Sammy Sosa: Self-Hate Colorism In the Spotlight


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
The question - Why do whites go get tans?

The answer - Because subconciously you know that eventually everybody is gonna be "of color" and black is beautiful. You also know that Noah is a descendant of the black race. 2 white people cant have a baby of color but 2 black people can have a "white" albino baby. At one time, white people didnt except blacks at all. As blacks made their stand for equal rights, white folks began to sympathize, emphathize and slowly started understanding black folks. Meanwhile, blacks did whatever they could to survive...stealing, robbing and whatever. Eventually white folks even excepted that. White folks labeled blacks as cool but still cant be trusted. Finally whites saw that being labeled "bad" was cool and started tanning to "appear" black, dancing like blacks, hooking up the rides like blacks, listening to hip hop like blacks, and your last and greatest accomplishment...your white girls started getting @$$e$ like black girls. So there you have it...The first on the planet were of color and the last will be also.

I dont mean to offend anyone so direct all hater responses to SKIDROW!

peace kings,



Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
LOL, if thats the concept that gets you through the night then cool.. lol

I will agree on lots of that statement, but white people trying to get tan because they think that the world will be darker one day isnt true.... lol

It comes down to the fact as we all look better with some color.

Funny though cause all the brothers LOVE to jump on the tan thing with much fervor.
I will agree with black is beautiful, but not all black people are...(whoopi just aint on the outside pretty)

Noah is a descendant of the black race:....... Who isnt?And I really could care less, that wasnt the important part of the story lol.

2 white people cant have a baby of color: Depends on your defination of whats white and whats not, and weirder shit has happened.

2 black people can have a "white" albino baby: Who cant? Why dont we see more Asian albinos eh?

At one time, white people didnt except blacks at all...: Your absolutely right, but we cant speak for every single person on earth, just in general concept there.

As blacks made their stand for equal rights, white folks began to sympathize, empathize and slowly started understanding black folks: Hmmmm, well Im betting there were some do gooder white folks who didnt even understand black folks who were trying to stand for them first.
In fact LOTS of those people who considered themselves "Christians" and wanted to free black folks in america that lived up north didnt really know shit about Africans to begin with....Still dont. THEN when those same freed people moved into their neighborhoods , THEY moved out.. lol Cra-zee.... But beyond that, yes , there are and have always been white people who wish to be "down" but not so down as to REALLY stand beside you when their "lifestyle"
is on the line. In fact I could prolly go on all day on that part of your post but I wouldnt be telling you shit as much as affirming it. lol

Meanwhile, blacks did whatever they could to survive...stealing, robbing and whatever.: Well, I dont DISAGREE with this, however it doesnt make it right in society. I mean I been there done that and it didnt have jack to do with race it had everything to do with nothing to eat that day. Im sure the bros. that robbed your studio dont get a pass cuz they may have been black (which I dont know if they were but you see what Im saying).

White folks labeled blacks as cool but still cant be trusted.: This is still very true to this day, Ill expand on that with the fact that black folks feel this very same way about themselves and actually whites are PROLLY MORE likely to trust black folks in the middle class areas then other black people are (Im speaking for my area here and my observations)

Finally whites saw that being labeled "bad" was cool: First black people arent "BAD" thats the damn problem I was saying in the first place. .. Your not, its just all young people wanna be "bad" regardless,.I dont know why black folks are labled bad see my post earlier, its wicked ..
lol There are an ASS of evil as FUCK white people we could follow if that was the goal... The REAL problem here , to me, is that black folks think that being "bad" is cool. You know the joke Dac, we give a bigger reception to cats gettin out of jail than those that graduate..right?

started tanning to "appear" black: LOL, its really not that, which was the point of my last post lol, however I will leave open the fact that its possible.. But all us crackas here prolly aint trying to , to appear black. Like I say ... Im pale. If I was a wanna be , hell Ida been trying. lol, Hell I need to , to increase vitamin D in my skin. But I feel you though!

