The DaVinci Code

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
well, like my grandfather used to say,"You don't have to believe in every religeon, but as long as you believe in SOMETHING, you'll be just fine."

.....dam, i miss him. He would of loved the Da Vinci Code. He was a devout Roman catholic parishiner, but he was open to other possibilities, that was pretty cool considerin he was an old scholler from Italy!! lol

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i think that "belief in something" is good in the sense of the things that a spiritual walk can give a person- a sense of worth, a sense of purpose, peace of mind, etc. depending on what religion you are.

thing is, we can not all be right. maybe we are all wrong; we can not all be right though, and if there is hell, and heaven, and jesus didnt really marry mary (pun was coincidental, lol) and really did give up his own spirit for our sins, and if we really are forgiven and given that gift of eternity through his sacrifice, and if people really will go to hell if they reject that gift, then.........

insert various other belief systems in there.... we can not all be right. belief in something may get yuo through certain life struggles, but beyond that, in death..... we dont know, wont know, cant know, until we die.

as devout of a believer in christ as i am, there is always a factor of "what if", and this book is essentially that- a "what if". another way to tell the story- but who knows.

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
dont you think its as believable as the bible? ... that "faith" your talkin bout is FAITH IN MAN... not faith in god... to believe in the bible you have to have faith in man...

anyways... i aint tryin to start no shit but i do wanna say this...

we can not all be right is an understatement... we could NEVER be right about what god is or wants... it not understandable by man... and no man is closer to god than any other... so when peeps in whatever religion are busy deciding what it is and what we have to do to obey god... its all bullshit...

whats wrong with just admitting you can never know shit about god .. things would run alot smoother in this world... religion is gonna be mans destruction for sho...


ill o.g.
well i dont know for others religion but for christian it works like this: we beleive in god, that jesus is god incarnate in a human body to pay the price and that the bible is the word of god. Our whole beleif system is based on that. So for me to be wrong, i need proof that these things are wrong.

the only faith we have in men is faith that on are own we will always screw up. so for shure were never gonna be totally right or sure about anything on this earth or world, but we beleive in something higher that does.

So the thing is, if im wrong and that ttheres is no god, jesus was never god coming down on earth and was knocking boots with mary, jane, jill or who ever and that the bible is nothing more than a book written and inspired by men...thats the end of the story. No biggy

But if im right....

You feel what im saying?

gram green said:
dont you think its as believable as the bible? ... that "faith" your talkin bout is FAITH IN MAN... not faith in god... to believe in the bible you have to have faith in man...

anyways... i aint tryin to start no shit but i do wanna say this...

we can not all be right is an understatement... we could NEVER be right about what god is or wants... it not understandable by man... and no man is closer to god than any other... so when peeps in whatever religion are busy deciding what it is and what we have to do to obey god... its all bullshit...

whats wrong with just admitting you can never know shit about god .. things would run alot smoother in this world... religion is gonna be mans destruction for sho...

Craig Gantt

Microphone Violator
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
well, you gave a basic summary of what i was about to say, and then i check out that site and that pretty much gives the same things i was about to say.

now, my only response is this:

NO MATTER WHAT, there will always be something abuot EVERYTHING- be it the bible, the da vinci code book, the illuminati, the whole free mason thing, hell even your girl. no matter how much "evidence" someone has, scientific or otherwise, everything has secrets that we will never know.

thus, it takes just as much faith to believe in the da vinci code as it does to believe in the bible- regardless of someones "research". as far as "historical fact" in anything, let us not forget that much of this depends on who is telling the tale, who is giving the message, who wrote the book, what their own motives were, etc.

it all comes down to... gasp.. faith.

thats it; i dont care what info someone gathered, how "accurate" is, it all takes a measure of faith to believe in because we werent there. end of story for me anyways..
word, real talk

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
well, gram- lol we'll keep it peaceful- is that regardless of it being fasith in man or god, it is still faith, no?


ill o.g.
might aswell

Well lets all agree that we all have faith in our favorite man God ( illmusik)
hey maybe we could pass this as an industry talk thread and send it to him lol

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
word up... its all faith, i guess im sayin faith in a "higher power" is aight, but faith in man is crazy retarded.... as far as the bible, it aint the word of god, it aint even the words of jesus, its all words of man... my opinion... dont damn me to hell yall

BUT ... anyone who does hold the bible as the word of GOD... read laviticus and holla back... cause that shit is ill and crazy...

IE: if your son is rebellious, take his ass to the center of town and stone him to death, also it says if your wife is on the rag, you should put her ass in a cave till shes done bleeding....

just a thought


ill o.g.
A text without a context is a pretext

Leviticus 20 1-9 does seem harsh when taken alone but i wouldnt discuss that stuff here thought. Thats a Surefire way of getting into some unneeded theological battle.

but i respect were you coming from with this. the pivotal point in this is the bible. essentially if we both thought the bible was the word of god or if we both beleived it wasnt, then we would agree.

Wooooow boy now. did we steers totally of the thread subject or what :p

gram green said:
word up... its all faith, i guess im sayin faith in a "higher power" is aight, but faith in man is crazy retarded.... as far as the bible, it aint the word of god, it aint even the words of jesus, its all words of man... my opinion... dont damn me to hell yall

BUT ... anyone who does hold the bible as the word of GOD... read laviticus and holla back... cause that shit is ill and crazy...

IE: if your son is rebellious, take his ass to the center of town and stone him to death, also it says if your wife is on the rag, you should put her ass in a cave till shes done bleeding....

just a thought