Sole Element - Silk Smooth

I hear the smooth groove, however something is off / out? The hats seem to be elsewhere in places. I can’t pinpoint which but I’d say those hats are throwing me and the best off.
Fix them up and it should all be in groove and silky smooth (y)

Sole Element

Battle Points: 1
Thanks. When you say the hats do you mean the volume? Or the rhythm? If it’s The rhythm it’s more of a offbeat preference. The volume I probably wouldn’t touch either cause I like them to stick out on this one. Just wondering so I can see if I’m missing anything, but I’m stuck in my ways on this one lol
Yeah, it's the rhythm for me. Cool if that's your preference just for me it's a little too offbeat.

Again man, preference is preference. As I've had recent conversations around, all feedback is preferential otherwise, we'd all be the same, like the same shit and produce the same shit.
