Terror Squad - Lean Back = Song of the Summer


ill o.g.
i had wrote some long ass shit earlier but it didnt let me post so imma make it short now... like i said on my earlier posts is it right latinos to say it.. prolly NOT... but i know fuckin 40 year old rican cats that say the word and it aint cause they r copyin the hip hop culture classic so u can stop gassin ya head up... they came up in the slums and grew up usin the same slang thats my point... i know the lead guitarist from skyy whos rican and its in jersey city now and he prolly like almost 50 and says the shit.. mind u in front of his grown black friends... thats my point, he grew up in bk... yall can take it how u want it and be politically correct im just postin my opinion cause yall hatin on joey.. he prolly wont be missed but i know pun will, beanuts will and charlie chaze was in it since the beginnin.. aint no one down playin the black struggle but as far hispanics not strugglin ur crazy...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Yall proven ya points but lets just say it like this,,,the Term is ignorant no matter how old ya are,,,no matter what color ya are,,,and no matter what Culture you are part of or around! Nobody needs to be usin that word. Even as a term of inderment. The Hip Hop culture has mad colorful language and always took bad words and made them positive. (Not bad meaning, bad, but Bad meaning GOOD!,,,There it is!) But there's a FUCKED up history that comes with that word and it aint just a "word". If words were just words I would never of become an MC,,,ya feel me? We should just leave it at that and get back to the subject of the thread!


ill o.g.
Being African American is the bottom of the totem pole as far as Black people world wide. Afican's ,Caribbean’s, Afro Cubans etc... all look down upon us because of the stereotypes that are perpetuated threw our communities. They also feel they are better than us because of there culture identity. Many of them feel that we are lazy and don’t take the opportunities that are given to us living in the U.S, Basically they have the same sterotypical view of black americnas that many whites have had in the past.
There has been many times when Africans he treated me worse than white people

Class, being in the D.C. area you know the Africans have taken over D.C!! In my profession which is for the government I see them first hand when they enter the country and years later when they become citizens, all I'll say is I used to work with INS, and what you say is very true!!! MY ex girlfriend is a wealthy African pharmacists, she said her first yr. in America she sat a goal for herself, and that was to be a millionaire in 20 yrs of coming here, she is almost there, and she is 34 and have been here 12 years!!! One of the things that make them look down to African Americans is we've been here damn near longer than any other minority and have no wealth as whole race. We are in the land of true opportunity and have not taken it as a whole to uplift our community. I know for a fact white, Asians, Indians, are not smarter than the Black race as a whole, but have more education and wealth as us. Through a translator my girl's father and me would have discussions on how to unite the African and African American communities, one of our problems as Black Americans is identity, when one bro in the hood is perceived to be doing well, he is hated on by the have nots, cause they want to be identified like him, nice car, nice clothes, nice jewelry, nice house, when they can't they become jealous, if we had more knowledge(which was kept from us in slavery) of self we wouldn't worry over trivial things, just try to take care of the community, and give the babies the right way to live!! Africans look at us as a lost people who have had their values, religion, customs taken from them, and are almost barbaric people killing each other for stupid shit, in closing this long ass post nobody'll probably read, Mr. D. as I used to call him, asked if I knew what region I came from and if I'd like to go with him to Africa, I said I don't know where my ancestors came from he said, " that's o.k. you are still a man"!!!


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
***my 2 cents****

First of all mark if I offended u in any way It was unintentional

mArkoFdAbEaTz said:
but i know fuckin 40 year old rican cats that say the word and it aint cause they r copyin the hip hop culture classic so u can stop gassin ya head up... .
Whoa there nephew, no need to start getting offended.
I’ll say this….. Hispanic’s weren’t calling each others or blacks “ni**ga before the late 70’s early 80’s. That’s proof that the use of the word was an emulation of Black American culture hip hop culture. They started saying it when hip hop became popular.
I know im right on this one.
Plus,w ho said that coming from the slums or hood gives someone permission to use that word???? So should I let an irsih kid from the slum’s of Dublin call me that just because we share the same social economic background?????
mArkoFdAbEaTz said:
aint no one down playing the black struggle but as far hispanics not strugglin ur crazy...
I never said that hispanic’s don’t struggle in this country. Historically every immigrating minority has struggled in this country and Hispanics are no different. I have seen this first hand growing up in florida where there is a large Cuban population.

