The Enigma Of the Parallel Sense

DJ Reflex

Turntablist, Producer
ill o.g.
OK! some of yall are gonna get it, and some of yall are just gonna be like "okay then, im scared". U ever had those moments when a word makes you laugh and u dont know why. Not that it has a funny meaning or sounds funny but it just does. Or you know those times u come up wit something really stupid and ur not wuite sure why its sooo funny. To others it may seem like a silly saying, but its not what it is saying or what it is about, but the words and the arrangement and the way it is said and sounds that makes you laugh, NOT WHAT ITS ABOUT!. Admittedly they can be funny on the surface but its that deep down funnyness. Or mayby ur are just trippin. Either way you repeat it for days and it seems like a great response to everything. Well I believe we all have these experiences and here is a short list of some. I have called it The Enigma of the parallel sense beacuse it is an enigma and its seems to unlock some kind of humor in us we dont know we have (i call it the parralel sense (just a dumb ass name that makes its eem more than it is)) Here they are! Add your own if u have any

The Enigma Of The Parrallel Sense!

"You Matter" (insult)
"You are nuclear"
"You ugly peice of matter" (insult)
" How's your mum?"
"non" (french for no)
"Pardon, whum?" ("whum" is a result of what and pardon, a noise produced by posh people trying to say "what" instead of "pardon")
"That would be secretive"
"We need more wheels" (not to do with anything in particular)
"To be the king would be similar to space"
"I'm gone"
"My radiator needs cuddling"
"No reason to get theatrical on my medicine" (taking offense!)
"I stopped without enthusiasm" ( a personal favourite, (how is this possible))
"That was like church"
"Tomorrow was disappointing"
"I... don't... know...?"
"Can I bully you?"
"Stop calling me it!" (to be said in a whining tone)
"You need to accomplish lots"
"Your not supposed to hear I'm listening"
"I know more than I can do"
"Did you look under the past tense?"
"Do you find life tiresome?"
"My head feels full of cheese"
"Can you climb over that ditch?"
"Where's De Blieck?"
"Pass them around like a tree"

(the only acception to thinking not about what they are saying is when they are a normal saying that doesn't make any sense) Dont try to understand just say it loud randomly and all will make sense!

DJ Reflex

Turntablist, Producer
ill o.g.
haha! Formant 024! funny man! haha! and Mike Labz!
it aint sarcasm anyway thats another ball game! haha!
ball game! lol

DJ Reflex

Turntablist, Producer
ill o.g.
haha! dang we all have these moments!


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
terribly beautyfull
indefinit maybe

i would also like to refer to Monty Phyton's "Agatha Christy" Sketch and " The man who speaks in anagrams ", lol!