Showcase - January 4-10, 2016

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Battle Points: 128
@tomkillsjerry Well done here - nice leads and transitions. Also the mix is very clean. I have found that the Native Instruments sounds are extremely clear and high quality - they really do help with mixing. Are these what you are using?

For this i used Guitar rig for some of the 80s style leads and the plucked delay intro. and for the chorus im layering 3 guitar parts i mic'd an AC30 with a tube screamer then a lead tone in guitar rig with another mic'd ac30 layer for width. Massive is the sub bass with waves max bass and LP filter set at 200hz and side chained it to the kick. then i have a subtle horn thats barley audible under a sylenth patch. transient master for the drums which are parallel processed pretty much just some ny style compression with some slight saturation. thats pretty much it.
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