streaming trouble

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tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
yo, recently i've been having trouble streaming the soundclick files and i dunno why. at first i thought maybe it was just soundclick acting up. but it's the same thing again today. absolutely nothing.

so then i thought maybe soundclick was having big problems because i can stream other stuff. like, the old Beat This beats work fine. but i had my friend try the soundclick links and they work fine for him.

so i thought maybe my files were bad but i can open them using quicktime so that rules that out.

Then i remembered, that the new iTunes version just came out and it updated itself. and now i'm having problems. so does maybe soundclick encode the file in a way iTunes doesnt read or something? i can dl the stream. then i can open it with iTunes. but when i try to play it a little window pops up that says reading stream like usual, and then usually the song plays.d but the window pops up, goes away, and then nothing. no sound, no nothing. the song wont play. and its not a music problem. like, the song doesnt even play period. the bar doesnt advance, so its not that it plays and i cant hear it.

is anyone else having this same problem with the new itunes version??? it's really fucking annoying. thanks for any help


ill o.g.
Sorry man, I am usually the techie round these parts, itunes not area of support but I believe soundclick changed the rules to only those with premium pages can stream the music files on the site to the outside.
And usually itunes is Mac and streaming usuallly means a windows format and we all know that Win and Mac dont like each other too well. But I maybe wrong let us see what someone else has to say first.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
i dunno krzy. like, it used to work. i used to be able to stream files all the time off of soundclick. and i can still stream the files off here at illmuzik. and my friend who isnt even a soundclick member was streaming fine. so i dunno. theres gotta be something else wrong i think


Yo Holmzini, I merged your question into this thread as it seems you're not the only with streaming trouble in connection with iTunes. Hopefully, you'll both get your answers.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
yo holmz, it's not all streaming stuff. its really only the stuff off of soundclick. can any moderator on here tell me what file format your streaming audio is in? because i can stream the old beat this beats off of here but not the soundclick beats. SO, my guess is that soundclick uses some format that the new itunes doesn't read. but it really doesn't make sense...maybe if i can get in touch with support i can find out whats going on.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Tricky, the file format here is plain ol' MP3. Maybe it could be that Soundclick uses a certain code to stream their files through a database. That's why there's tons of jibberish in the Soundclick links when you click on it to stream. Maybe iTunes doesn't recognize it for some reason.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
yea, that could be. the old version of itunes used to read it fine though. that's the weird thing. so i dunno what they changed that it no longer reads the code. i think i'll email support and ask what the problem is. because iTunes radio still works fine, so some streaming works fine. alright, well, holmz, if i get any word from apple or figure out if theres anything to do to fix it, i'll drop you a line.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
ok, i have yet to get in touch with apple because i dont even know if they have a support email address. but, someone else suggested a temporary solution to me. for everyone running OSX as i am guessing everyone is, just set the Original iTunes which runs under OS 9(you can find it in the OS 9 app. folder) as the default player for streaming audio files. this is a temporary fix and at least allows you to listen to the available beats. i realize its inconvenient. but unless i can contact apple and they are willing to make a patch or ANOTHER UPDATE, i think this is our only recourse. so thats it...hope this proves satisfactory at least for a while.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
wait, jewel, what did you do? i'm gonna need a little more description than, delete every file you have. lol. so give me a step by step if you would please. and what OS are you working on as well? thanks for the fix.