dancing like blacks: I dont see this as a bad thing.. You seen white people who cant dance? lol.

hooking up the rides like blacks: May be right there, but you know dudes like hooking up their rides I see that as something people can get together on.Personally my car stays dirty and pretty much stock, sadly. lol, I need to get on point.

listening to hip hop like blacks,: here you have insulted me and lots of people, but I undersatnd where your coming from. HOWEVER BRA, let us not forget that puertoricans (sp, drunk) are absolutely HALF of creating hiphop. In fact Latinos get slept on for that in general, it was hand in hand. I think beyond white people giving them money..and studios...and venues(they filled) and radio ...and shit.. we had the Beastie Boys(do jews count? Hell they own all of it now so why not?) HIPHOP dude is colorless unless we are discussin g those who piss us off, believe I AM pro black haha so DONT tred on me when it comes to this music, we can hate the listeners or w/e you want but hiphop is in its true form transcending racism in its real base.

your white girls started getting @$$e$ like black girls: cooool if that were more prevalent I wouldnt have to keep fuckin sistas! lol, nah man but you know that its a result of Mickey D's! Lemme ask you this... I catch more shit in looks from black dudes lookin at me and my black wife, they wanna bang erthang, and specially white chicks as if they are the end all be all of pussy, I dont really care if they do or dont, but can you let up on white cats who love , and I mean actually really LOVE they black women.. As in , not just here to fuck you but Ima be here if you get maimed or catch cancer rest of my life shit... That seems like an alien concept. I mean shit... my bitches wasnt gonna fuck yo(not you dac just a general "your") ass anyway. Go find some ugly white broad, thats what cats seem to love to fuckin want anyway. lol
Aint my bz ness and I dont care. She'd be YOUR (again a general "your" not you Dac ) problem.

Fire back.
(disclaimer.. was drinking whilst posting thoughts)


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Hey Skid, I know its FLOW and not with me, this is payback remember?

Back to Relic - Do the research, there is some statistic out there that says "at the current rate of mix breeding, the entire world will be "of color by the year blah, blah, blah...and a white person is saying it.

We're not talking about black as a race but black as a got it twisted.

What made Noah an important part is - Noah and his family were the only survivors of the white, no asian, no latino's...and this fact takes care of the times you mentioned asians and ricans.

2 whites cant have a black baby depends on whats white and whats not - this too is evolving as we speak but not long ago...everthing that wasnt 100% white was either black or mixed which is still viewed as being black.

At one time, white people didnt except blacks at all...: Your absolutely right, but we cant speak for every single person on earth, just in general concept there. - Youre statement is contradicting itself within said I was absolutely right BUT...there is no "absolutely right" followed by "but".

In fact LOTS of those people who considered themselves "Christians" and wanted to free black folks in america that lived up north didnt really know shit about Africans to begin with....Still dont. THEN when those same freed people moved into their neighborhoods , THEY moved out. - This is where it gets tricky to understand - Back in the old days, great grandma took fresh meat to the smokehouse. She prepared the meat by covering it with salt. Salt protected the meat from bacteria and germs. Yet the meat didnt take on the characteristics of the salt. Same principle...whites are the meat, blacks are the salt...whites said we can live together but we cant live like blacks which caused a problem so whites moved.

I mean I been there done that and it didnt have jack to do with race it had everything to do with nothing to eat that day. Im sure the bros. that robbed your studio dont get a pass cuz they may have been black (which I dont know if they were but you see what Im saying). Yes I understand...the 1st part of this statement is VERY important. I dont know of a way to explain something that Ive lived all my life to someone who has wanted to understand all theirs...lets look at it in reverse, you could tell me what its like to be white until you are blue in the face but I could NEVER truely understand it without living it....its imposible. See its not the most important things of being black that anyone nonblack would have trouble with, its the little things in life as a black that really makes it imposible to understand unless youve lived it...for example...I may encounter 50 acts of racism in my life and explain each one in detail...that will give you a understandable idea of what its like to be black and face racism...however, you will never know or understand fully, without knowing how it felt when you overheard your mom on the phone telling her girlfriend that your moms boss called her a nigger today at work, you will never know how it fells when your grandma comes home and just wants to relax because she was mentally beat down by a white man that she doesnt even know. This is only 2 of a kazillion examples of how imposible it is to know w/o being black.

