Showcase - September 23-29, 2019

  • beat this! voting starts in...
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Marc Duncan

The Black Man
Battle Points: 3
I made this beat during midnight to the morning. I really like it, going for a boom bap feeling mixed with my sixties influence. There are strings and solid drums not in the sense they are strong but have a good steady rhythm. Enjoy it and thanks for listening.

Try to switch it up here or there otherwise it will get boring.

Marc Duncan

The Black Man
Battle Points: 3

Thanks Mark for the tip, I really was trying to make something more consistent. At which moment do you think the beat was getting boring or stale?
At the midpoint. Try removing the drums at some points as a sort of "break time" or removing the kick or snare, whichever you think is right.


RB Productions
Battle Points: 17

At the midpoint. Try removing the drums at some points as a sort of "break time" or removing the kick or snare, whichever you think is right.

Sounds like it can turn in to a decent beat, just needs a little mixing, put sounds were they need to be, bit other then that it has a decent vibe..
Battle Points: 87
New to the forum and loving it so far,

Sometimes I add vocals to the beats to validate them...Don't Judge o_O

Really liking the vibe and selection of sounds here, just wish the drums had a bit more punch to them, I'm sure some parallel compression would fix that tho!


The beat sounds okay to me. It's of a higher quality than anything I'm producing at the moment. The chord progression loop is simple which isn't what I'd go for but, it works and that's what people usually go for; simplicity. In response, I'll share one of the first instrumentals I created,The Progression. This beat doesn't have cool drums like yours but, the instrumental is displays how much I know about music theory. The drums might be unimpressive but, the constant switching of parallel scales does put my knowledge of music theory on display. As a beginner, this instrumental is a means of conveying what I'm capable of doing quickly. have better sounding instrumentals but, I don't have access to them at the moment. If you want to hear a simpler beat of my creation, here is keeping it simple. This is the instrumental that everyone seems to like when I show it to them in person; people really like simpler music. My beat, the progression doesn't get as much love as keeping it simple. Your beat is cool, what do you think of mine?


This is one of my beats that took me to Round 3 #Warzone Battles
Fly Away
What can i do to improve... Any Criticsm welcome...Don't hold back

I feel like the whole track was just an intro building up to something that never came.... I would have left it how it is for the first 4/8 bars that had the drums come in HARD.....with a different snare and a harder hitting kick, maybe an 808?

Xpert Bandit

I wasn't sure what to do with this sample. I was just so excited to use it. This may be the worst beat I have on deck. I have A LOT better!
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