Swine flu


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
I'm getting more and more concerned everyday.

Anyone else freaked out?


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Our muslim brothers had it right the whole time.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
hey look another pandemic invented by the government.

funny how like about a month, maybe less, ago I read about some poor bastard who was being paid under the table and administered vaccines to transport confidential shit across new york state.

dude had like 5 cop cars in an envoy and 3 ghost cars in front/behind that.

geee. connect teh dots!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
It's all about money and control.

Ok so no more pork for me.

With all these food flus going around... I should become a vegetarian. Then they'll be a soy and tofu flu...LOL

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
lol... its just a name... but bacteria and viruses are real... i only eat chicken, turkey, and fish anyway... once in awhile i'll go to Mickey's, BK, Wendy's or Whitey's, but on a whole, beef is rare in my diet, and pork is super rarer... i'll eat a slice of pepperoni pizza... thats the only known pork i eat.

1st order of operations: cook ur meat till its well done... fuck that medium rare bs... and DONT eat sushi... um... unless its ur favorite girl...hehe

da relic


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Fair enough, each to his own.
Flu is a virus and you get it from living creatures, that's all I'm saying.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
this does look serious. But so did SARS,,,so we'll see. Supposedly we are more prepared to handle a pandemic. I guess (unfortunately) we will have to see....

I try to stay away from pork. I cut it out of my daily diet to the point that peperoni pizza gives me an upset stomach. I stay wit the Vitamin C tabs. Wlamrt has em $6 for a 100 bottle at 1000MGs. Cant hurt.


The Moose With The Most.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
This thread just isn't processing for me. Pig is God's gift to the world. Bacon, ham, pork chops, pork filets, crackling... Jesus, it's just about the most useful creature ever to live.

That being said, it can keep it's god damn flu.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
You cant get the flu from eating pork.
so they say....but you could surely get the "birds flu" from eating chicken and "mad cow" from eating beef...I wonder what makes pork so different? I think I know...most whites are not gonna stop eating pork just like most blacks are not gonna stop eating chicken because of some "bird flu"....(just trippin right about now) lol
Great another engineered virus for the world to be scared of, be afraid be very afraid.
Or just get on with life and hope for the best.
I know what Im going to be doing.
After west nile, sars, bird flu, I think Ill take my chances.
The flu virus lives inside the chest, nose and sinus's, its not transmittable by eating.
As we dont eat those parts of the meat, and cooking pretty much kills the flu virus anyway.
Its not the same as mad cow disease in that respect as the variant cjd virus(mad cow in humans) survives the cooking process.

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