Sonar 4 - MP3 Encoder

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
What is this? Everytime I try and do the mixdown(File->Export->Audio) and hit Export, it comes up with an error saying that "The MP3 encoder must be unlocked before use. Please visit to upgrade a previous encoder, or to purchase a new encoder." Help would be cool.

Also, is the MP3 encoder necessary to have or is there another way to save my mix down as a MP3?


willing vic to the music
ill o.g.
oh man its so deep but here it goes:

this is Seoul's problem here:


1. I clicked the link provivde by Al
2. Clicked on using LAME
3. Clicked on Download the source code (CVS, .tar and source RPMS available)
4. Clicked on Click here for lame3.96.1.tar.gz
5. Clicked on Download lame-3.96.1.tar.gz (the first one that comes up)
6. Chose a mirror
7. When it was done downloading, I opened it up into Sonar 4 and it says that it isn't compatitble with this version of Sonar

Help please.

Also, I'm just wondering, can I save my project in Sonar as a .wav and then import it into a program like Cool Edit Pro 2 to save my project as a .mp3? Would the quality of my project go down?

Here was the answer:

Have you installed the profile as described in the earlier link posted by Craig Anderton (Sonar guru), this is essential, viz:

"However, you CAN add a profile for LAME so that it shows up as one of your export options. Here's what you do (this assumes you have LAME installed on your machine somewhere).

1. Insert the Sonar 4 distribution CD-ROM into your drive.
2. Don't autorun. Instead, explore the CD.
3. Open the folder called Utilities.
4. Open the folder External Encoder Profiles.
5. Double-click on any of the encoder options you want to add (e.g., LAME MP3 High Quality Stereo.reg).
6. You'll be asked if you want to add this information to the registry. Tremble in fear for a bit because you're adding something to the registry, then click on Yes. You'll be informed that it was added successfully.
7. Go Program Files > Cakewalk > Shared Utilities.
8. Double-click on the EncoderConfig.exe program.
9. In the "Friendly Name" field, select the Profile you want (e.g., LAME MP3 High Quality Stereo)
10. Under Path, enter the path to the LAME encoder folder installed on your computer in place of the default path.
11. Double-check that you've entered the correct path, then click on Save. This is important!! Otherwise Sonar won't be able to launch the encoder.
12. Click on Close to close the External Encoder Config.
13. Now, open Sonar. When you go to Export Audio, any of the profiles you configured will show up as an export option."

but he doesnt have the set disk so i guess he may have a problem till he get to just curious as to why it goes str8 to MP3 shit i get a wav file then i do my do.hmmm....