Sony PSP Street art


ill o.g.
Have you all seen these stencils around the city? To me they depict a very sad state of affairs. Young kids with their eyes glazed over playing with PSP's like they were skateboards, rocking horses, ball & paddles, lollipops ect. Are we supposed to make the connection that kids no longer partake in activates that require imagination and exercise? That the healthy pastimes of children are now replaced by passive mind numbing games? That our children are all plugged in and hypnotized by whatever messages Sony wishes to send them. I actually thought that was the point a clever graf artist was trying to make until I found out the ads were paid for by Sony. Here is an article about it that mainly deals with people being pissed that Sony is trying to use counterculture to market, but I think the message they are sending is more deserving of an outcry.,1284,69741,00.html?tw=rss.TOP


  • sonypsp.jpg
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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
I feel sorry for sony in a way they seem to be getting it wrong from all angles, but its all their own fault so..


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Whoa, they PAID for that? i dont see how that is positive marketing. That depicts them brainwashing children. Even worse is.. we're buying into it.

The Bastard

the fact that they are trying to inject marketing into an artform that has been kept pure until now makes me sick, if i ever see that shit im def goin over it

Mike Skyllz

I seen that around here in Miami Beach too thats sad.I cant believe Sony would use vandalism as a form of advertising.What is the world coming to?I love my PSP and all but man thats just pure brainwash to children.