so wrong


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
You just KNOW when you can trust someone. I've been knowing cats for years and still don't trust them to certain points. The problem is you can't expect someone to be totally truthful with you because truth hurts at some points in life and sometimes a lil lie smooths shit out. I dont know the actual problem you face...just droppin some jewels thats all. STAY ^^^ PG.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
If my communication with someone leads me to believe we are like-minded I can trust them right away. But as soon as I start seeing gaps in communication I can't trust them. Like Skid said, I got friends that go way back that I will always have a guard up for because I know how they are.

Everyone has a little hater in them.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
i think it depends on how well they know themselves and how honest they are with themselves. how well do they trust you? it is very difficult to trust people who have "trust issues". when it really comes down to it, i constantly test people by trusting them and observing the results. the longer i know them the more i entrust in them to do what they like with. i do, however, only get screwed over once. once someone gives themselves up as a fool then i let them go and consider myself lucky to find them out before they take anymore of my time.

time is very important

DJ Xsinna

The Big Bang-BINO
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 43
You know sis, it's like I've told you before, it's like loving's a risk. What you should ask yourself is "I'm I willing to take the risk?" Remember, if you put your faith in PEOPLE and you will be let down every single time. You know of whom you should be putting your trust in. Are you willing to do that? Your time is coming. You can't see it but it is. Don't waste valuable time going over hurt. Make the most of your time, sharpen your skills or find a different intrest. Do whatever it takes to get you closer to your dream, your destiny.

You only have ONE life to live and the clock is ticking. Yes, life is wrong sometimes if not most times. It's like that for everybody. However, that should never be a reason to just give up on people or your dreams. It's not how you start it's how you finish. Stay encouraged, stay around positive people and change your mindset. I speak success into your life PG. You can and you will make it!!! Believe that. I sure do!! :)


dj ShorTbuS

Cold Get Retarded
ill o.g.
I feel pretty lucky because I have 3 friends that I've known since I was about 6 or 7 years old. We still talk regularly and hang out all the time and I know without a doubt I could trust either one of these guys with anything. I haven't run into too many people in my life that can really say that. And then theres also my family which I know I could trust as well. On the flipside of that, I also have some "friends" that I have known for a while that I wouldnt trust with anything. So i think its just a matter of how comfortable you are with someone. I'm sure whatever the problem is you'll get through it PGyal


IllMuzik First Lady
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 182
aww thank you for giving me your imput on this.

Not that im going through something in particular, but thanks to "facebook" It's just crazy to see how horrible some people really turned out to be. I think it would be ignorant to think that somebody you once considered your best friend would never turn her or his back on you.

the internet can really f*ck people.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
the internet can really f*ck people.
don't blame the internet man.. If someone is trustable (don't know if that is an existing word:p) it takes less time to trust him, if someone is untrustable it'll take forever.. I think it also depends on what you've gone through with that person.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Sup PG.. if you are going thru difficult social times , i'm right with you. Caught my attention that you gauge trustability in the time frame of years (i.e. "How many years till trust"). Personally, I don't think I can completely ever trust anyone. I don't feel like its possible anymore. I can go into this for days but basically I'm a Misanthrope due to people constantly proving that trust doesn't exist in the same world as envy.

Lazy Eyes

The Beat Konduktah
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
I have to be down with Sanova on this one.. I always explain it like this: Every individual is selfish in some degree, some more then others.. But when it all goes down, the only one you can fully trust is yourself and your blood, ( brothers, sister and your parents )... The rest will always do what suits them best at that given point..

U don't have to agree, but this is how I see the world..


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I dont trust facebook, its owned by the former CIA director..

Anyway everybody here more or less is right, you cant trust anybody %1000 always, but you know you just lern who you can trust what with lil by lil, when they start blowin it, then you know you cant trust em any further than that.
A good process shouldnt take years to do, more like months. It all about getting to know people.
Nobody is %100 all the time.


