Studio Monitors


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Your better off waiting and saving up money to buy a more expensive but better set of monitors

Second that emotion
You really should...

I third that motion.

This is what is really considered "low end"

Those are Mackie HR824s. You can find them for around $800 a pair if you search right. That's bottom of the barrel monitors that I would realistically mix on for an album.

There is no such thing as a "real" monitor in the price range you described. You are better off buying a high end set of Harmon/Kardon or JBL speakers that you'd hook up to your stereo system than the shit they try to sell the masses as "low-end monitors."

Real monitors don't come with a separate "sub-woofer" box. Seriously. Save up some money-- monitors are one of the most important parts of your studio. They have to be good because you are making mixing judgments off the way a monitor interprets audio. It has to be a good reference signal, and that doesn't come cheap.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
^^ recommend B&W DM601's or DM602's, we've got em b'd next to the 1031a's but i recommend a good amp too, nad or something.


ill o.g.
Real monitors don't come with a separate "sub-woofer" box. Seriously. Save up some money-- monitors are one of the most important parts of your studio. They have to be good because you are making mixing judgments off the way a monitor interprets audio. It has to be a good reference signal, and that doesn't come cheap.

I just bought a pair of rokit 5s, but are you telling me that they aren't accurate? I'm sure the quality could be improved by purchasing more expensive speakers, but the reference signal should be the same, and a decent mix should be possible. If I do buy the sub, then I could dedicate the 5's to just the higher frequencies, which they should inherently be fine at, and the quality would greatly improve. Do explain further, and correct me where I'm wrong. Thanks God hahah

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
its about knowing ur monitors weaknesses and having multiple sources to ab with. equipment isnt nessecarily evrything although it will save u alot time. The best low end solution imo is to get an amp and a set of passive avantone mixcubes to go along with whatever monitors u use. the mixcubes are cheap and they do a really good job of showing you how ur track will sound on lower fidelity systems. If ur mix sounds balanced in you monitors and the avantones, then chances are it will decent almost evrywhere else. I plan to get some after hearing from our engineer how he used them on our mixes to get them sounding right on ipods and car systems. I was sold.

ALL low end monitors have glaring weaknesses. I personally like the yamaha hs80ms because they have a strong midrange where most low end monitors have a really weak midrange and instead have an huge low end and high end so they "sound better", but the truth is when u play them in ur car they sound like shit and ur vocals sound weak as fuc. I used to rock tapco s8's .. those monitors "sounded" awesome but they translated like shit for real. in the whip i would have way too much bass and my hh would sound loud and annoying and my vocal would always be too low or too loud becuase the mid range was so unfocused. I found the krks to have similar charcteristics. the yamahas have a shitty high end but the midrange is pretty dope. I can get the vocal to sit right and even hear little nuances in the vocals that i couldnt hear with my previous monitors at all. low end is tough to nail on any budget monitor even with a sub. u have to learn ur speaker well. Its easy to go overboard and have too much bass. The other thing u have to take into consideration is that nobody listens to music on flat systems. most people have the "bass boost" on "10"and the treble all the way up lol. So having ur monitors quaking from the bass while ur track is playing is typically not a good look on an ipod. and you will blow the woofer on ur boys car.

Good translation>>>>Good "Sound".


ill o.g.
I have the krk Rp5 and the Rp10 sub....

I loved them but my setup wasn't calibrated with a spl meter and also the acoustics of my basement is crap.I kind of regret not bying the RP8.

So bottom line is...get your acoustics right and then invest in some good 8 inch monitors, cause subwoofers only bring more problems than anything else...

I heard good things about the BlueSky Mediadesk 2.1 (8 " woofer)