Sample EQing


ill o.g.
Yo, I was just wondering if there was a way to EQ a sample, so that the vocals will separate from the instruments. If so which frequencies should I alter, and what kind of equalizer should I use.


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
This is a very old question. If u want to try and eq them out u will also eq some of the other instruments aswell which will take away the essence of the sample so there is really no way of doing it without taking away from the sample aswell.

ill o.g.
Try to cut the low end out, and the low-mids. Most vocals on samples dont live in these frequencies ranges. Everyone has the preference, so just experiment until you find the sweet spot.

Oh yeah, try a paragraphic or parametric EQ, these usual have all or most of the frequency ranges (31Hz to 16KHz). If you have a hardware mixer with sweepable mids (Knobs for the Low and High Mid range frequencies) you can run your sample through it and see how it soundz.
ill o.g.
No problem, good luck.


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100

THE VOCAL ELEMINATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA

I tried this plug in... it's pure comedy. All you're left with is sub bass. Try to EQ that an you got a hot mess! But try it if you can find it.