Showcase - March 21-27, 2016

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Legitness Productions
@Klypse .Walk The Line. really good. I like the melody to the sample, Good pick. Also the brass instruments are good too, but changing the pitch of the vocals could be left alone, it's totally up to you though. But I just find the high pitch vocals get sort of annoying after a while (that goes for all high pitch vocal samples ppl do and is a personal preference of mine) but other than that. it is a really good track and made me want to freestyle right away. I really Love the melody.


Battle Points: 8

brother.... "walk the line is dope... that hook got me feelin' a way. At first I wasn't really feelin the verse with the sample filtered out... but on second thought.... with a grimey emcee on there, i think it'll be a perfect fit. Leave a lot of room for the vocals, let the words do their thing, then hit 'em with the horns.

I know where I want to go with this one.... but a lot has to be done vocally/mixwise.... for now.... here's the skeleton.

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