PART 2 tomorrow...



Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Hey Skid, I know its FLOW and not with me, this is payback remember?

Back to Relic - Do the research, there is some statistic out there that says "at the current rate of mix breeding, the entire world will be "of color by the year blah, blah, blah...and a white person is saying it.

We're not talking about black as a race but black as a got it twisted.

What made Noah an important part is - Noah and his family were the only survivors of the white, no asian, no latino's...and this fact takes care of the times you mentioned asians and ricans.

2 whites cant have a black baby depends on whats white and whats not - this too is evolving as we speak but not long ago...everthing that wasnt 100% white was either black or mixed which is still viewed as being black.

At one time, white people didnt except blacks at all...: Your absolutely right, but we cant speak for every single person on earth, just in general concept there. - Youre statement is contradicting itself within said I was absolutely right BUT...there is no "absolutely right" followed by "but".

In fact LOTS of those people who considered themselves "Christians" and wanted to free black folks in america that lived up north didnt really know shit about Africans to begin with....Still dont. THEN when those same freed people moved into their neighborhoods , THEY moved out. - This is where it gets tricky to understand - Back in the old days, great grandma took fresh meat to the smokehouse. She prepared the meat by covering it with salt. Salt protected the meat from bacteria and germs. Yet the meat didnt take on the characteristics of the salt. Same principle...whites are the meat, blacks are the salt...whites said we can live together but we cant live like blacks which caused a problem so whites moved.

I mean I been there done that and it didnt have jack to do with race it had everything to do with nothing to eat that day. Im sure the bros. that robbed your studio dont get a pass cuz they may have been black (which I dont know if they were but you see what Im saying). Yes I understand...the 1st part of this statement is VERY important. I dont know of a way to explain something that Ive lived all my life to someone who has wanted to understand all theirs...lets look at it in reverse, you could tell me what its like to be white until you are blue in the face but I could NEVER truely understand it without living it....its imposible. See its not the most important things of being black that anyone nonblack would have trouble with, its the little things in life as a black that really makes it imposible to understand unless youve lived it...for example...I may encounter 50 acts of racism in my life and explain each one in detail...that will give you a understandable idea of what its like to be black and face racism...however, you will never know or understand fully, without knowing how it felt when you overheard your mom on the phone telling her girlfriend that your moms boss called her a nigger today at work, you will never know how it fells when your grandma comes home and just wants to relax because she was mentally beat down by a white man that she doesnt even know. This is only 2 of a kazillion examples of how imposible it is to know w/o being black.

PART 2 tomorrow...


LOL, I know you though, at least well enough to say that no matter even if I agreed with everything you said you would then go back and argue oppositte of everything you said just to argue with me. lol

I dont need people to tell me about what its like to be them, shit that was 101 back when I was a teen we had all those talks and discussions.
its funny because you act as if I gave a shit if the whole world turns brown or not, shit my grand daughter is mixed and the fact that she is is about the least important thing to me in relation to her. lol

The truth is on this continenet everybody is going to be latino by 2032, including you and yours! lol

btw the race of noah still isnt important to me, maybe to you but not me.

Im glad your happy that 2 white people cant make black babies, it really doesnt effect me whether we make green ones.

You CAN say "your right but", it happens all the time.

the meat thing doesnt make any sense to me as a parable and I got my entire perspective on what I said from Malcolm X so I dont know why your arguing against that lol.

