least it was military advice and arming. I just don't think they would be that stupid to leave a passport lying around.

thats what I was thinking. "Too sloppy". The question is "why"? We came very close to WW3 and we all know that Russia is assisting Iran in Nuclear energy. The Neo-Con Bush Nazis are running out of time and power. I think they are getting desperate with there black ops tactics. Only time will tell....


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
hehe, thats like the terrorists passport they found on ground zero. either its true, or russians got humor