Some new heat.


Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 171
Yoo guys,

Just made this piece i kinda like it so deceided i dropped it for others to enjoy. Tell me what you think about it. Most sounds are from hardware synthesizers. Novation basstation anda yeah blofeld synthesizer desktop.
Nothing here yet.

Hope you guys enjoy leave a comment tell me what you think. Most of all enjoy and thank you for your time.


Yeah noticed it on the soundwave no drum peaks... Hmmm lets see if i can fix that..
Turn every channel down except the drums, turn the kick and snare up until they are peaking round -6db. Then add the bassline, which should sit just under the kick volume wise, then add the other channels making sure to keep the drums and bassline up front and center.


Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 171
Turn every channel down except the drums, turn the kick and snare up until they are peaking round -6db. Then add the bassline, which should sit just under the kick volume wise, then add the other channels making sure to keep the drums and bassline up front and center.

Hey thanks for the tip.. Somehow my drums where around -12 db right now im putting them volume higher.. made the 808's somewhat harder aswel


Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 171
Hey thanks for the tip.. Somehow my drums where around -12 db right now im putting them volume higher.. made the 808's somewhat harder aswel
Turn every channel down except the drums, turn the kick and snare up until they are peaking round -6db. Then add the bassline, which should sit just under the kick volume wise, then add the other channels making sure to keep the drums and bassline up front and center.

Can't change the version on illmuzik right now. Made the drums harder you can see it clearly on the waveform aswel. Maybe a little too hard but hey i like fat drumz.
Thanks 2 good. Appreciate it man. Thanks for the tips again man was busy making this beat all night long didnt even take a break so i couldnt even hear the drums where too low on volume.
same thing happens to me all the time, after spending hours on a beat its easy for the ear fatigue to make your ears lie to you. I often rush to upload a beat I just finished without taking a break to let my ears reset only to hate it when I hear it after my ears have rested.


Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 171
same thing happens to me all the time, after spending hours on a beat its easy for the ear fatigue to make your ears lie to you. I often rush to upload a beat I just finished without taking a break to let my ears reset only to hate it when I hear it after my ears have rested.

Yeah same here 2 good ... Ear fatigue thats the right word for it. Can't hear anymore whats bad about a beat afther listening to it for too long..



Can't change the version on illmuzik right now. Made the drums harder you can see it clearly on the waveform aswel. Maybe a little too hard but hey i like fat drumz.

Gemakkelijk om hier tussendoor ff in het Nederlands te kunnen praten
Versie waar de drums meer tot zen recht komt is dope man ;)
Eerste ding dak van u check, en klinkt wel nice

Sterk werk!



Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 171
Gemakkelijk om hier tussendoor ff in het Nederlands te kunnen praten
Versie waar de drums meer tot zen recht komt is dope man ;)
Eerste ding dak van u check, en klinkt wel nice

Sterk werk!

Thanks man ik doe me best.. Alleen ja ik vind nogsteeds me muziek te zacht ofzo in vergelijking met andere producties maarja ik vind deze beat wel ze recht hebben in zn momenten ik ben nu bezig met verschillende projecten man.. Ben net verhuisd probeer all me apparatuur weer aan elkaar te zetten enzo.. Die nummer is wel tof maar ik vind het raar dat de Ill muzik version wel een gaafer intro heeft als de beat begint dan die waar de drums hard klinken of soundcloud..