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
i think were very likely to project our own expectations onto others. whenever i got disappointed, i came to realise later on, that people basically just behaved as they had always done, but you tend to suppress it, until trust gets tested.
to speak metaphorically, getting along is easy during sunshine. it needs rain to figure out, whether someone is going to share their umbrella with you. this situation may take a long time to come.
its as you say, sad but a part of it.
ill keep on reaching out, because the precious friendships i have gained this way, weigh more than the letdowns. no regrets, period

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
i think were very likely to project our own expectations onto others. whenever i got disappointed, i came to realise later on, that people basically just behaved as they had always done, but you tend to suppress it, until trust gets tested.
to speak metaphorically, getting along is easy during sunshine. it needs rain to figure out, whether someone is going to share their umbrella with you. this situation may take a long time to come.
its as you say, sad but a part of it.
ill keep on reaching out, because the precious friendships i have gained this way, weigh more than the letdowns. no regrets, period

well said man ... as i get older its easier to see how people conveintly pop in and out of ur life based on your circumstances, and how people, even cats u knew since u were little can be so fake and shallow.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
Yeah, You Can Only Trust People To Be Who They Are...and If You Know How A Individual Is Then Play It By The Books Yo. I Trust My Third Eye, My Kids, My Dad, My Sis, My Lil Cousins, I Even Trust My Girlfriend (trust That She Will Hit My Ass Up On Payday For Shopping Money. Lol) But I try to give cats the benifit of the doubt though whenever possible.


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Trust? As everyone else said, you can't trust others 100%. But when you show vulnerability- you get some rewards (like being in love.) But, when the relationship is done, the trust seemed stupid, didn't it? It's tough...

I'm pretty sure your friend showed signs of envy or whatever it is she/he did before they acted upon it. You just didn't read it off them. Things people say and how they act around speak volumes - even if they are trying to hide something.

Whenever you hear somebody say something like a subversive joke at your expense, or something that "cuts you down" but is said in an off-hand "inoffensive" way (you've heard stuff like that) are signs that there's something going on underneath. You need to be more aware of people's actions and what they let slip in conversations as well.

Some of the best readers of people are not the "educated" social-ed majors, but hustlers that grew up on the streets. They are people that understand that actions mean a lot more than words. Also, they are more attuned to undercurrents in people's statements - it's a survival tactic that is honed over the years.

Try to sharpen your instincts and read a little better into people to see them the way they truly are. An example is someone you know that may call you up all the time, say they're a great "friend" but rarely visit you. You visit them more than they ever do. That's where actions speak louder than words.

Reassess your relationships and try to grasp what they REALLY are, not how you WANT them to be.

Once you understand how to trust your natural instincts better (that gut-feeling) and honing your people-reading skills, it's like you're in the fucking matrix. You see things a little differently, and that new "view" actually helps you be a better person.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
this is very pessimistic of me to say but Keep your hopes low so you aren't disappointed when things go awry.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Trust? As everyone else said, you can't trust others 100%. But when you show vulnerability- you get some rewards (like being in love.) But, when the relationship is done, the trust seemed stupid, didn't it? It's tough...

I'm pretty sure your friend showed signs of envy or whatever it is she/he did before they acted upon it. You just didn't read it off them. Things people say and how they act around speak volumes - even if they are trying to hide something.

Whenever you hear somebody say something like a subversive joke at your expense, or something that "cuts you down" but is said in an off-hand "inoffensive" way (you've heard stuff like that) are signs that there's something going on underneath. You need to be more aware of people's actions and what they let slip in conversations as well.

Some of the best readers of people are not the "educated" social-ed majors, but hustlers that grew up on the streets. They are people that understand that actions mean a lot more than words. Also, they are more attuned to undercurrents in people's statements - it's a survival tactic that is honed over the years.

Try to sharpen your instincts and read a little better into people to see them the way they truly are. An example is someone you know that may call you up all the time, say they're a great "friend" but rarely visit you. You visit them more than they ever do. That's where actions speak louder than words.

Reassess your relationships and try to grasp what they REALLY are, not how you WANT them to be.

Once you understand how to trust your natural instincts better (that gut-feeling) and honing your people-reading skills, it's like you're in the fucking matrix. You see things a little differently, and that new "view" actually helps you be a better person.

beautifully put!!

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