The big hate intro



Hello all-

I am a hiphop/triphop/heroin jazz producer who's currently working on semi-professional projects in the Burbank/Hollywood area. My gear consists of:

1. Akai S5000 (completely blown out)
2. Akai MPC 60
3. Emu MP7
4. Crumar analog synth
5. Reason 2.5
6. a host of other VST intruments (mostly synths)

I am a vast wealth of knowledge when it comes to sound design and sampling; (as you can see, I do like samplers!) I also used to work for one of the larger music intrument chains in the US, so I can usually answer a lot of your gear technical questions too. Don't let the name fool you, I'm not here to hate on you, just the status quo... (Well, unless you are the status quo...)

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
heroin jazz is mellow, depressed and very melancholic jazz.
One of the great redemptive post-heroin jazz albums is John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme".


Heh heh-

Hey Wings, we might have to show these cats something. I'm loving that Coltrane album, but honestly, my favorite Coltrane is definitely Alice... (The piano tugs at the heart...)

Fade: I use mostly the S5000. Most of my other gear sits collecting dust, with the exception of the analog synth. While I do have the software, it just don't beat the raw feeling of hardware. (I do occasionaly stick some 12 bit MPC flair up in there... I need a faster i-net service 'cause I want to post some ish!)

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
"Hey Wings, we might have to show these cats something. I'm loving that Coltrane album, but honestly, my favorite Coltrane is definitely Alice... (The piano tugs at the heart...)" - word, i have most of her albums! ;)


Formant- I have the Spirit, and it's definitely thick. (Serial number 00017)

I'm actually now looking to add either a Prophet 5 or Waldorf to my setup, and just recently got loaned a SixTrack by Sequential Circuts. I like the analog stuff for thick pad sounds- I just can't get the same character from software.


whats up Haterade,this is RandomKaos I be makin those insane underground hip hop neck brace beats.If yur lookin for someone to calbo i down cuz i got low low budget equipment,but i still be programmin the sickness,or if u got any sounds u wanna slang hit me up ill be wondering around here.Latez