You act like I dunno. Racism sucks on all levels, but all I was saying ultimately is be yourself and dont lighten yourself or darken yourself thinking that you will get ahead this way.
No beer today so I dont have the fuel to argue about stuff we agree on anymore.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Yes you do know me. If and when ish hits the fan, we are all in the same boat. I hate racism with a passion but its all childish in my world. There are a few cats on here that I feel know me better than others, you, LDB, Chrono and Chris (thedreampolice), I think Fade knows my steez a little more than most cats eventhough we havent really talked personally, he knows that Im pro-Illmuzik for sure. There are a couple of others...anyway my point is each of you should know that Im all about positivity in the end.

That said...F@#& all you %#@#&^!, nuffin but lub!


PS-Relic where are my tags from 2yrs ago? lol


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I dont know why in the 21st century shit is still like this, but then Im sorta naive about shit sometimes,

Your just evolving. Like most of society. People are starting to realize it's mostly about this paper. And letting something like RACE get in the way of paper and anything else for that matter is dumb.

Society is getting wise.

We're all the same when it comes down to it. We all want the same things. We want peace and security. And we are learning to stop letting race get in the way of attaining that.

Why would someone let RACE get in the way of getting paid?

Cuz their dumb.

Why would someone let Race get in the way of scoring some awesome budussy?

Cuz their dumb.

Why would someone let RACE get in the way of eating some good ethic foods?

Cuz their dumb.

Fukn with people's money is the fastest was to educate them. That is why America needed this financial collapse. So people can get motivated to get smart and see a bigger picture.


ill o.g.
lol thats what i'm saying...those who equate being lite as being more attractive got some serious issues sun...for real. It all stems from the mental conditioning we go thru in this society..."angels are white which is a symbol of good, pure things...while dark is considered negative as in tales of black cats, black friday, etc...even in the bible the pale horse represented death mufuckas...(not getting excited...i'm just saying)



Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I hate all yall

Niggers, Spics, Honkeys, Gooks, Wops, Kikes....

Just kidding.... WHO really cares about what Sammy Sosa does to himself? People get so tied in on what other people do....DO YOU! The more attention you give people, the more likely others will follow in their footsteps.... Sheesh..


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
I hate all yall

Niggers, Spics, Honkeys, Gooks, Wops, Kikes....

Just kidding.... WHO really cares about what Sammy Sosa does to himself? People get so tied in on what other people do....DO YOU! The more attention you give people, the more likely others will follow in their footsteps.... Sheesh..
Nigga dont act like you wont caught off guard by this....but that what happens...people do stupid shit to make you talk about they ass....naw at the end of the day I know you dont"give a fuck" but damn! dude (sammy) still needs to be dissed about this...thats like cosmetic surgery...people can do as they please with their own body...but when its all over and you look even more cant expect people to not give you shit...everyone talked shit about Mike so Sammy aint gettin no pass over here...but at the end of the day Sucio...I'm just like you...I "really" dont give two shits...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Nigga dont act like you wont caught off guard by this....but that what happens...people do stupid shit to make you talk about they ass....naw at the end of the day I know you dont"give a fuck" but damn! dude (sammy) still needs to be dissed about this...thats like cosmetic surgery...people can do as they please with their own body...but when its all over and you look even more cant expect people to not give you shit...everyone talked shit about Mike so Sammy aint gettin no pass over here...but at the end of the day Sucio...I'm just like you...I "really" dont give two shits...

See we think alike. Exactly why the next time Im in the Cap, Im looking you up and we gotta hit the spots. NC rep'n n hure!




Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Nigga dont act like you wont caught off guard by this....but that what happens...people do stupid shit to make you talk about they ass....naw at the end of the day I know you dont"give a fuck" but damn! dude (sammy) still needs to be dissed about this...thats like cosmetic surgery...people can do as they please with their own body...but when its all over and you look even more cant expect people to not give you shit...everyone talked shit about Mike so Sammy aint gettin no pass over here...but at the end of the day Sucio...I'm just like you...I "really" dont give two shits...

I didn't expect it but wasn't shocked by it, either. Some "has beens" tend to become huge attention whores. And I'm at that point where I really don't address it anymore... It's the publicity they are thirsty for...and I'm not the one to feed them.....