But…. Here is where the stuggle differs. Latino’s as a whole are much more successful in the US because they are far more likey to be assimilated and accepted by the white mainstream then blacks. That’s a simple and true fact. The same assimilation has happened with Italian Americans as well as Irish Americans. Black Americans have had it a lot harded because of historical and cultural complications. Plus we are the only minority group in this country that has been here for more the 300 years.
mArkoFdAbEaTz said:
i know the lead guitarist from skyy whos rican and its in jersey city now and he prolly like almost 50 and says the shit.. mind u in front of his grown black friends...
that’s him and his friends and I respect that. Im just trying to get u to see that that is an isolated situation. Also as I stated I think it has a lot to do with the region where you located. Casue straight up. That shit will Not fly down here!!!.

Basically it comes down to this. When I said that people are using the N-word are copying hip hop culture I didn’t mean consciously. I know that your Rican homeboys grew up in the ghetto’s next to black’s so it was accepted. But never the less hispianic culture began to mirror and emulates black youths culture in America especially when hip hop came around. Probolly cause they were in the same area going threw the same things. But like u said it still doesn’t make it right or acceptable.

Again im not tryin to beef. Im just stateing my opionion. U can take it or leave it



ill o.g.
classic said:
First of all mark if I offended u in any way It was unintentional

Whoa there nephew, no need to start getting offended.
I’ll say this….. Hispanic’s weren’t calling each others or blacks “ni**ga before the late 70’s early 80’s. That’s proof that the use of the word was an emulation of Black American culture hip hop culture. They started saying it when hip hop became popular.
I know im right on this one.
Plus,w ho said that coming from the slums or hood gives someone permission to use that word???? So should I let an irsih kid from the slum’s of Dublin call me that just because we share the same social economic background?????

I never said that hispanic’s don’t struggle in this country. Historically every immigrating minority has struggled in this country and Hispanics are no different. I have seen this first hand growing up in florida where there is a large Cuban population.

But…. Here is where the stuggle differs. Latino’s as a whole are much more successful in the US because they are far more likey to be assimilated and accepted by the white mainstream then blacks. That’s a simple and true fact. The same assimilation has happened with Italian Americans as well as Irish Americans. Black Americans have had it a lot harded because of historical and cultural complications. Plus we are the only minority group in this country that has been here for more the 300 years.

that’s him and his friends and I respect that. Im just trying to get u to see that that is an isolated situation. Also as I stated I think it has a lot to do with the region where you located. Casue straight up. That shit will Not fly down here!!!.

Basically it comes down to this. When I said that people are using the N-word are copying hip hop culture I didn’t mean consciously. I know that your Rican homeboys grew up in the ghetto’s next to black’s so it was accepted. But never the less hispianic culture began to mirror and emulates black youths culture in America especially when hip hop came around. Probolly cause they were in the same area going threw the same things. But like u said it still doesn’t make it right or acceptable.

Again im not tryin to beef. Im just stateing my opionion. U can take it or leave it


I'm not gettin offended but I said it from the start.... if I was raised in the south damn right I I prolly wouldn't be sayin it but I got accustomed to sayin from my own boys callin me that from a young age... yall wanna get all deep about it like people don't know where the word came from and don't show respect...my whole point was on how u was brought up whether whatever race... like I said way up prolly in my second post that I been calmin down with it cause I'm older now and got more sense and I just don't think like I used to...but take a little poll and hit ur local pjs and come to find out how many non blacks say the word...that was my point as to why fat joe uses the word...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
mArkoFdAbEaTz said:
i had wrote some long ass shit earlier but it didnt let me post so imma make it short now... like i said on my earlier posts is it right latinos to say it.. prolly NOT... but i know fuckin 40 year old rican cats that say the word and it aint cause they r copyin the hip hop culture classic so u can stop gassin ya head up... they came up in the slums and grew up usin the same slang thats my point... i know the lead guitarist from skyy whos rican and its in jersey city now and he prolly like almost 50 and says the shit.. mind u in front of his grown black friends... thats my point, he grew up in bk... yall can take it how u want it and be politically correct im just postin my opinion cause yall hatin on joey.. he prolly wont be missed but i know pun will, beanuts will and charlie chaze was in it since the beginnin.. aint no one down playin the black struggle but as far hispanics not strugglin ur crazy...

