Ron Paul is a Racist

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
The turning point on the Rodney King rally for justice was when they announced that the cops were not guilty! They didn't just decide to start tearing up ish, it was because of that decision. At that point, there was no justice and the rioting began. Same thing happened when Martin L. King was killed, they were peacefully ralling and after getting shot, people went bananas. So in both cases, the oppressed said enough at the time that justice turned its back on them. Those that were stealing couches and ish was a result of a bad thing getting worse, since everything was on fire, they decided that a new couch in the crib would be better than letting it burn on the street. Yes we all are oppressed to a degree but as with everything else there is a tolerance level, some are more oppressed than others, you can believe that the oppressed people who lived up in the hills didn't do a thing but think of a way of keeping their ish safe.

I still like his views overall compared to the rest of the candidates but this turned me off too. All of them say one thing to get a vote but end up doing something else , so nowadays you don't know what you're getting until it's basically too late. I think that impeachment should be used more frequently for no other reason than making these mofo's keep their word and do what they say.


word. I definitely feel you. I remember the riots. I'm 32 so I stay tuned to the news way back when to see what was goin down. (damn I'm showin age) . I know they didn't riot after the video tape. I should have been more clear. Either way, we all agree that regardless of what views from the aftermath, the original incident should have stuck in more politicians mind. Fuckin corrupt ass system.

As for oppression, I'm wit ya on that. Everyone gets there fair share and unfortunately more then others.

@ Sincock:

Universal Health Care in the US would be disastrous. Yeah we have the worst health system. No doubt. But look at what I said originally. "Too much government in my life". I don't want to be dependant on the US to give me health care. Maybe I'm old school, but I would rather work for what I have. Those who can't work for it should be taken care of, of course. But look at the government here, they would make sure you have your appointments set. They are paying the bill. What if you don't go. I was reading Clinton's health care plan. I don't no fuckin mandatory visits! I go when I please. Trust me, some dirty politician would be lookin at a way to fuckin give someone a fine for not going on time. It would be like parking tickets. I see where this would be going. Good idea, but I'm an individual.

And I still don't think Ron Paul is a racist. Like 2 said, he was going by statistics. And lets all agree, many of those statistics ain't the truth. But, we all entitled to our opinions. Thats why this country is so great. But, for someone that has been publicly stating since the 80's that we need more leaders to like Ghandi and Dr King to fight for peace and Liberty doesn't sound like a racist.


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Please Inform Sincock again how the country is great Stress, I get the feeling he wants us all dead.
Or at minimum licking Aussy boot heels.

Seriously couldn't be further from the truth.

If you want to talk about Aussie politics you'll hear a lot more extreme opinions from me on how fucked things are and have been there. Look at the little arsehole that just got voted out, (John Howard), he couldn't have been more up Bush's arse if he tried. That's humiliating when your country's leaders have no backbone like that.

I'll say it again, I don't hate you at all. I don't see what I've said that would give you that impression. I think I'm entitled to be critical of your country's foreign policy, (which sucks and has since WWII), and government. I don't get those things confused with the people like you seem to have. I'm not so stupid or ignorant that I can't see the difference. Australia's government has done a lot of things that I hope people wouldn't judge me by; so why would I do the same.

Don't get so defensive.


I haven't seen what Clinton's proposal was but what you are describing would suck. I know the sort of people you have in government and that may be the case; BUT universal health care is not like that anywhere else. In Australia, England, Canada, France etc you can see whatever doctor you like whenever you like and it's paid for by your taxes. It just ensures that everyone gets a decent standard of health care and no it doesn't mean you're gonna get huge taxes. Look at the shit your taxes are paying for now; how much does the US blow on military expenditure etc? A lot more than it would cost to get a decent health system. You know it's cause too many people are making lots of money out of the way things are now is the only reason it is like it is. A lot of the objections I've heard are just scare tactics IMO.


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
I agree that alot of what stress has stated regarding healthcare is scare tactics, but when they are already sending parents to jail in the us for not getting their children 'immunised' and thats with the current system, I can understand the hesitation.

Shit, I did not know that. Bit ridiculous - I can understand the hesitation to an extent but..... to dismiss an idea out of hand like that is not necessary IMO. Not being able to trust your gov is one thing, healthcare another.

Obviously what's really needed is armed insurrection: I'll start one here in China; you guys start over there and we can meet in the middle. Are you with me?


Pressure Makes Diamonds
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
Most black people didn't just wake up one day and decide to be the low life's of the world. We were labeled that way before we ever broke any law! We were brought to this country like savages. Back any animal into a corner and refuse to let it out and see if it doesn't try to inflect bodily injury on you by any means necessary!

Once slaves were free'd the powers that b changed there focus to "if we can't use them to serve us anymore let's stamp them out"! That has been there goal every since. They labeled us "savages" from day one and now that some are adopting that title it'll just give them the "ammo" to do to us what they will! EXTERMINATION! GENOCIDE!

great post


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
yeah.....Obama '08....even if he is a direct descendant of "tricky dick" "put a bullet in ya azz" Channey! lmao


7th Angel of Armageddon
ill o.g.
how can you not see the racist overtones in that article? that's 'class a' race baiting on the level of your more known right wing pro's like limbaugh.

i don't see why the gov't would be telling you when and if you can see a doctor.

up here you can choose whoever you want, the problem is the waiting lists for specialists, for broke folks like me, it is what it is, but for those that can afford to spend some cash, they lose the opportunity to legally grease some palms to shorten the amount of time to see a specialist. there might be some changes to that, but people are wary of the motives of the present right wing gov't.


Pressure Makes Diamonds
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
i forgot to mention my opinion on dr. paul. i am not white, powerful, land-owner, so I really have no business supporting him!

(knee jerk)
On Ron Pauls defence, he is a devout constitutionalist. The constitution grants americans the things they take for granted, things like the right to defend your property, and the right for reasonable cause when being picked on by police. The right to bear arms if you so wish. The right to a free democratic vote(lol, yeah really). And Ron Paul is anti federal reserve too, and will abolish it, that is the greatest thing i think he could do. Its a private company with no allegiance to americans, with allegiance to the crowned heads of europe. Ron Pauls greatest defence is that he is very strongly for the constitution, where as everyone else isnt. Lose the constitution lose your freedoms its that simple. The big question is, is Ron Paul the man that could save america, after reading the original post, Im not so sure now. Maybe its not such a good idea to have a single figurehead leader, the power goes to their heads and fucks up the program. I say fuck presidencies and prime ministerships, we need advisory boards with no single leadership figures. You will still get corruption, just not such ultimate corruption. I suppose you will just get a band of equally crazed nutters running things then. Its in our human nature, we are self destructive by nature I dont think that can be helped.
"We are all doomed" - said with scottish accent.